This memo is available at, The Open Technology Development Roadmap was released by the office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Advanced Systems and Concepts, on 7 Jun 2006. Any reproduction of this computer software, or portions thereof, marked with this legend must also reproduce these markings.. (See next question. Requiring the use of very unusual development tools may impede development, unless those tools provide a noticeable advantage. Some OSS is very secure, while others are not; some proprietary software is very secure, while others are not. So if the program is being used and not modified (a very common case), this additional term has no impact. The joint OnGuard system and XProtect video solution was tested and approved to protect Air Force Protection Level 1 (PL-1) non-nuclear through PL-4 sites around . That way, their improvements will be merged with the improvements of others, enabling them to use all improvements instead of only their own. Atty Gen.51 (1913)) that has become the leading case construing 31 U.S.C. Each product must be examined on its own merits. DoD Software Modernization Strategy Approved > U.S. Department of In contracts where this issue is important, you should examine the contract to find the specific definitions that are being used. An OSS implementation can be read and modified by anyone; such implementations can quickly become a working reference model (a sample implementation or an executable specification) that demonstrates what the specification means (clarifying the specification) and demonstrating how to actually implement it. Under the DFARS or the FAR, the government can release software as open source software once it receives unlimited rights to that software. Everything just redirects to the DISA Approved Product list which only covers hardware. The term Free software predates the term open source software, but the term Free software has sometimes been misinterpreted as meaning no cost, which is not the intended meaning in this context. This assessment is slated to conclude in the fourth quarter of this fiscal year (FY2022) and all updates to the DoDIN APL process are expected to be published and available by March 2023. Thus, even this FAQ was developed using open source software. This can create an avalanche-like virtuous cycle. Q: Can contractors develop software for the government and then release it under an open source license? Thus, OSS available to the public and used unchanged is normally COTS. "acquire commercial services, commercial products, or nondevelopmental items other than commercial products to meet the needs of the agency; require prime contractors and subcontractors at all levels under the agency contracts to incorporate commercial services, commercial products, or nondevelopmental items other than commercial products as components of items supplied to the agency; modify requirements in appropriate cases to ensure that the requirements can be met by commercial services or commercial products or, to the extent that commercial products suitable to meet the agencys needs are not available, nondevelopmental items other than commercial products in response to agency solicitations; state specifications in terms that enable and encourage bidders and offerors to supply commercial services or commercial products or, to the extent that commercial products suitable to meet the agencys needs are not available, nondevelopmental items other than commercial products in response to the agency solicitations; revise the agencys procurement policies, practices, and procedures not required by law to reduce any impediments in those policies, practices, and procedures to the acquisition of commercial products and commercial services; and, require training of appropriate personnel in the acquisition of commercial products and commercial services.". As noted by the OSJTF definition for open systems, be sure to test such systems with more than one web browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Firefox), to reduce the risk of vendor lock-in. Q: Does the DoD use OSS for security functions? As with all commercial items, the DoD must comply with the items license when using the item. Thus, public domain software provides recipients all of the rights that open source software must provide. U.S. courts have determined that the GPL does not violate anti-trust laws. The list consists of 21 equipment categories divided into categories, sub-categories and then . If that competitors use of OSS results in an advantage to the DoD (such as lower cost, faster schedule, increased performance, or other factors such as increased flexibility), contractors should expect that the DoD will choose the better bid. Conversely, where source code is hidden from the public, attackers can attack the software anyway as described above. SAF/AQC 1060 Air Force Pentagon Washington, DC 20330-1060 (571) 256-2397 DSN 260-2397 Fax: (571) 256-2431 Fax: DSN 260-2431 Featured Links. It also provides the latest updates and changes to policy from Air Force senior leadership and the Uniform Board. DOR Approved Software Developers | Service Mixing GPL can provide generic services to other software. If the contractor was required to transfer copyright to the government for works produced under contract (e.g., because the FAR 52.227-17 or DFARS 252.227-7020 clauses apply to it), then the government can release the software as open source software, because the government owns the copyright. Use of the DODIN APL allows DOD Components to purchase and operate systems over all DOD network . Many governments, not just the U.S., view open systems as critically necessary. Very Important Notes: The Public version of DoD Cyber Exchange has limited content. For commercial software, such needed fixes could be provided by a software vendor as part of a warranty, or in the case of OSS, by the government (or its contractors). The Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has said, in an advisory ruling, that the country of origin of software is the place where the software is converted into object code (Software comes from the place where its converted into object code, says CBP, FierceGovernmentIT), for purposes of granting waivers of certain Buy American restrictions in U.S. law or practice or products offered for sale to the U.S. Government.. No, although they work well together, and both are strategies for reducing vendor lock-in. As long as a GPL program does not embed GPL software into its outputs, a GPL program can process classified/proprietary information without question. Common licenses for each type are: - Permissive: MIT, BSD-new, Apache 2.0 - Weakly protective: LGPL (version 2 or 3) - Strongly protective: GPL (version 2 or 3). DOD Mobile Apps Gallery - U.S. Department of Defense In many cases, yes, but this depends on the specific contract and circumstances. Q: What are synonyms for open source software? In particular, note that the costs borne by a particular organization are typically only those for whatever improvements or services are used (e.g., installation, configuration, help desk, etc.). OSS can often be purchased (directly, or as a support contract), and such purchases often include some sort of indemnification. 97-258, 96 Stat. Application Mixing GPL can rely on other software to provide it with services, provided either that those services are either generic (e.g., operating system services) or have been explicitly exempted by the GPL software designer as non-GPL components. OSS-like development approaches within the government. Thus, they are all strategies for sharing the development and maintenance costs of software, potentially reducing its cost. Air Force - (618)-229-6976, DSN 779. The example of Borlands InterBase/Firebird is instructive. In short, the ADAs limitation on voluntary services does not broadly forbid the government from working with organizations and people who identify themselves as volunteers, including those who develop OSS. However, software written entirely by federal government employees as part of their official duties can be released as public domain software. No. However, often software can be split into various components, some of which are classified and some of which are not, and it is to these unclassified portions that this text addresses. These included the Linux kernel, the gcc compilation suite (including the GNAT Ada compiler), the office suite, the emacs text editor, the Nmap network scanner, OpenSSH and OpenSSH for encryption, and Samba for Unix/Linux/Windows interoperability. Air Force Policy Directive 38-1, Manpower and Organization, 2 July 2019 Air Force instruction 33-360, Publications and Forms Management, 1 December 2015 Air Force Manual 33-363, Management of Records, 21 July 2016 Adopted Forms AF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publications No changes since that date. This includes the, Strongly Protective (aka strong copyleft): These licenses prevent the software from becoming proprietary, and instead enforce a share and share alike approach. A weakly-protective license is a compromise between the two, preventing the covered library from becoming proprietary yet permitting it to be embedded in larger proprietary works. Support for OSS is often sold separately for OSS; in such cases, you must comply with the support terms for those uses to receive support, but these are typically the same kinds of terms that apply to proprietary software (and they tend to be simpler in practice). In that case, the U.S. government might choose to continue to use the version to which it has unlimited rights, or it might use the publicly-available commercial version available to the government through that versions commercial license (the GPL in this case). Most of the Air Force runs on excel VBA because of this. Welcome to the Air Force Institute of Technology / Celebrating 100 Year Industry Partners / Employers. DFARS 252.227-7014 specifically defines commercial computer software in a way that includes nearly all OSS, and defines noncommercial computer software as software that does not qualify as commercial computer software. However, this approach should not be taken lightly. In effect, the malicious developer could lose many or all rights over their license-violating result, even rights they would normally have had! If your contract has FAR clause 52.212-4 (which it is normally required to do), then choice of venue clauses in software licenses are undesirable, but the order of precedence clause (in the contract) means that the choice of venue clause (in the license) is superseded by the Contract Disputes Act. Choosing between the various options - particularly between permissive, weakly protective, and strongly protective options - is perhaps the most difficult, because this selection depends on your goals, and there are many opinions on which licenses are most appropriate for different circumstances. AEW and AEG/CCs may publish supplements to AFI 1-1, Air Force Standards, to address issues of community standards. Use a widely-used existing license. An Open Source Community can update the codebase, but they cannot patch your servers. In this case, the government has the unenviable choice of (1) spending possibly large sums to switch to the new project (which would typically have a radically different interface and goals), or (2) continuing to use the government-unique custom solution, which typically becomes obsolete and leaves the U.S. systems far less capable that others (including those of U.S. adversaries). Cisco solutions for department of defense DoD - Cisco Cybersecurity Facility-Related Control Systems (FRCS) - SERDP-ESTCP Video conferencing platforms Zoom and Microsoft Teams are both FedRamp approved, but while Zoom offers end-to-end encryption, Microsoft Teams does not, according to the National Security Agency . The GPL and government unlimited rights terms have similar goals, but differ in details. Proprietary COTS tend to be lower cost than GOTS, since the cost of development and maintenance is typically shared among a larger number of users (who typically pay to receive licenses to use the product). The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for international public health. An Airman at the 616th Operations Center empowered his fellow service members by organizing a professional development seminar for his unit. See GPL FAQ, Who has the power to enforce the GPL?. In nearly all cases, pre-existing OSS are commercial products, and thus their use is governed by the rules for including any commercial products in the deliverable. Relevant government authorities make it clear that the Antideficiency Act (ADA) does not generally prohibit the use of OSS due to limitations on voluntary services. Currently there is no APL Memo available for this Tracking Number. . Q: Can the government or contractor use trademarks, service marks, and/or certification marks with OSS projects? And of course, individual OSS projects often have security review processes or methods (such as Mozillas bounty system). Air Force, U.S. Navy, and U.S. Marine Corps, and to participating agencies in-volved with supportability analysis sum-maries and provisioning/item selection functions by, or for, Department of Defense weapons systems, equipment, publications, software and hardware, training, training devices, and support equipment. Running shoes. 16th Air Force > Home - AF African nations hold Women, Peace and Security Panel at AACS 2023. It is only when the OSS is modified that additional OSS terms come into play, depending on the OSS license. Thus, complex license management processes to track every installation or use of the software, or who is permitted to use the software, is completely unnecessary. Q: Is the GPL compatible with Government Unlimited Rights contracts, or does the requirement to display the license, etc, violate Government Unlimited Rights contracts? . The United States Air Force operates a service called "Iron Bank", which is the DoD Enterprise repository of hardened software containers, many of which are based on open source products. There are many definitions for the term open standard. MEMORANDUM FOR ALL MAJCOMs/FOAs/DRUs . Note that most commercial software is not intended to be used where the impact of any error of any kind is extremely high (e.g., a large number of lives are likely to be immediately lost if even the slightest software error occurs).

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air force approved software list 2021