this is a private devotion and not part of any doctrine . The first day of Lent is always Ash Wednesday, in which we use ashes on our forehead in the shape of a cross to remember our own mortality and begin our journey of penance. These practices are disciplinary in nature and often more effective if they are continuous, i.e., kept on Sundays as well. Family Faith Formation. Those that are excused from fast and abstinence outside the age limits include the physically or mentally ill including individuals suffering from chronic illnesses such as diabetes. St. Patrick's Church-Binghamton. Since repentance is necessary for salvation, so are the acts which manifest repentance (Luke 13:1-9; Acts 26:28). Below is a simple table of Rosary mysteries and days the Rosary is prayed during ordinary time: The Catholic Rosary prayers beautifully accompany the various seasons within the Church year. The soul which recommends itself to me by the recitation of the rosary, Wednesday, February 22, 2023 - Thursday, April 6, 2023. So grateful for the Hallow app! All Fridays during Lent. That is the best preparation for the celebration of the greatest act of Love in history. He descended to the dead. if (IsOver) { navR.className = tRHandle; Our Lady of The Rosary Cathedral. --> var navL = document.getElementById("SAW_SideNav_ID" + NavCount + "_Left"); Lenten Schedule (2) | Holy Rosary Catholic Church The Holy Rosary has been credited with healing broken people, suspending natural law, and finding peaceful solutions to conflicts throughout our history.