keep that in mind when considering training for this line of work. When I first got this book on my birthday from my dad I didnt really get into it. There are many reasons that pursuing training in this field is a smart thing to do. If youwould like to train to become anaircraft mechanic, you can begin the process today. If the truth about aviation maintenance was truly exposed, there would be an uproar! But at least now I know that I can become an aircraft mechanic if i want to. There's tons on information here and as another reviewer mentioned some parts of the book are very funny. It was a relief to know that I wouldn't have to pay a bunch of money to get in the career. who wants to do something new professionally, you'll already have similar training under your belt especially if youre interested in other maintenance industries or professions. Because of the first few chapters I give the book 4 stars. I decided not to go to college and I found a MRO right near my hometown of Florida where I could gain experience and test the career out before taking out student loans to go to the community college. * This means that there will be plenty of opportunities for those interested in this field. I recommend this book to everyone and I am sure glad I found it. However, is it really the high-paying career that you probably think it is? - Randall T. There are many pros and cons to being an aircraft mechanic. "Wow, you work on airplanes! I highly recommend this for anyone interested in working on airplanes. While I was searching for information about becoming an aircraft mechanic I found what seemed like hundreds of websites and articles on the subject. All they know is that they trust their lives to these complex machines that cost millions of dollars. CLASSES STARTING SOON. Well, I can tell you that you don't start by reading a course outline from an aviation school or technical college. In other words, I didnt know anything about this career. If your not sure wheather a career in aviation is for you or not, this book may very well help you to find that answer. REALLY? Successful completion also qualifies you to take the FAA's written, oral, and practical tests for the Mechanic's Certificate. Using this book I was able to find a program at an MRO in Georgia (where I live). This one contains almost everything you need to know. Don't be a dummy! Most aircraft mechanics can make a lot of money compared to some careers, but only if the right steps are taken. Heres what you need to know about the role of an aircraft mechanic and the potential rewards that come with the job. I bought this book to get a free A&P certificate. It is a highly skilled job that requires a lot of training and experience. But the reality of the industry can be surprising and even scary. As a motorcycle mechanic, I've read sections of this book that I've already had to deal with, so i know the author is the real deal. Part of my skepticism was the "truth about working in aviation" banner on the front cover. Benefits of Being an Aircraft Mechanic. On the pro side, it is a well-paying job with good benefits. I will lay everything out on the table, and I will go over everything honestly. You will know more about the field of aircraft maintenance than a lot of people already working in the industry. Overall, Id recommend anyone to read this book if theyre thinking about getting into aviation. I worked as an aircraft mechanic for many, many years. Now I work as a full-time mechanic for a cargo company. There are many reasons that pursuing training in this field is a smart thing to do. After reading The Aircraft Mechanic you will be able to make a solid descision on whether or not a career in aviation is right for you. var month=mydate.getMonth() Follow your crew's instructions. entry-level. You can make good money and have a good career in aviation, but it is not for everyone. Although the book title is kinda cheesy, you will be pleasantly surprised by tons of useful info. If you care about money and making a lot of it, those topics are discussed too. If a person goes to college and gets a degree, they want that degree to mean something. Any inspections, repairs, maintenance, etc., are documented. But if you have a passion for airplanes and want to turn that into a career, then becoming an aircraft mechanic could be a great choice for you. For the past year I been a roofer which is really hard work for low pay. After sitting down with the book for a couple of hours I quickly realized that its exactly what it says it is. What are the Disadvantages of Being a Aircraft Mechanic? Ifyoureinterested ineventually workingas anaircraft mechanic, it's smart to live near a big city that attracts a lot of air travel. The book does go into some detail on this and I liked reading about the different careers that are available. Pilot in training, - Q. Badanikai, India You will like this book if you are thinking about being an aircraft mechanic. He also discusses how others can become mechanics and what they can expect to go through. If youtrain tobecome an aircraft mechanic,your first positionwilllikelybeentry-level. The author really does a good job of breaking things down, such as how the industry works, what its like working as a mechanic, and what kind of training is needed and how to get it for free. Overall, a great book for an aviation class. I picked this book up not expecting to really learn anything but more just to see what all the fuss was about and hoping to get a good enjoyable read. I recommend quality over quantity. After all, becoming an aircraft mechanic takes time and money. He talks about the salary of aviation mechanics, the positives and negatives of the career, the dangers, etc. and an admissions representative close by will call and answer your questions. Instead of reading through many books and endlessly searching on websites, I recommend that you read The Aircraft Mechanic and let King's experience and wisdom guide you. And using this book as a general guide really helps! There is not a lot of filler here. Theres a lot of really useful info, and by the time youre finished reading it you will know all about what its like working as a mechanic. . var year=mydate.getYear() I decided to share my story and tell the truth about the field of aviation so you don't have to worry about whether or not working in aviation is the right career for you. Upon completion of the program, there is an FAA oral exam and an FAA practical exam. Even though the colleges will never tell you this, you might not need a license to work on airplanes. Aircraft mechanicsensure that aircraft complieswithallFAA regulationsand that they are safe and functioning during flight. First let me say Ive been in retail since I graduated high school in 2011. Aviation Maintenance Technology / Airframe and Powerplant, Nondestructive Testing Technology & Quality Control Management, Black History Month: Celebrating African American Aviators, Aviation Maintenance Technology (OK & CO), Aviation Maintenance Technology / Airframe & Powerplant (CA), Aviation Electronics Technology (OK & CO), Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC), BPPE State Performance Fact Sheet Airframe & Powerplant, BPPE State Performance Fact Sheet Aviation Maintenance Technology. Get this if you want a great book about becoming a certified aircraft mechanic. I've read this book and have found information I couldn't find on the Internet because I didn't know what to search for. It's like "How Stuff Works" on steroids. At the end of an AMT program that meets the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) requirements (established in Title 14, Part 147), you will be. All of the hard work is done, and now all you have to do is read, watch, and learn. There is nothing else like this out there! Taco meat lasts in the fridge for up to four days. This book doesn't go into heavy specifics about actual maintenance but it gives you a great understanding of the details of working as an aircraft mechanic. This is REQUIRED reading if you are even thinking about becoming an aircraft mechanic. For people who enjoy doing work with their hands,training to be anaircraft mechaniccould be ideal. Fact #6: Most aircraft mechanics think they have a good career because they don't know any better. My instructor in my A&P course is mostly using the last half of the book where the author talks about the dangers of the career and the positives and negatives. It is important to be physically fit and have good stamina if you want to succeed in this career. The chapter about the A&P license is worth the price of the book alone. I was originally skeptical when I ordered my copy of The Aircraft Mechanic. The best thing is I didnt have to go to school. Most people don't have a clue that these methods exist. }. The video that came in the package was also good and packed with information. This literally keeps pilots and passengers safe in the air and can save their lives. They make money by teaching people stuff. I will discuss this type of license below, and whether or not it is as valuable as the schools want you to think it is. Most of these blogs and forums tell you very basic information. } else { An A&P license is what the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) issues to people who are trained to be aircraft mechanics. Here are some of the things that you need to know about being an aircraft mechanic. "How can I make more money working as an aircraft mechanic?" I never went to college and was looking for something that would pay me some good money and fast. 4. When training in anFAA approvedAMT program,youlllearn about the following topics: At the end of an AMT program that meets the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) requirements (established in Title 14, Part 147), you will bepreparedfor the FAA's written, oral, and practical tests. After reading that kind of basic information online over and over The Aircraft Mechanic was a fresh sight. The schools make tons of money, and the airlines and maintenance companies have all the new low-paid mechanics they need. Im 4 months into the program right now, and when Im finished I can get my sign offs and get my A&P. document.write(""+montharray[month]+" "+daym+", "+year+"") The aircraft mechanic - the truth about working in aviation. I was stuck at a dead-end minimum wage crappy job and got this book hoping it would get me somewhere I could make some real money. According to, the average salary of an A&P Mechanic working on jets is $87,000 a year. Certification is required for some,but not all,positions within the aviation industry. The work is interesting and varied. 1. They need to know about the different systems and components in an aircraft and how they interact with each other. It helps you find out how you can become a mechanic where you can work, etc. You'll be more prepared than most of the instructors in the schools if you decide to go into aviation. The author makes his points very clear, but sometimes I wish he would talk more about helicopters. The author doesn't sugar coat anything about working as an aircraft mechanic, and I'm still trying to decide if it's the right career for me. var day=mydate.getDay() However, sometimes because of this the book can be a little bland. A&P Mechanic / Student, - Rick Marshall, Hawaii Option 1: Attend an FAA-approved AMTS school. They had used nearly two years of their lives and a lot of money on a career that they blindly walked into. Pros And Cons of Being an Aircraft Mechanic, Steam Big Picture Mode Receives Major Update. In this . There are many pros and cons of being an aircraft mechanic. Some have become aircraft mechanics making $100,000 or more per year, while some have decided that the career is not right for them BEFORE spending thousands of dollars and wasting years of their life. In this role, you can work in many organizations or industries like the government, for an airline, the military or manufacturing companies. All of the secrets of working in aviation are revealed in The Aircraft Mechanic. There are people in the aviaiton field making large amounts of money. For many mechanics , this feeling outweighs any negatives about the job . They have to constantly lift items which can have a strain on their back over time. And as some of the other people reviewing this book have said the beginning can be a little long at times, he still gets right into the meat of all the info about the job of being an aircraft mechanic. The best thing about his work is that he doesn't try to persuade or dissuade your choice of becoming an aircraft mechanic; he just wants you to know the truth. I can tell when my husband really like something and when he is just pretending to like something and I could tell that he really liked reading this book. I bought The Aircraft Mechanic for my son because he was talking about working on helicopters. FAA Aviation Safety Inspector, Retired, - Miguel Escobar, Peru This is the end product of years of experience and research. The job outlook for aircraft mechanics is positive, with a projected 6% growth in employment from 2018 to 2028. He did a good job describing all of the different aspects. I also found myself answering these questions almost every day. I just turned 19 and I really didn't know anything about the career. Even though I am a mechanic myself, the book still made me think differently about a few things. The most obvious pro is that you get to work on airplanes! ), how to keep the cockpit safe and how to restrain . Aircraft mechanics must have a strong understanding of how aircrafts work. You must make a lot of money!" Do aircraft mechanics really make a lot of money? document.write(""+montharray[month]+" "+daym+", "+year+""). Noone wants to have regrets. Spartan hasseverallocationsacross the USfor studying aviation maintenance technology:Tulsa, Oklahoma,Broomfield, Colorado,Inglewood, Californiaand Inglewoods branch campus in Riverside, California. Their average salary can depend on their geographic location, training, professional experience and employer. First things first. Questions like how did you become an aircraft mechanic, how can I start working as an aircraft mechanic or people saying things like you must make a lot of money. It's just a simple and good book that I would recommend to all people interested in aircraft maintenance, future students, as well as the average person. I bought this book pretty much for one reason, and that was to find out how to make the most money as an aircraft mechanic. , you can begin the process today. 2023 - Know How Community. Shortly after I . Competitive pay and frequent overtime opportunities. If you want to have a high-paying, enjoyable career in the field of aviation maintenance you have to go way beyond what the schools and maintenance companies will ever tell you. I read The Aircraft Mechanic many years ago while I was working as a loader in a wharehouse. They may work on scaffolds or ladders, and noise and vibrations are common, especially when engines are being tested. Aircraft mechanic is a very high stress job. If you're getting into the aviation field and don't know anything, this might be the book to have. I was most wanting to know how much money I could make as a mechanic like I'm sure most people are and the chapters in the book went over everything I needed. Sept. 18, 2019, 1:00 PM PDT. Ive been an A&P mechanic for over 5 years, and it all started with this book. A&P Mechanic. Just as the colleges and technical schools don't exist to educate you but to make money, so it is with the airlines. The job can be challenging and rewarding, and it offers a great deal of flexibility and opportunity for travel. But I still enjoyed the book and it taught me most of what anyone would need to now if they want to start a career in this. Well I have been working on cars for 8 years, started with my uncle who was an ASE Master Tech when i was 10 helping in his shop and went from there. A common mistake people make is thinking that they have to go to school or college to work on airplanes. In fact, Boeings study laid out that there will be an increase. Certification requirements for taking and passing certification examinations are not controlled by the College, but by outside agencies and are subject to change by the agencies without notice to the College. } else if (window.location.href.indexOf("los-angeles") > -1) { The book and all the stuff that comes with it is to show you exactly what it takes to become an aircraft mechanic and what it's like working as an aircraft mechanic, nothing less nothing more. I bought this book in the summer of 2012. The information is priceless. for the FAA's written, oral, and practical tests. Both the book and video were really helpful explaining what I need to do to get my license, and Im planning to begin in the next couple of weeks. If you are interested in this career you have found the best resource available to make sure you know all the facts. I will tell you everything you need to know about the aircraft maintenance career field. People always assume that if you work on multimillion dollar airplanes you HAVE to have some kind of license or something, right? Putting in the Hours. Read More. This Week Only, Get all of The Aircraft Mechanic items AND My Full Support for Only $27.

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i hate being an aircraft mechanic