PDF Redeem Certificate of Birth - uCoz The documents are examined by the Secret Service, the FBI and Justice Department. i was a history major at Auburn and somehow it must have gotten by the staff- ha! This means that the process is only to be used for an "Accepted For Value" answer to any commercial claim. There are many UCC and bill of exchange documents that arrive at 1500 Pennsylvania Ave NW that are mistakenly sent to the BPD. 2. Please lmk because I'm very interested. I have never heard of anything like this before. Who Is Trading on Your Birth Certificate/Bond Fund? He has a book, Adventures In Legal Land, that shows empirically why there are no citizens and no states. ", UCC Contract Trusts and Direct Treasury Accounts. Is the Redemption Process an Attempt to Gain Something for Nothing from the Treasury Department? Reality Bytes (author) from Freeman On The Land United States of America. Birth Certificate Money - The Value of Your Birth Certificate Bond The parent, child, brother, sister, spouse, grandparent, legal guardian or managing conservator of the registrant. Scams vary in methods for citizens to gain control of their alleged assets, such as: These blogs and videos promise that your birth certificate bond will be able to wipe out all your debt or help you collect monies/securities. Hence the title of Uniform Commercial Code. A properly prepared and correctly filed UCC filing will ensure in the future to protect the property and assets of the secured party. By becoming a patron, you'll instantly unlock access to 7 exclusive posts. There is no monetary value to a birth certificate or a social security number/EIN, and TreasuryDirect accounts must be funded by the owner (through payroll deductions or from purchasing directly from the owner's personal bank account) to have any value. All are copyrighted properties of the author and may not be used without permission of the author. Remember, your satisfaction is our priority. People are making claims that they are cashing in on their birth certificate to pay bills, such as, electric, gas, water, even buying houses and cars. Most people don't have the time to do the research. There are some Financial Institutions that do not maintain a TTL account. Click on the option that is spelled here. I have read a lot about commercial redemption but it has all been around the US. Here are some important points to know concerning the administration and purpose of the TSD! We must get this out there! Voted up and shared. Click on SYMBOL LOOKUP. January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on February 10, 2012: It is true. Thanks for sharing in the spirit of helping to end this mess through knowledge. Or is the entire UCC redemption process a deceptive maneuver, or trick, that will only bring about greater retaliation by the government agencies upon individuals associated with the process. "We the People" Are Continuing to Gain Knowledge and Information. 401 of the Federal Reserve Act, the Supreme Courts confirmation in Guaranty Trust of New York vs. Henwood, et al (1939) and Public Law 73-10. on January 18, 2012: VICTOR JERMAN LIPFORD You have asked a question that I am not qualified to answer. Birth Certificate Bond | PDF | Uniform Commercial Code - Scribd Social Security bonds will always say this because you cannot collect until maturity, which is retirement or disability. Then it is safe to assume that these people were part of the conspiracy about the fraud perpetrated against the American people. thanks to cip1883. This will end the global financiers plot to create a New World Order that will turn the world's people into nothing more then slaves serving their global masters. The final copy is received by the Department of Commerce even though the documents themselves are not kept in their offices. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Kudos to the time and effort you put in my friend to speak the truth of how every man woman and child on this planet, has been fleeced to the point of being nothing more that a parasitic energy being people like the Satanic and vile piece of cow dung Rothschild family have been getting away with ecocide and genocide along with his side kick the Bush and Clinton family. Will the IRS take a sizeable amount of money from your bonds which are in your local bank? The Birth Certificate is the primary bond for its value is unlimited and it was created for the benefit of the United States of America where legal title will remain and equitable title stays with the company as collateral to JAMES A WILLIAMS TRUST and James Williams the individual surety to insure that the company pays their obligations (debt . We'll make sure that you'll have your certified official copy as soon as possible. Contact you lawyer? Answer (1 of 4): Yes it is. At most, the information only refers to specific forms that are so overly complicated not a single person not "in the know" could correctly file in the correct way with the correct office. 90.6K 180 Birth Certificate Value Step by Step The Frog Network. Don't get me wrong, I thank you a lot for all this information, but each and every piece of information available online only explains the situation, not a single one explains how to actually do it. I'll do it. Heres my shot at writing something coherent to explain all this, albeit very briefly. January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on March 29, 2012: @Art I'm def going to go through the process, thanks for the comment, there's nothing wrong with taking something back that belongs to us. The Bond Number On Your Certificate Of Live Birth Is Also Stamped On Federal Reserve Notes. This Bank Note/Birth Certificate is sent to the State where the "Live Birth" is registered. The next screen scroll down to a black bar that says symbol, under the word will be a little blue symbol, click on it. By the very nature that when you turn a commodity into money, in a world of competing resources to get it, you automatically reduce the amount of natural resources we need to maintain harmony and balance, which means we will always have conflict, war and violence and ultimately what we see now and why they want to reduce the population of the planet because of it, and the fact every living system on this planet is in a state of rapid decline. Any idea when it will be revived? Strawman / Birth Certificate / Form 1522 | Mysite Birth Certificates are Federal Bank Notes - LinkedIn Debt is death. Does anyone know anyone that has actually gotten any money from this????? This shows that those people who have followed the correct procedures in filing their UCC documents using the redemption process have not committed any crime. Free your mind and go forth and become a Sovereign sentient being of God, that you were intended to be! Birth Certificate Bond and Your Inherent Rights There is a lot more but I will be typing for days Just do your research it can be reversed. They sell this information, Another way they screw us over, sort of speak. January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on March 26, 2012: @ArthurNJonesJR Thanks for the info, I will look, Hi Cherry go to Nu-covenantplus.com and read some excerpts of his books. THIS MEANS, YOU CAN TAKE YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE BONDS TO THE BANK AND CASH THEM IN. The way to correctly have claims discharged with the IRS as well as in the public sector using the UCC contract trust is to present by the secured party a bonded registered Bill of Exchange, and this needs to be sent straight to the Secretary of the Treasury. NON-NEGOTIABLE RE: CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH # 1234-12345 ACCEPTED FOR VALUE and EXEMPT FROM LEVY DEPOSITED TO US TREASURY AND CHARGED TO JOHN H DOE AND 123-45-6789. This is a fact of legal procedures. The first question to discuss is the question of the birth certificate. They have all confessed that not one single properly filed UCC Form has been turned down or prosecuted under any criminal laws. Didge from Southern England on May 22, 2012: Quality hub! Video. Well done, I look up and found not a thing on this fidelity web sit stuff out number in here it look at me like I was crazy it's a joke, They talk about bc easy to do but no web site or anything they give you to do this. A person born outside of the United States, but who is still allowed to reside here and receive a social security card, can still file a UCC form in whatever state or region in which they were living when they received permission to live and remain here. Savings Bond Redemptions Frequently Asked Questions - FRBservices.org That turns your (copy) onto an original. Replace Your Vital Records | USAGov IF YOU GET THAT CASH - YOU GET CASH FOR YOUR "BEING". Than you must file a public affidavit of ownership. Such action is further confirmed in USC Title XII, Title XXVIII, Sec. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. This number is the number of the CUSIP that is on the bond that the social security account is linked to. Government sources claim that all commercial activity in the United States and other countries fall under the legislated (Administrative) Law which is also called the Uniform Commercial Code. The residents of the United States are sovereign individuals. It would probably be safe to assume that the same fraud is being committed against people in the UK, Canada, Australia and other nations in which this system of enslavement was established. A Birth Certificate - Really? Well i don't know if the controversy is true or not, but if their is any way my birth certificate is worth 1 million dollars, then its worth filling out a UCC-1. Birth Certificate Bond: Is There Really Such a Thing? And it should work as A4V with a 100% success rate! Me, I want my title back!!! You are considered property in commerce. Sorry about your lack of comprehension. It makes people worship money instead of God and that is Satan's entire point. The question is who are you going to believe? January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on April 04, 2012: Wow what great information. I thought that this article was a bit out there, but your response has convinced me there's some real truth to this worth exploring. AS SOON AS THE POWER GOES OFF AND COMES BACK ON, QUANTUM GOES LIVE AND THE NESARA/GESARA WILL BE ACTIVE. They're hidden. The self evident truth of that is well known by the staggering amount of cancer hitting every age group on the planet over the last 50 years since Ive been alive, that has reached epidemic proportions because of it. If you cash out your paper I bonds at a bank, the bank may provide the 1099-INT form. Third, you will need to send the application package to the Health Department, Finally, you will be receiving your birth certificate by mail. Once a person files a UCC form, and it is registered by a state's UCC office, the filing of that document becomes a legal document. Indeed, our situation is as George F. Will wrote "we honor [Thomas] Jefferson, but we live in [Alexander] Hamilton's country". We are all adults. This office is in control of all revenue to the United States to make sure that the creditors (bankers) who actually own the federal reserve will be repaid all monies owed. Free to be slaves? This needs to be done by the secured party and it must be sent through Certified (or Registered) mail directly to the Secretary of the Treasury to be discharged. Why isnt the research fully documented in a book with winning case cites from the courts proving it is effective and legal? Would love to hear anything. Any way I will have to talk to him a little more. http://www.jonchristianryter.com/Two_Cents/2cworth http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL24903c7858b What is a birth certificate. Neither can I give you legal advice. I would like to now more of my rights. The UCC deals only with secured or vested interest. Comes to find out that everything in this article was true and that we are being used by the government like toys. They do however,do all that is possible, to obscure this fact, and, also to complicate the required process for you to obtain the available redemption of debt. These provisions were scattered throughout various legislative acts, joint resolutions and executive orders, many in 1933, as well as in the Congressional Record based on Public Policy HJR-192, codified in Public Law 73-10 and confirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1939. This is done through the Secretary of the Treasury and recorded by the financial institution through the Treasury tax and loan (TTL) account. I know that the courts use contracts to get the persons signature to be in an agreement with the court. This birth record is evidence that a live birth has transpired. In 1933 Franklin D. Roosevelt was unable to pay the debt. the [your] birth certificate. Click on Symbol Look Up. Then on the next page go down and click on blue Find Symbol. Reality Bytes (author) from Freeman On The Land United States of America. How to see your bonds from your birth certificate fidelity - YouTube The materials available on this article are for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. Do not pay someone to teach you the process or to file for you. Next in line would be the Secretary of State. January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on February 23, 2013: @angie You exactly right, that movie had a lot of hidden messages! It was done through the filing (registration) of our birth certificates! This simple action transfers the asset from the person who made the Deposit into an IRS TTL account. But does the redemption process entail a simple "Get Rich Quick Scheme" that will only end up with the filer coming under closer scrutiny by the government against those who participate in a UCC filing? It is a strawman that is created to be used in all legal and financial matters. Well I know it's a challenge with computers taking over and all but, to be quite frankly and a lil straightforward "get a job" could be an enjoyable 1, or if it's one you hate use your hatred of that job and turn it into productivity, and by golly if u can do that u should be successful at even your most hated job. At birth, average value bonds were created from your birth certificate. Nonetheless, again, thank you for your effort in explaining it all to all. Using Federal Reserve notes, does not "pay debts", all it accomplishes is to "discharge your obligations", as in providing a promissary note, which is ALL, that a federal reserve note is. It is public agencies that specify the name on the document to be an actual person, not just a commercial entity. The phone number is 815-235-8252. I wouldn't do it myself but I agree we can keep helping each other if we find out something. They are the creators of the birth certificate trust and you as the beneficiaries, are the ones who can lawfully benefit from your trust and its assets. From what I have been able to learn, the discharge of claims in the public sector whether federal or state claims, issued by the Internal Revenue Service are easily discharged with a simple computer entry and transfer of credit and debt through the computer using the IRS Technical Support Division. Anyhow in order to cancel such contract/contracts (ie ss card rmv anything with your strawman name) you will need to claim your birth right from citizen to sovereign. But you have to claim to be and file a UCC lien on yourself and your property. Tons of info here. The United States has been partitioned into six UCC regions. The majority of lawyers view the entire UCC process only in terms of litigation, and adjudication. The person that filed the document is the secured party when it comes to the UCC filing. Paying debts using a National Insurance Number or Birth Certificate The very nature of for profit corporations is the very nexus of killing off this planet. I thought it sounded fishy so ive done some looking into & i haven't learned much. Some want to cash in! The simple answer is that your birth certificate is a very healthy and reliable cash-cow bond (debt instrument) which the government uses to access an endless supply of ready cash ("Quantitative Easing," as it is technically called) knowing that you will be .

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how to cash in your birth certificate bond