As they were trying to relax, stomping and shaking were heard, causing everyone in the spa to wonder what was going on. (The family submerge, coughing up water, covered in seaweed and muck, their sunnies, hats and sandals floating in the water and their swimsuits in tatters. Suite and Sour / Back in Black. In. That question caused all the sisters to become shocked and then become angry. The Loud House Re-write #1-No Such Luck Add to Favourites By jgodzilla1212 Watch Published: May 10, 2020 75 Favourites 101 Comments 31K Views (It begins right after Lincoln tells Lily why he can't attend to Lily's play date and he bumps into Lisa) Lisa: >scoffing< Pshaw, There's no such thing as bad luck, there's only science, all else is hooey. Maybe I should just stop playing softball for a while. Submit your writing. I do not own the Loud . Lola added, shouting. Those were the last words Ruth spoke to the Loud family before hanging up. Lucy walked towards him and they wrapped their arms around each other's shoulders. ", Lola:[to the mascot] "Um, do you mind, fur ball? Ive been a really nice guy with you for far too long! We got your back. "And don't even get us started on the chores she makes us do," Lincoln shouted, "Especially buffing her bunions." As Maddie looked at the devastation, she thought back to the parents. SQUIRRELS WIN! However, that silence would not last long as the security man and the guests saw the kids' faces turned red with anger, steam started bellowing out of their ears and a devastating fire formed in their eyes, the four started trying to get out of the room quickly, as they knew something bad was going to happen. Once again, this shocked Rita, she thought she knew her aunt, but clearly she was wrong. You locked me out of my room, sold all my furniture and made me into a thing!! They knew that whatever they were going to tell Aunt Ruth, it wasn't going to be good. Lincoln: Girls! Hahahaha! Lily was seated in the back with them, she looked up at them with glares and once again said, "Poo poo!" ENOUGH!!! Pre-Story Notice: Hello everyone. So, I plan to rectify that. Luna. Pulling out his walkie talkie, he said, "This is Hotel Officer Mooresfield. When they saw the lobby, they knew the bill was going to be expensive. The Louds. Honest! Fool Me Twice extended ending10. "Hi, Aunt Ruth," Lola said, in a fake sweet tone, "it's your niece Rita's kids." (Bursts into tears). And after that, the whole room was silent. Actually, there's something I need to do! Lincoln: (to the viewers) Welp, I may be forced to stay here for quite a long time, but at least I finally got away from my so-called "family"! Lynn: *Gasp* NOOOOOO!!!!! I'll definitely come to your next game, Lynn. The End. Luna, Luan, Lola and Lisa were just about ready to ram these three rude jerks with the couch in the room. (Lincoln says nothing to his mother. The squirrel mascot is dancing a little less energetic than usual. (She storms out of his room and into the hallway. "Nah, Aunt Ruth," Luna said, "you're gonna wanna listen to this." (Lincoln is sitting on the back porch while his family is at the game, looking pretty mad. ", (after a few seconds of silence, Lincoln smiles at them), Lincoln: "I forgive you." What kind of parents would do that? Leni asked, an eyebrow raised, confused. (closes the door to the room) Lincoln: Okay then. It spawned dozens of fanfics about it, and caused his whiny fanbase to go haywire on the sisters. I'll admit, it was stupid and wrong of me to lie to them and take advantage of it, and I probably should've just told them that I just wanted some me time, but honestly, I think this is way more than I deserve. (He tears the costume off, leaving a very red and sweat-coated body in his wake. Lori responded with, yelling the last few words. Lynn Sr. stuttered for a few moments and said, "Ground us?! What if one of the neighbours saw Lincoln when he was sleeping outside and called the police? ", Lincoln: "I won't deny that I brought this on myself. They were both very nervous and very terrified of their kids right now. [The crowd cheers, the Loud family gasps in shock] Lynn: "No! ], Family: "CONGRATULATIONS! Nsl Stories - Wattpad We need it! Lynn: Let go of me you crazy, raging brute! They also saw Lori in the front seat, Lynn Sr. knocked on the window. ), (It cuts to the main street. "But you know what's even more lousy than that?" They got to Vanzilla and saw their children sitting the car, very mad and upset. We get it. You can never come back. I hate the fact that you all act like spoiled brats! It's no fun without Lincoln! I hate that you never listen to reason! ", Rita: "And this time, we'll let Lincoln decide what movie we'll watch. But i didnt expect to be ejected from the house and lose everything i had! The family and Bobby are there to support Lynn. "What's wrong with Aunt Ruth?" MLP - Twilight Sparkle, Applejack and Pinkie. We didn't find any though." You try dancing in this heat! As the last of the guests ran away, Leni, the blonde girl that one of the guys mentioned earlier, came around the corner and saw her family in the spa. but I just really wanted to get it off my chest. We said we were sorry. Lynn and Lana were accidentally destroying the hotel shower. In this Loud House Alternate universe a man made virus force's mankind to abandon earth.all except one 11 year old Lincoln Loud was accidentally abandoned by his parents and five sisters as an infant and was forced to fend for himself 11 years later Lincoln has adapted to his new hunting and gathering lifestyle and. I have failed as a human being. (pauses for a second) "You know what, I'll decide when we get there and see what movies are playing. Just so you know, in case you ask about that). I'm sorry I was such a bad loser, all I wanted was for Lincoln to support me, to support us. Reacting to The Loud House (Fanfic) - TV Tropes Lynn ran outside and falcon punched him. I don't even care about that anymore. "But you know what's not fair?" showing a flashback of the episode No Such Luck. Bad. Ruth said, curious to where this was going. the loud house no such luck alternate ending deviantart She then turned around, along with the other siblings, and glared at their parents. Almost as good as any Ace Savvy convention. YOU ROCKED IT, LYNN-SANITY! Sweaty Pants here! Even though Lincoln was the one who brought this on himself. Lincoln: Im sorry this happened. The Loud House Fanfiction: No Such Luck PM1's Version YOU ARE NOT BAD LUCK!!! No Such Luck - Lucky Carol by TriassicLane | The loud house fanart I do it almost everyday, and it'snot that I hate going to them or don't want to support you, butsometimes, I wanted to take a break form all that, you know,unwind. A very, and I'm talking VERY, controversial episode of The Loud House. (Lincoln picks up the remains of the squirrel suit, blows a spiteful raspberry to the family and runs off in fury and sorrow. [Ronnie Anne handed Lincoln the card. Luna: That was rockin'. Lincoln: (off-screen) Where are you going Luce? No Such Luck (Alternative ending, my version) - The Loud House Encyclopedia I can take being kicked out of family activities and being locked out of my room, butbeing locked out of my own home?! Would you mind me speaking to Angus for a bit? The heat increases. His choreography is so dated. It's my first ever one shot I've done. I get that i was pretty stupid myself to spread that stupid fib, i should have just opened up! Thats what my problem is! I can't believe they said they'd tease you for eternity. Lynn Sr.: KIDS, please! ", Lincoln: "Still, I wish I would've just told you guys the truth, then maybe none of this would've happened. "Yeah, we literally got kicked out of the room," Lori started with, also angry, "BECAUSE OF YOU!!!" Rita: I guess this is what we get for selling all his stuff. This is also a parody fanfiction that is based on Spongebob Squarepants' episode 'Hall Monitor,' The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron's episode 'Hall Monster,' Wayside's episode 'Safety Monitor,' it is also based on a chapter from Loud House Tales that was called 'Hall Monitor,' however that is no longer up for some reason, and Lynn Loud Jr. being a hall monitor in the Loud House season 5 episode 'Schooled!' And with that, they headed towards the lobby. Because of this, Lincoln sneaks his way out of the kitchen, and next to the staircase. Youve made your point! Lincoln: I hate this! Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. They were glad that they were still together like a loving family. The way the security officer said, 'Right now,' made Luna nervous, it was typically the tone of voice used when someone was in very serious trouble. I hate grave digging and poems and I HATE DESPICABLE SPORTS!!! Leni: Like, I don't like it here anymore either! You love baseball. Ive put up with your insults, your immaturity, your punches, your violence, your madness, your lack of manners, your stubbornness and your attitude and after today, ive well and truly had it! I heard you scream! ", [Margo takes a swing and flings herself into the umpire and the bat hits her helmet. We just thought you were bad luck, we didnt mean to upset you like this. Computer typing was heard yet again and, after a few moments. There is the occasional food break, of course, where the reactors recount what they learned. After that, Rita began crying, a member of her family that she loved despite everyone else hating her had just disowned her and her family. Lucy: Lincoln, stop! ", [The sound of the ball getting hit by the bat is heard and the rest of Lynn's team runs the remaining bases. Sighing, Rita turns to her children and said, "Look I know Aunt Ruth isn't your favorite relative" She was interrupted by Lynn Jr. saying, "That's the understatement of the century." Lincoln: Happy Valentines Day, Ronnie Anne. I hope you enjoy, please try to be as gentle yet honest as possible as to what you think about the story (this is my first fanfiction in general). I have truly failed the term 'scientist'. HATE ME FOREVER!!! I MESSED UP!!! The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. @JackLeighton19 Idea on How to End This Story: Employee: (Grunts) That's it! We didn't just barge into the room. "Uuhhh," Luna started, unsure of how to start the conversation, "Hello, security dude. I hate presentations! The Loud House (My Version) - Season 2 by LuisLoudestFan on DeviantArt As she pondered what he meant, she felt the room shake. ", Lynn: (smiles, more tears come down her eyes,) "What did I do to deserve a brother like you?" Except now I have to deal with the most annoying teasing that's ever existed. Lincoln: I've had enough of this stupid costume! Its a stupid mascot costume! IM hoping to show this to Nickelodeon themselves someday. They knew they not only had the bill from the hotel to worry about, but also the possibility of getting sued. Lincoln then explains to the viewers that with ten sisters, his schedule is always filled up, and . ", (Lynn starts running towards him. The siblings and parents saw Leni standing there, mom and dad were curious why Leni wasn't with them in the room but before they could say anything, Lisa answered her, "Yes my second oldest sibling. The Loud House: Suite and Sour (Alternate Ending) - DeviantArt Not you or Lucy. I demand an explanation! I'm not. Putting the phone on speaker, they waited for her to pick up the phone. Learn more. Ever again. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. (It cuts to the beach, Lincoln is in sunglasses and a hat.). Lori: "The bigger question is, how did you get inside? Like Lynn Sr. said, it wasn't an easy road and there were times when they were ready to give up, but they didn't and, as a result, their kids forgave them for their actions, more or less. YOU'RE THE WORST FAMILY TO EVER LIVE!!!! Needless to say, they were not pleased. Luan: Maybe these silly superstitions werent such a good idea. Lincoln: Alright then, call them. Clenching his fist, he raises it up and smashes it hard on the ground. Even Ronnie Anne was there too. But the woman did, "That your parents were caught skinny dipping after hours? ", (Vanzilla is parked in the driveway. Luna turned to him with a glare on her face and said, "Forget it, dad! "What do you kids want?" Let's go! I dont want to support you psychos! Note: The reason why I am doing this is because I hate No Such Luck, however I hate most of The No Such Luck fanfictions as well. Okay this episode has already been hated enough you can pretty much type in the rants for 'No such luck' and there will be a lot of those, I too hated this e. (breaks from the hugs) *sighs* "I'm sorry for lying. House of Lies alt ending14. Post an update . And, as a result, everyone, including the obnoxious guys and Lucy, were terrified. Lincoln and Lucy were dealing with a fictional ghost. [Normal - Remake - Original - Alternate Ending] 11 Louds a Leapin' Intern for the Worse / The Old and the Restless. Lincoln Loud, the middle child of the family, was brought to his older sister's baseball league from his own will. I need a very big, long rest from them. "They have a point there honey," Lynn Sr. said, before immediately clasping his mouth shut, his wife glaring at him for saying that. This article should a part 2 episode in Season 5. (charges towards Lynn in a rage) AND I HATE YOU!!!! Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. Luan added. "So," Lori started with, in an icy tone, "Let's recall what we promised you when you agreed to take us on vacation." (She hugs Lincoln again), Lincoln: "Thanks Lynn. "WE HATE THOSE STUPID CATS OF YOURS!" [Lynn Sr. teared up and he burst into tears at the heartwarming moment.] We are no longer grounded to the room. One of his friends added, "We're not messing with you. (Lynn looks confused.) I only told Leni, Luan, Lana, Lola and Lily. Lola: You mean you dont want to support us anymore? It's been a day since Lincoln tried to convinced them that he wasn't bad luck. And once again, computer typing was heard and, after a couple minutes, she got her answer. Some sisters those ghouls are. ", Lori: (smiles forgivingly) "It's alright, Lincoln. (Lincoln throws Lynn into the rest of the family, with a massive, bowling-sounding crash. . NO SUCH LUCK AFTERMATH by JackLeighton19 on DeviantArt Luna spots Lincoln). Lincoln was put into a coma during the nsl incident where he meets kamen rider diend and is given his powers afterwards he takes Lily and runs away to canterlot where he. You're all insane!!! Rita: Lincoln?! Luna: (with a broken voice) "We're really sorry bro! Maddie herself hid underneath the desk and she could hear the sounds of things being tossed and breaking or getting smashed on and breaking. A Happy Ending New Reading List. 5 months of research ruined. Lucy: Gasp! The worst part is, they had no argument against this. I ADMIT IT!!! Things were starting to get intense in the Loud family hotel room. No more Loud Family? One Squirrel tosses the bat right at Lincoln by accident. I'm the Duke! Lincoln: (to the viewers) "Well, looks like everyone learned something. Meatbrain here and her dumb softball, this never would have happened! (Lincoln, without hesitation, hugs her, with the rest of the sisters joining in for another group hug. Which she did. Lori finished with. What seems to be the problem?" Lola: We are your family, we do want you, we promise! Lynn Loud steps up to the plate, but with the luck she's been having today, the Squirrels are looking a whole lot like roadkill. "Kids," Lynn Sr. got up from his seat, not realizing how angry the kids were, "What are you doing here? My family learned not to let something as stupid as superstitions get to them and tear us apart, and I learned to just be honest about things like this instead of convincing them about something ridiculous just take a break from going to certain events. Opening the door slightly, Luna stuck her head out and saw a man, somewhere in his early 30's with Caucasian skin and short brown hair, wearing a security uniform. Lincoln: Alright, i admit! Lincoln grabs 11 squirrel mascots and put them on his parents and sisters, minus Lily.]. (he goes to the living room window. I hate that you sold my bed and everything I had! The Loud House Re-write #1-No Such Luck - DeviantArt White hair extended ending9. But right now, ive had it! Luna: I dont know. ], Baseball Announcer:[clinging to Pep]"SQUIRRELS WIN! Lynn Sr.: But son..if you wanted time off, all you had to do was just say so! Leni: Linky.(sniffles).please don't do this to us. Lynn Sr.: Son..we never stopped loving you..we do care about you Lori: Don't hurt us like this..we're your familywe want you to be with us. Lana: We didn't mean to ruin your life..(sniffles).we just wanted to avoid bad luck..we're so sorry we went about it all wrong Luna: We get it were never bad luck..we ruined everything for youthere is no such thing as luckwe'll never live this down.. Lola: You can't hurt your own family like this.. Lincoln: You all hurt me first! This confused everyone even more, until Lincoln started putting 2 and 2 together. She walked into the spa and asked, in her usual ditzy tone, "Hey guys? The parents shook their heads up and down rapidly and nervously, the thought of being arrested terrified them and they couldn't stand the thought of being separated from their kids. ", Lincoln: "But just because you lost your game, doesn't mean you have to pin it on me! "Yes, you are right," the woman said, "It appears that your parents were caught swimming in the pool after hours." That response caused an immediate reaction of confusion from the kids. What the guy said also got the officer's attention, not just because this guy just informed him of somebody who was working here without being officially employed but also how they were just given the ok to enter a room that was clearly occupied. WE MAKE EVERYTHING WORSE!!! While eating breakfast, Lincoln learns from his sisters that they have planned activities later in the day. The siblings began agreeing with that statement, but Lynn Sr. and Rita were frightened. I certainly am not! Lincoln asked, as he started crying yet had an angry look on his face, "What's really lousy is that you guys had the nerve to make us feel guilty for the stuff we did when the reason we got kicked out of the hotel was because you two decided to act like irresponsible teenagers and go for a late night swim in the pool without any swimwear on!"

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the loud house no such luck alternate ending deviantart