. Here is my last offer. Does anyone know if this is true? Its written in the Bible. He does great things for lots o people!!! On the contrary, he is a manipulative, arrogant man. The case began in December 2006. I dont even have to examine the fruit in your life to know thats more than what youve done. Shesangry, but not vindictive. Similarly, if anyone wants to read an article written by Josh Benton they could visit the DMNs website. My reference is based upon years of experience. In 1997, he faced eight counts of public indecency and seven counts of criminal trespass, linked to a series of incidents in which a man matching Pastor Pitts description was reported exposing himself to people in places like a local park and a Wal-Mart parking lot. False prophetess Paula White is working hard to resurrect the church her selfish divorce helped tear down. David stood for the goodness of God toward his people. But I for one, am not ever going to go to a church where the guy has had so much evidence pointing at him, and putting him in such a bad light. Isnt that hilarious? Aarum maintains that there were no complaints about hisinteractionswith youth group students during his tenure atThe Chapel or in the decade afterward, he said in an April 28 email. Do you have any idea what the tithes and offerings are for a 4,000 member church? None righteous, no not one. The year sincewould be punctuated by texts to McDonalds phone other womentellingher theyd been abused, too. Pitts' response was that in line with the purchase, all programs were being evaluated, and those wanting to remain on the air were welcome to reapply. All that matters now is that if this things are true is that Pastor Pitts ask for forgivenss and moves on. Above: Carolyn McDonald, Michelle Poulsen, Rachel Horvath, Jessica Spiesz, Ashley Scibilia, Joy McCullough. Those who didnt fit the type boys and plain-looking or heavier-set girls wereoftenignoredorbrushed off, said Ferrante and McDonald, whom Ferrante said he often saw inone-on-one conversationswith Aarum. There are others who have gambled everything doing far lesstell me why Pitts would be above it??? And its no wonder, these saying are born out of the doctrine that stems from the selfish foundation on which it was built. Michelle Poulsen and Joy McCullough allege Wayne Aarums physical and verbal behavior toward them was inappropriate and abusive while they were youth group members at The Chapel in the late 1990s. Reviewed July 21, 2020. princess1075, Willoughby, Ohio. He sent back a report indicating that he believed Mr. Pitts was no longer a danger to repeat the kind of conduct that happened at the park, Mr. Smith said. in any way. The statement was withdrawn after it drew widespread criticism. Watching the people walk in brought back flashbacks of when I was part of a cultish church called the International Churches of ChristI checked out the website and an eerie feeling came over me.it presents the church the same that the ICOC does. Id appreciate it, Mr. Josh Benton, if you would get your facts straight and not try to get people to believe what YOU think is true. He loves the congregation with all his heart, and he DOES point to Jesus in his preaching teachings writings etc. If you have a stack of books, Im saying theres quite a difference, pretty obvious difference, between your stack and his stack of books. (Of course, I hadnt to surf in secret and never told anyone at church that I was questioning the church) I felt like I had become so obsessed/convinced that I was in the one, true church that I couldnt leave or I would surely lose my salvation. At around noon on Jan. 27, 1975, a two-tone Cadillac pulls up to a vacant house in Irving, Texas. Case was dropped then and there, because there then WAS NO CASE. The Cstone app from Cornerstone Church connects you with everything that is happening. Jason & Josh Absolutely furious. Circle C Ranch wouldultimately determinethe initial allegationswere false through its own internal investigation. At that point, Carolyn McDonald briefly considered alawsuit, butdropped it after her lawyers saidit wouldbedifficult to bring her most egregiousallegations of abuseto court, because she couldnt remember whether she was 17 or 18 when they occurred. He stood in harms way to protect Gods people, he faced death and peril to protect Gods peoplehe was righteous. I dont buy it. and I thank You Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not spreading rumors. Ferchenwas sufficiently concerned, he said, that heconfrontedAarum at the time about ending upalone in a space with someone of the opposite sex, which was prohibited underanother one ofthe Ranchs policies. Fourthly: 4 hours BEFORE the infamous arrest, a cornerstone member working at the blade was startled to see the headlines OF the ARREST printed BEFORE it ever happened!!! Cattaraugus CountySgt. Finally, both of Pastor Pitts attornies accepted Jesus and now attend his church as a direct result of the entire ordeal. 6 1. Does he teach that Cornerstone is the one, true church? PS before I go. I gotta say, Im overwhelmed by the fact that so many Christians would rather gossip about the past and put down and talk trash about a congregation or minister of the gospel. So if you are comforting yourself, I have a stack, well you might have a stack, but if we consider the nature and content of your stack as opposed to his stack, well, your stack looks pretty sorry and pathetic. Shed resignfrom her position not long after, her emotions a mix of heartbreak andfrustrationasshe leftthe Ranch. He blamed his problems on media monsters. Devan ODierno told the USA Today Network that Wayne Aarum was physically inappropriate with her, including placing his hands on her bottom while hugging her tightly in an empty room, while she was on staff at Circle C Ranch in the 2000s. Soyou be the judge, is someone righteous base on what they do, or what they believe? Given the lack of critical response to the appearance, Mahaney will likely feel more comfortable returning to the broader evangelical conference circuit. Protesters demand accountability for Cornerstone Church leaders - WTOL I think Pastor Pitts is very annointed visionary that was sent by God. Please call 419-725-5000 if youd like to discuss further. Based upon his preachings, the whole congregation should be multi-millionaires. Look at the lineage of Jesus in the book of Matthew, Jesus line is litter with imperfection. ooooh scary. Secondly I must say its amazing how you go from wishing me luck on finding the answers Im looking for to being a complete prick. You sure seem to have everything figured out I just hope you dont ever need any grace or mercy since it is certain that you aernt offering any to Pastor Michael or anyone elso for that matter. Truth always outlives a lie. She added that the difference between the strict rules for teenagecamp staff membersand the operational freedom thatAarum seemed to have as a senior leaderwasstark;You start to see the dichotomy of how the kids are treated and how Wayne was untouchable as far as what he was allowed to do, she said. But by not speaking up or following up on complaints, they are in fact providing passive support.. Defined under legal terminology, (in which I have an understudy degree in law) is most frequently referred to as a subpeona. (The Pitts camp claims the officials are lying.) The people at Cornerstone are blinded to the truth because they worship him. Sunday Service. Hey, anonymous: I guess no one reads my writing except you, who keeps coming back to my site five times a day to leave anonymous comments calling me gay and asshole. I think anyone looking up the good pastor should have access to some information about his past, shall we say, issues. The bible is very clear that its not what we do but what we belive that make us righteous. If someone wants to read an article on Pitts, they could do a search on the blades website. Its called the 10 Commandments. Within a year, however, she said she would go to the police to report heruneaseabout thehabitsshed seen develop betweenWayne Aarum and teenage girls at the camp. I think alot of other churches, have a problem with the mixed congregation. Nah, not gonna give you my name. Are you pushed to bring people to church and invite so many per month? He is a man, after all. Where in the Bible do you get that we are supposed to withdraw from those who preach prosperity? Just because you can take a scripure out of context doesnt mean you have Michael Pitts number. And about the term warrant. The public indecency charge was dropped on January 15, 1998 when Judge Francis Gorman of the Toledo Municipal Court ruled that the statute of limitations had expired for the initial event. The specific authority in this case would be applied to the owner of this forum. It dawns on you pretty quickly that this is not appropriate, Smith said. But then again, dealing with false teachers is never pleasant. When reached by phone, Hilliker said she could not comment on what her recommendations were orwhether they were accepted or rejected by the board. Do you know someone connected to The Chapel or Circle C Ranch? Do you feel that you HAVE to be there every time the doors are open or youll be questioned as to why you werent? In afall 2020 letter,Wayne Aarum saidhe was reinstatedas presidentand that Circle Cs independent investigation was complete, andhad found no factual basisfor the allegations against him at that point. He validated my life., In aApril 28 emailto the USA TODAY NETWORK, WayneAarum acknowledged that his conversationswithyouth group membersat The Chapel, meant to help them navigate their adolescent struggles, could have sometimes hurt (them) because of the listeners personal situation, he said." Finally, the prosecutors said they agreed not to file charges if Mr. Pitts would agree to counseling, which Mr. Smith said Mr. Pitts did. Go, give him your money and listen to his false doctrine. He has nothing valuable to offer except false doctrinewhy is that so difficult for you to grasp? After all, they have been given the charge of teaching you the truth and will be accountable for it. Rembember, we are all sinners. You did. FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- A downtown Fresno church is celebrating a win in a lawsuit against the state. I honestly didnt even know what was happening to me, said Snell, now 21. Dear anonymous commenter, Thats all besides the point. Pastor Implicated in Sex Abuse Scandal is Back Please let this die. Its apparent because these people cannot govern their own lives, they turn a blind eye and enable Pitts to continue his charade and deception. But in the Delta incident, a man fitting his description was spotted masturbating in front of two boys at a baseball diamond. Or is that just a oversight to twist scripture to support a false doctrine? Ron, being accquited in this country doesnt really mean to much.

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