1 Horse Guards Road, You are right that local government staff are a vital part of our national infrastructure providing services that everyone relies on and protecting some of the most vulnerable in our society. Weve made this easy to do by filling in the form on the Pay Justice Nowsite! We are asking councillors to debate and sign this model motion for councils. Make sure all your membership contact details are up to date. Representatives of councils across England, Wales and Northern Ireland made the offer to 1.5 million local authority . When local government employers met earlier this week to issue their revised pay offer of 1.75% - an increase of 0.25% that UNISON regards as 'insignificant' - they did so against a backdrop of growing discontent over a proposed increase that fails to reflect the hard work and sacrifices made by council and school workers during the pandemic. Unions previously said the negotiations had reached a deadlock after the government initially offered no increase.. Local Government Chronicle (LGC) News, comment and analysis on local government, plus jobs in the sector. Thanks so much to all of you that took the time to vote. Following the pay offer which falls short of our pay claim we need a much stronger message to government, so we have written to the employers calling specifically for them to join us and call for more funding for local government pay. The more people who join GMB, the stronger we are! GMB asked National Joint Council (NJC) national employers across Local Government, Councils and Schools to join with the trade unions and make a joint approach to the Westminster Government, for more funding for Local Government pay. Become a workplace organiser - stand up to injustice in your workplace! LocalGov.co.uk - Your authority on UK local government - Union starts HM Treasury, Local authorities were required to accommodate potential public sector pay awards in this year's budget planning following the 176m cash increase in the local government settlement provided by Welsh Government for 2021-22. A national minimum agreement on homeworking policies for all councils. Any offer that is accepted will be back dated to 1st April, 2020. The 2021-22 Public Sector Pay Policy is a single-year policy. We have to stop them cutting sick pay. We are now entering into talks to make a collective pay claim for 2021-22 for all members in local government, and to do that, we need to hear from you: Members! Read the entire letter below: GMB will be running briefings on the offer and our pay campaign for reps and members. This equates to 10.50% for SCP1 and no less than 4.04% for SCP43. The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities will set out plans for funding allocations in 2023-24 through the upcoming Local Government Finance Settlement. STATE OF ALASKA: STATE OF HAWAII: U.S. Office of Personnel . Hundreds of occupations are covered by this pay offer. Council employees' improved pay offer announced | Local Government It was barely above inflation a year ago. Now that many protections have been removed, we know that our members once again will be on the frontline, providing vital services to the public whilst putting themselves at risk. maintaining regular contact with their manager and colleagues, avoiding being always on by ensuring that they identify non-working time, contacting the employee assistance programme if they need support, for example, in relation to heightened feelings of anxiety, being aware of the things that can cause them poor wellbeing and the activities and resources that can help to address this, Completion of the outstanding work of the joint Term-Time Only review group. Surveys by XpertHR, a research group, point to a median pay award of 3 per cent for 2022, with the bottom quartile of employers offering up to 2.5 per cent. This would be payable from 1 April 2021. Information and resources to support bargaining and campaigns, Access hundreds of different learning opportunities as part of your GMB membership, See the latest training, guides, and resources for GMB reps, See all the latest information and guidance from your union, Find out more and get involved inon our campaignto make schools safe, Fighting for Amazon workers across the country, The campaign for apay rise for local government and school workers. A consultative industrial action ballot will start soon. 67% of GMB members voted in favour of the employers pay offer. Unison members also voted to accept the offer. As such, for you to be facing a pay rise that is significantly below inflation is not acceptable and we are concerned that your commitment to the job and to the people you support every day is simply being taken for granted. Organise a meeting to discuss pay and to build support for the pay ballot using our campaign resources. Thanks to reps and members who voted, joined us for online meetings, and got the vote out in their workplace! GMB is now asking you to vote to accept or reject the pay offer at 1.75% (please note pay point 1 will be increased by 2.75%), What happens next is up to you. This contrasts with the minimum 10% rise which the unions submitted in a joint pay claim for last year. Whilst voting in this ballot was set against an unprecedented time with members fighting Covid-19 and keeping communities' safe turnout was the best it could be under these circumstances. The pay negotiations will also be influenced by shifting government policy. The NJC payscales, which are local government payscales resulting from negotiations between the employer and trade union sides of the National Joint Council, have been agreed for the 2021/22 year. Inner London Pay Spine From 1 April 2021 an increase of 2.75% on point 1 and 1.75% on all other points rounded up to the multiple of 3. The NJC pay survey closed in November 2020. What is the pay offer? In 2021, federal employees received a 1.0% across-the-board increase and no adjustment to locality pay. SLCC | 2021-22 National Salary Award Victorian politicians win 2.5% pay rise, union says increase should After a decade of funding and pay cuts, you and your colleagues across local councils, schools and essential services are fighting the crisis of a generation as key workers protecting the public from Covid-19. 100+ respondents would be interested in becoming a GMB Rep in the workplace. The government has announced that the qualified pay freeze in the public sector is over, and although this never applied directly to local government, it was a factor considered by some councils and reflected in recent years consultations. GMB Union negotiates pay for hundreds of thousands of workers in local government and schools. Public sector pay rise pledge expected to 'set tone' of future pay However, it is understood most councils have been unable to get the pay award processed before next month's payday, when it will be subject to the new headline 1.25% national insurance rise. London, A pay cut in real terms. Long Term Financial Plans to refer to the Office of Local Government's Integrated Planning and Reporting Manual for . Unions reject 'insulting' pay offer for council social workers The total public sector pay bill was around 235 billion in the 2021/22 financial year - with central government pay (which includes UK government departments, parliament, most public bodies and the devolved administrations) costing about 165 billion and local government about 70 billion. The majority of employees - those on salaries starting at 18,198 per annum - would receive an uplift of 1.75 per. Written Statement: Provisional Local Government Settlement 2022-23 Contact GMB National Office or your GMB Region. Local councils play an essential role in the fabric of our country - providing services which we all rely on and supporting some of the most vulnerable people in our communities. Before any changes to COVID-19 control measures are implemented. Your participation really matters. We'll keep you updated when we know more. Its time to make work better. Pay is ultimately an issue for local councils, and it is the responsibility of employers to make an assessment on what is affordable within the overall available resources. GMB is campaigning for pay rises to be properly funded. The three big unions - Unison, GMB and Unite - tabled their pay claim for last year on 15 February 2021, which was much later than in previous years, when claims were usually lodged before Christmas. Its important to stress the LGA Executive Advisory Board - which is made up of elected councillors have decided to override the view of the National Employers hence why it will be really helpful if you could write to your councillor asking why this is the case. 20 January 2022. As a result of this, GMB informed the employers of our rejection and asked for the offer to be improved. At Spending Review 2021, the Government set out that councils in England will receive. SW1P 4DF, Rachel Harrison Recruit a member - Strength in numbers! Keeping you up to date and in touch on GMB issues that matter to you. SLCC | Local Government Pay Claim 2021/22 Payments will be slightly affected by the national insurance rise. The National Joint Council negotiates the pay, terms and conditions of staff in local authorities. Due to pandemic and restricted access to workplaces: 100+people requested socially distanced workplace meetings. "Pay from 2021 is being backdated to last April. The Government continues to work closely with the sector to understand the pressures that local authorities are facing across their services. The joint union NJC Pay Claim for 2022 has now been submitted to employers for their consideration. Default is not an option. Local government pay - the National Joint Council (NJC) Public sector pay policy 2021 to 2022 (revised) - Scottish Government "Disappointing" council pay offer ignores huge Covid-19 - GMB The Low Pay Commission's recommendations set. Rt Hon Simon Clarke MP We will start our consultative ballot in November. A national minimum agreement onhomeworkingpolicies for all councils. Vote and vote YES for Strike Action/Action Short of a Strike. By Jim Dunton. Taxes for the NHS and social care should be raised from other sources better able to pay. Council employees have been offered a pay increase of 1.50 per cent from 1 April 2021. The rate peg is the maximum percentage amount by which a council may increase its general income for the year. A substantial pay increase with a minimum of 10% for all workers in local government and schools! The claim was for a 10% pay increase for local government workers. Best wishes, 2. . You will recall that in February the unions lodged their pay claim for: During March, councils in each of the nine English regions, plus Wales and Northern Ireland, were consulted at virtual regional pay briefings. Pay is ultimately a decision for local councils. Policy paper. FAO: Members in England, Wales, & Northern Ireland. GMB have written to the NJC national employers across local government, councils and schools asking them to join with the trade unions and make a joint approach to the Westminster Government, for more funding for local government pay. Local government pay ballot 2022 - UNISON Scotland Recent developments On 27 October 2021, the Autumn Budget and Spending Review 2021 announced that public sector workers would receive "fair and affordable" pay rises across the 2022/23 to 2024/25 Spending Review period. 2 Marsham Street 27 Jul 2021 Council employees have been offered an improved pay increase. Payments will be slightly affected by the national insurance rise. GMB are meeting with NJC Unions to agree the full staff side pay claim. Employment Cost Index Summary - 2022 Q04 Results - Bureau of Labor Your local GMB branch/office will be contacting you shortly to discuss the pay offer and let you know how you can vote in this important pay ballot Make sure you have your say on pay. GMBwill meet with the other recognised unions (Unison & Unite) on Tuesday 1st November 2022 and notify them and the employers of our result. A trade union has started balloting 370,000 council and school staff for strike action over the 'inadequate' pay offer. 22/02/2023. Please also ensure your membership details are correct and you can update any changes here. FAO: England, Wales, & Northern Ireland. The vote has therefore carried and employers have now been notified. London Recruit a member - Strength in numbers! This means all members will now get a vote to decide on whether to take strike action to stop these pay cuts. Work in a Local Authority? I understand that the National Joint Council has reached agreement on the Local Government Services pay offer for 2022-23. The results are in. National Living Wage increase to protect workers' living standards 5. Help build the union in your workplace: You can find resources to help you at the. 3.2% Federal Pay Raise Bill Appears in Senate - Government Executive Terms and conditions I welcome the recommendations relating to teachers' terms and conditions. All risk assessments will need to updated and there are previous circulars covering this which can be found online. Written Statement: Report and recommendations from the Independent Funding of 64.5 million will be committed to ensure adult social care workers will be paid at least the Real Living Wage from May 2021, backdated to April 2021. Not a GMB member? Look out for more details soon. In GMB only members have their say on pay so we thank you for taking part in this important consultative ballot. Although the sums involved in this are largely negligible (for example an employee on 20k per year would lose only 4.38 of the back pay), we strongly believe that you have waited long enough and should get every penny owed. I would like to offer my apologies for the delayed response. Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for The 2022/23 Local Government & Schools Pay offer is for one year and is as follows: With effect from 1 April 2022, an increase of 1,925 on all NJC pay points 1 and above (FTE). And as the unions begin consulting their members this week on the 2022 pay, there are also concerns negotiations will be particularly difficult this year. Thats why GMB submitted the following pay claim this year: Our demand is fair: for a pay award that keeps pace with inflation. VIDEO: Latest information on the pay offer and GMB campaign. "All options for meeting the [national living wage] challenge will lead to increased costs to councils and as a result will divert money away from other critical pay issues including those high up councils agenda such as local government workforce capacity," she said. Council employees pay offer announced Join today www.gmb.org.uk/join. In the last GMB update we advised you that we have approached Local Government employers across England, Wales and Northern Ireland setting out our disappointment on the pay offer. I am replying as the Minister responsible for public spending. Young people and apprentices on the National Minimum Wage will also see a boost to their wages. The offer came despite the 2021-2022 public-sector pay freeze set out by chancellor Rishi . There is strength in numbers, employers can ignore one voice but when we all speak together they have to take notice. The final pay claim, as agreed by all three unions, and which has now been submitted is: A headlineclaimof an increase of 2,000 on each pay point, or of the current RPI rate, whichever is the greater, Review of term time only contracts and consideration of retainers, Reduction in the working week (without loss of pay) to 35 hours (34 in London), One additional day of annual leave across the board, Introduction of a home working allowance for all staff who are working from home, A national minimum agreement on homeworking policies for all councils, A separate urgent review of all mileage rates currently applying. We know that inflation is at a level not seen for thirty years and that is before the additional costs caused by the increase in the energy price cap come into effect. Since then, we have received news that of the other unions, Unisons members in England and Wales also rejected the offer but as their ballot turnout was a low turnout, they also have no ability to progress the issue via any form of industrial action. FAO: Local Government, Council and School workers across England, Wales, & Northern Ireland. Unison had recommended its members oppose local government employers' 'full and final' offer for the pay period from April 2021 to March 2022, which offered most staff a 1.75% increase and those on the lowest pay a 2.75% rise. We asked all members - working in town halls, schools, academies and across local government - who would be affected by the offer, what you thought. Full time (20hr+/week) 14.57 per month, Part time: (20hr-/week) 8.40 per month, If you work term-time hours only, you might be eligible to pay the part-time membership rate, so ask your region. Organise a meeting to discuss pay and to build support for the pay rise using our campaign resources. Not got a GMB Workplace Organiser yet? Please stand with our members. The OBR forecast nominal earnings would . Council workers reject 'insulting' 1.75% pay increase offer The measure will hit lower paid workers hard and should be scrapped. The response from the employers side was to refuse to do this having already stated that it was the final offer. The more people who join GMB, the stronger we can make your work better. Our members in schools are perhaps the best example: while it was often said that schools were closed during the lockdowns it was school support staff who went into schools to provide education for vulnerable children and the children of key workers, while infection rates were extremely high and before there was any protection from a vaccine. As you are aware, GMB members rejected the 1.75% offer although on a turn out significantly below that required to give us any confidence that we could win a ballot for industrial action. We need all our members to have their say on pay. Please note the following and the need for employers to work with union reps locally: As restrictions have been lifted across England, we need to ensure all updated risk assessments are in place. Local government pay scale for support staff Special educational needs Outer London Pay Spines From 1 April 2021 an increase of 2.75% on point 1 and 1.75% on all other points rounded up to the multiple of 3. Public sector pay rise pledge expected to 'set tone' of future pay negotiations | Local Government Chronicle (LGC) EMAP Publishing Limited Company number 7880758 (England & Wales) Registered address: 10th Floor, Southern House, Wellesley Grove, Croydon, CR0 1XG We use cookies to personalize and improve your experience on our site. With effect from 1 April 2021, an increase of 1.50 per cent on all NJC pay points 1 and above, Completion of the outstanding work of the joint Term-Time Only review group, A joint review of the provisions in the Green Book for maternity / paternity / shared parental / adoption leave. (additional copies for HR Director and Finance Director) The government has offered civil servants a 1.5% salary increase plus a cash payment in wage negotiations with trade unions, Public Service and Administration Minister Senzo Mchunu said on Monday.. The National Joint Council (NJC) for local government services has agreed the new rate of pay (an increase of 1.75%) applicable from 1 April 2021. Part-time staff to be given a choice of a pro rata reduction, or retaining the same hours and being paid a higher percentage of FTE, A minimum of 25 days annual leave, plus public holidays and statutory days, for all starting employees, plus an extra day holiday on all other holiday rates that depend on service, An agreement on a best practice national programme of mental health support for all local authorities and school staff, A joint review of job descriptions, routes for career developments and pay banding for school support staff, and completion of the outstanding work of the joint term-time only review group. Terms and Conditions | Built by 89up, Latest bulletin for local government workers: NJC 2022 PAY OFFER, ministerial.correspondence@levellingup.gov.uk. An. The letter sent to you in July set out the crisis within Local Government and School funding and this needs to be properly addressed, not further exacerbated by cuts. Jon Richards, Rehana Azam, Jim Kennedy Your local GMB branch/office will be contacting you shortly to discuss how you can vote in this consultative ballot and how you can get active in your pay campaign to stop these pay cuts. GMB alongside sister unions have written to the employers setting out our disappointment and seeking reasons of this U-turn. Backpay for The vital contribution of our members comes on the back of 10 years of austerity during which the value of many employees pay has dropped by 20% in real terms. 4.8 billion of new grant funding between 2022-23 and 2024-25, the largest annual increases in core funding for local authorities in over a decade. The Consumer Prices Index rate of inflation is currently 3.2%. Once we have these, we will be able to update you further. A copy of the letter sent to the NJC trade unions, along with a copy of the employers media statement, are set out below. Local government employees will lose some of their backdated 2021 pay rise - because "protracted" union tactics mean it will be subject to April's national insurance increase. 2022 National Pay Negotiations | Local Government Association NW1 2HD. THANKYOU FOR VOTING. You will be aware that the employers made a pay offer of 1.5% for 2021. Separate guidance applies to councils in Wales and Northern Ireland. Three local government unions have today (Monday) submitted a pay claim for 2021/22, which they say begin s to redress a decade of cuts and recognise s the key role played in the pandemic by school and council staff. Payscales for 2020/21 | NICVA Inflation is running at above 4% and workers have faced 23% real terms pay cut over the last decade. There was also a separate conditions claim. All results are being analysed by regional teams toidentifypotential local campaigning targets outside of this national pay claim. London Each council takes into account a number of factors such as job size and local labour market conditions when deciding an employees salary. GMBs consultative ballot on the NJC Pay Offer for 2022/23 has now closed. Thank you to the tens of thousands of GMB members that took part in the Have Your Say On Your Pay Local Government and Schools Consultative ballot across England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Local government services pay agreement 2021-2022 The dispute between unions and councils comes as National Insurance payments are set to rise from next April, with the UK. Unite's local government members will stage targeted industrial action at councils in England, Wales and Northern Ireland in March, after rejecting a 1.75 per cent pay offer in a ballot of more than 300 local authorities. Now that the current pay round has been concluded,GMB will be consulting withmembers on your pay aspirations for 2022. Trade Union Side Secretaries Employers need to support employees to take steps to look after their wellbeing during their period of working from home. "Pay from 2021 is being backdated to last April. Further to recent updates GMB is now able to announce that the 2021 1.75% pay award has finally been agreed by Unison as well as GMB meaning that it can now be paid to you. It sets out the parameters for pay increases for staff pay remits and senior appointments and applies to public bodies with settlement dates in the year between 1 April 2021 and 31 March 2022 (inclusive). Now that many protections will be removed on Monday 19th July, whilst infection rates are rising, we know that our members once again will be on the frontline, providing vital services to the public whilst putting themselves at risk. As a result, please keep an eye out for further bulletins as we fight for fair wages over the coming months. SW1P 4DF, Sent by email: ministerial.correspondence@levellingup.gov.uk. At last week's meeting, Cafcass board members said the organisation had offered a lower pay rise than local government . GMB Union operates nationally and also locally through 7 regional offices. GMB is campaigning for pay to be properly funded. NJC: Council and school pay 2023 | Campaigns | UNISON National Council employees set to lose part of pay rise | Local Government Chronicle (LGC) EMAP Publishing Limited Company number 7880758 (England & Wales) Registered address: 10th Floor, Southern House, Wellesley Grove, Croydon, CR0 1XG We use cookies to personalize and improve your experience on our site. We are urging GMB members to VOTE YES in this indicative ballot for strike action/action short of strike and return the ballot paper by 12 noon on Monday 13th December 2021. GMB Union is writing to express concern that to date, you have not yet responded to the letter from the Chair of National employers for Local Government Services dated 25th July to your predecessor, Rt Hon Greg Clark MP and to highlight to you how this is impacting our members. Here's how you know . "For the lowest paid (currently earning 20,441 per annum), the offer equates to an increase of 9.42. 2021 Government, Councils & Schools Pay offer is as follows: The employers have also agreed to joint discussions on the following: GMB expressed dismay at the opening offer of 1.5% tabled by your employers earlier this year.

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