I would have to demand that such a contract, if it does exist, be placed into evidence, so that I may contest it, but surely, this court is not operating under an Admiralty Jurisdiction. Contact Us He did not know what it meant. This account is used to hold funds that are owed to you, such as tax refunds, Social Security payments, or other government benefits. We will cover this more later. This is the argument we use in court: Pull down funds from TDA through pass through account. (The names on tombstones in cemeteries are in all-caps.). 8. Always! The government and the courts treat strawmen as if they are real people, even though they are not. Thank you. PUBLIC LAW V. PUBLIC POLICY To my knowledge this private agreement between you and your agent in commerce is effected to ensure that you indemnify the public against any damage you, as the living [being], make against any member of the public as they operate only under limited liability insurance and therefore are at risk to damage by your day to day activities. Methods of Claiming Your Straw Man The CESTUI QUE VIE Trust Freedom From Servitude If You Are Not Willing To Learn, No One Can Help You. The government set up a colorable law system to fit the colorable currency. A Master Account is the record of financial rights and obligations of an Account Holder and the Administrative Reserve Bank (or any other Reserve Bank maintaining a Master Account identified in Operating Circular 1) with respect to each other, where opening, intraday and closing balances are determined.A Master Account is identified by a Primary nine-digit Routing Transit . If you want to understand this fully, go to a law library and photocopy these two sections from the UCC. if you want to earn coins from coin master enter here https://goodfile.cc/e454d96. America is a bankrupt nation it is owned completely by its creditors. Q: Why is it important to access my Master Strawman Account? There is no fee to access your master strawman account. You can access your account anytime, anywhere there is an internet connection. Successful_Bus_8612 2 yr. ago. citizen to make sure you know you are no longer dealing with the enslaved strawman or a federal citizen with limited rights, you now have the real common law flesh and blood sovereign citizen in front of you. This is done by creating multiple fake accounts which all support the same idea. Lets see how we got under this Statutory Jurisdiction. 03/2023, 21 How To Say I Miss You In Italian A contract requires transparency and agreement of the parties involved. What Was the U.S. Role in the Slaughter of 44 Filipino Special Ops Police? does this also work in South America? Do I need my original birth certificate. In essence, a Strawman Account is a dummy account that is created in your name by the government. Email ca bn s khng c hin th cng khai. Basically, you take ownership of your Birth Certificate using UCC-1, and then use that as authority to create a discharge Bond. There are many benefits to having a master strawman account. Four different kinds of cryptocurrencies you should know. UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE A straw man is also a person of no means, or one who deliberately accepts a liability or other monetary responsibility without the resources to fulfill it, usually to shield another party. BMR Medical Imaging Center Specialized in providing medical information and documents at home and abroad. Your email address will not be published. They know that if your name appears in all capital letters, its not really your name. Then the record will show that this action against ___(Straw Man Name)___ is a criminal action, is that right? Filing a UCC1 Financing Statement is the filing of a legal document into the public as evidence of you regaining control over your Agent in commerce, your strawman. When you see Without Prejudice UCC 1-308 in connection with your signature, you are saying: I reserve my right not to be compelled to perform under any contract, commercial agreement or bankruptcy that I did not enter knowingly , voluntarily , and intentionally . In essence, a Strawman Account is a dummy account that is created in your name by the government. Email us at services@areweallreallyeducated.com Dismiss. I again thank you for your timely responses. Your best bet is to walk into a bank and speak to a bank rep on the Private side of the bank to get real information. 2 How to #Authenitcate and Own Yourself, As #Slave #Massa Now You're Not Connected To The #Dollar As #Debtor, You Are No Longer At #Sea!!!! hello When you use Federal Reserve Notes instead of silver dollars, is it voluntary? PRINT NAME is simply defined as writing your name in CAPITAL LETTERS! Maybe it looks like a dollar, and maybe it spends like a dollar, but if it is not redeemable for lawful money (silver or gold) it is colorable. If a Federal Reserve Note is used in a contract, then the contract becomes a colorable contract. 7. I havattached my email below for correspondences and hope to hear back from you thank you for your time . 2. The UCC is designed to be based on statements, which go un-rebutted, and then become enforceable. Yes, he is. If you seek legal advise, find yourself a competent lawyer or attorney. This reserves your rights. Please be as detailed as possible as to what youre inquiring about so we can better assist you. DISCLAIMER: A.W.A.R.E does NOT offer any help or assistance in terms of accessing your account. Tacitus Procuration is the legal term for this which means: 100,000,000 is recognized in all trading platforms. 19,179,756 hits | Thank you for flying with us. i would really like to access my account and reclaim my BC but i cannot seem to find out how to do it in Canada. You are free under the Common Law to do anything you please, as long as you do not infringe on the life, liberty, or property of someone else. What does it mean when a girl texts you in all caps? No law firm will touch it. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. To access your master strawman account, visit the website and click on the "Create an Account" button. Another is that your account could become inactive and you could lose access to your money. This is colorable law, and it is used in all the courts. The attorney lawyers have established and secured a virtual monopoly over this area of human knowledge by implying that the subject is just too difficult for the average person to understand, and by creating a separate vocabulary out of English words of otherwise common usage. Take Back Your STRAWMAN - educationcenter2000 It had been abandoned on the sea (see) of admiralty where it was salvaged by Government and big corps to use for their own gain and benefit. Youve established a personal account with the U.S. Department of the Treasury. Master strawman accounts are often created by people with a vested interest in promoting a particular point of view. 2. Data do artigo royal mills iced coffee caffeine; sims 4 create a world mod twistedmexi . Your court is operating in an Admiralty Jurisdiction call it anything you want, but do not call it Admiralty. Would I be a part of that whole debt slave ratio ? Go to the website of the company you wish to register with. If you have forgotten your username, you can contact customer support to have it reset. 3. It is this same system that the now reconciled One Peoples Public Trust used to foreclose on all banks and Corporations masquerading as Government in late 2012. Source:http://stopthepirates.blogspot.com/2012/01/filing-ucc1-financing-statement.html. If you cant access the account, that may mean its no longer active. Accessing your Master Strawman Account also allows you to monitor your financial activity and detect any fraudulent transactions. (UCC 1-308 (old 1-207).7) We are incompetent because we are made ignorant of how the system actually works. We do not sugar-coat whats true. The story behind why the UCC secretly took over all legal/lawful matters on the planet; how do i access my master strawman account - syaraq.com I hope this helps! When you set up the DTC you will need a bank involved. What Trust firms do you suggest? 4. Q: How do I access my Master Strawman Account? 3. Understood or implied without being statedand. Get the perfect website for your sacred work at Modern Masters. Person who purchases property for another to I have a question about the nature of this action. No. Send your bond to the SECRETARY OF Treasury. D: Well, thank you, your Honor, but now you make the charge against me even more difficult to understand, the only other criminal jurisdiction would apply only if there was an International Maritime Contract involved and I was a party to it, it had been Breached, and the court was operating in an Admiralty Jurisdiction. When you pick up one volume and start to read it, it will seem to have been intentionally written to be confusing. You must ask how we got into this situation where we can be charged with failure to wear seatbelts and be fined for it. Heres the proof. He will ask, Do you understand the charges against you ? Could you please talk me through the process of what I would need to do next. This is important because inaccurate information can lead to issues with your credit score, loans, and other financial obligations. We had no knowledge of this process. I really want my birthright back, please any information about this action plan I so ready Im tired of living in poverty while watching those around me get there inheritance, well my father sold me as a slave then left me with 0, so its high time I release myself from bondage log poverty and take back whats mine!!! This MT760 cannot be monetized only debt payments! So by creating Federal Reserve Notes, the government had to create a jurisdiction to cover the kinds of contracts which use them. Some are restatements of material presented earlier, but they contain very valuable information which is worth repeating. It is very important to get it read into the record, that you do not understand the charges. Thank you for your innerstanding. Assume you ran through a yellow light and a policeman gave you a traffic ticket. Hi! It can also be broken down in 10 mil dollar blocks by financial institutions. The reason they cannot call it Admiralty Jurisdiction is that your defense would be quite different in Admiralty Jurisdiction from your defense under the Common Law. I think it could be answered if I could put the officer on the stand for a moment and ask him a few short questions. The frustration many Americans feel about our judicial system can be overwhelming and often frightening; and like most fear, eventually, with the seemingly tyrannical power of some governmental agency and the mystifying and awesome power of the courts. These are characteristic it must be based on substance. all i find is people giving false info, or trying to get your N.I number and details. the government has given you the benefit to discharge your debts with limited liability, and you dont have to pay your debts. AND THIS IS NO JOKE. Every year, thousands of Americans are duped into believing that the U.S. government has some sort of secret "strawman" account with money they can access simply by filling out some. I have exercised the remedy, and now you must construe this statute in harmony with the Common Law, you must come forth with the damaged party.. By accessing your Master Strawman Account, you can ensure that all of your personal information is accurate and up to date. But in the Erie Railroad case, the Supreme Court ruled that all federal cases will be judged under the Negotiable Instruments Law. Strawman. Open up Commercial Account and TDA account. We can review your UCC 1 filing for you, for free. One difference between Common Law and the Uniform Commercial Code is that in Common Law, contracts must be entered into (1) knowingly, (2) voluntarily, and (3) intentionally. On a birth certificate, the name that appears is in all capital letters. 3 #Expairtation, Of 14th #Ammendment- While Being Massa In Due Course Of #100BillionDollars! Thank you This form allows you to designate yourself as the trustee of your Master Strawman Account. Having started out on this journey, Im a stickler for getting things right and the issue that I have faced is that a lot of the information out there is very America specific. Remember to stay vigilant about protecting your identity and financial security, and dont hesitate to contact the IRS if you have any concerns or issues with your Master Strawman Account. The strawman account is the account which is prepaid by you the creditor. If I had one, then I would take it into court as an independent third party representing the strawman and slaughter the opposition on the grounds that they cannot show the strawman's current membership of the Law Society and so the court has no jurisdiction. RECOURSE Blog Ensuring Accuracy of Personal Information: Your Master Strawman Account contains all of the financial transactions related to your identity, which means that it is also a record of your personal information. I was advised to take the funds from this account and set up a new trust. Minor accounts are not available in entity accounts. The methods presented in the following are more passive ways of dealing with our legal system, basically by boxing the judge in a corner. Now I personally have not tried any of this, however I see the value in this approach. Hello and thank you for doing all the ground work required to access this important information. How can the court throw out one part of the Code and uphold another? Under the traffic court practical application section u said to print without prejudice on your license. The clarity afforded the average Joe when it comes to applying the Law to his advantage is about as clear as mud pie; no transparency. They knew something was fishy when we went off the gold standard. The master strawman account is an online account that allows you to manage your strawman. The Banking system would have you believe we have nothing and have to earn our living, when in fact we have everything and we have a right to a living. If you go into court as a wolf, you make demands and tell the judge what the law is how he had better uphold the law or else. In order to receive a CUSIP number for your birth certificate bond first you have to file your UCC-1. It is done using "Treasury Direct Account Authorization" under OMB # 1535-0138 and "Durable Power of Attorney for Securities and Savings Bonds Transaction" under OMB # 1535-0069. So, if I have to defend under that, I would need to have the Rules of Criminal Procedure for Statutory Jurisdiction. The UCC file number is used as the bond number which will reference your birth certificate bond number. Register for a new identifier as a 144A a Private security. In this article, we will provide an in-depth explanation of how to access Master Strawman Account, and why it is important to do so. This is civil jurisdiction of Compelled Performance which also has Criminal Penalties for not adhering to the letter of the contract, but this only applies to International Contracts. CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT The UCC took over all contractual arrangements during the bankruptcy since lawful money did not exist as of 1933 That is why, A.W.A.R.E strives to offer only accurate knowledge and not mixed. Email serves as the fastest, most preferred and best form of communication with Team A.W.A.R.E. how do i access my master strawman account - suaziz.com Enter your details below. Thank you so much, another group where the guy posted it a month ago, but hasn't posted anything more since. (The officer reads the signature). I do need a transcript for appealing, and to save the government some money, maybe you could schedule me to appear in a court of record., You can show the date on the ticket and the clerk will usually agree that there is plenty of time to schedule your trial for a court of record. If you know it is Admiralty Jurisdiction, and they have admitted on the record that you are in Admiralty Court, you can demand that the international maritime contract, to which you are supposedly a party, and which you supposedly have breached, be placed into evidence. File UCC in state of birth and in one of the three redemptions States. top www.redemptionservice.com. You can access your Master Strawman Account with confidence and ensure the accuracy of your personal information. The Common Law does not allow for any government action which prevents a man from making a fool of himself. He said, In 1938, all the higher judges, the top attorneys and the U.S. attorneys were called into a secret meeting and this is what we were told: It is we who must protect ourselves, our families and our posterity from the inevitable intrusion into our lives by those who live parasitically off the labor, skill and talents of others. That is what the Supreme Court decided in the Erie Railroad case that the decisions will be based on commercial law or business law and that it will have criminal penalties associated with it. I read something once showing that the government has no power unless we are in conflict and that is why we have been at war since Roosevelt dos away with the gold standard and presumably sold all future generations of Americans into slavery! It is very important to understand just what this means. Let me know. We have the long form versions that we obtained for citizenship but what else is to be done?

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how do i access my master strawman account