In the smoke the Latakia - even though being 75% percent of the blend - really smooth and silky. At which point, even I had to admit that this was as intense flavor-wise as anything I had ever smoked. Arrrr -- shiver me timbers -- Pirate Kake is the second blend Ive smoked in as many days that has bewitched me into thinking there were Virginias mixed into it (apparently, based on a couple of other reviews, I wasnt the only one to be so fooled). I poured about a tablespoonful of the rum into the bag and sealed it back up. A smooth, robust blend with LOTS of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and cavendish cut Burley. Actually, for a good Lat. Add to Wish List. I think all Cornell & Diehl blends are aggressive in your taste, but this the proof that i was wrong. I now know why pirates don't have wives. Any pipe tobacco shipped to a New York State address will be subject to the applicable state imposed excise tax (75% over the wholesale . I can imagine the dedicated Pirate Kake lover sitting alone at home, after all his friends have fled the toxic smell, grumbling to himself about how he never liked having friends anyway. No different here except the smoke is much more rich. A Four Star blend, IMHO. $11.90 - $36.98. The smoke has zero bite and is full of flavor. Appearance is a pressed briquette ("krumble kake"), rubs out to a coarse mixture of pieces and ribbon. Love the smell right out of the package. But, I rather parrot and babble on a bit longer. Right now I have it blended 50/50 with Prince Albert which mellows the smokiness a little. Ive had straight Virginias with a stronger flavor overall, therefore I'm dropping pirate kake to two stars. This stuff is ridiculously good. like alot of C and D it's pretty dry . It crumbles apart easily and after some drying it packs very well and is burning even and steady. Beautiful gray ash. The impressive thing about this blend is that it has such a massive amount of latakia but somehow remains interesting and easy to smoke. Tobacco being one of them. This blend is smooth and cool smoking all the way down the bowl and though I don't have a "sophisticated" palate, I know what I like and this is a great smoke! There is a relatively low nicotine content in this blend. It doesnt burn great, needs some relights but thats ok, were not in a slow smoking championship after all. You may want to get a small amount to try it before you go bulk. Although there is reportedly 70%+ Latakia in this blend, it is smooth and satisfying with addition of other tobaccos. Strong Latakia presence with Orientals for a rich, silky, cool smoke. I feel like I'm the naysayer here, I read sooo many positive things about this blend. It reminded me of smoking a burnt out matchstick or if you were to smoke the smoke off of a meat smoker. I found a retro-hale was the best way to truly get the smokey leathery flavor of the latakia to shine. During the smoke this left a sweet, rich, smoky aftertaste and after the smoke the same aftertaste that was pleasant for over an hour. I find the Ten Russians to be a slightly better balance than Stimulus Package. Pressed tobacco blends are among my favorites for taste and this blend is no exception. I always load my pipe the night before and let it sit overnight. Age When Smoked: not sure. One of the best Latakia blends I've ever smoked.aka Latakia Bomb.. excellent. Wow, this is heavy in Latakia. Superb! The Tobacco in Bulgaria report includes: Analysis of key supply-side and demand trends. Opening the tin, I receive a lovely aroma of Latakia and that's about it and it is plenty. I found it pleasant and will smoke it again even though this is not my usual type of smoke although I am coming to enjoy more English Blends. Surprisingly it is only medium strong. I don't have any problem smoking this. It does smoke cool with no bite. The smoke itself, is probably the thickest, creamiest, smoke Ive experienced. Sipping at this one, it didn't get too overbearing in its intensity of flavor. But I knew that would probably be the case going in. Please don't buy it and then tell everyone it's crap. But I wouldn't smoke this on a regular basis. The latakia is heavy, which is fine. (how many times did I say smoky so far? I guess this, is in part, due to solid balance with the orientals and burley. Go figure. C&D Pirate Kake was among them. It burns well and forms a nice ash. I like to smoke this mid afternoon with a good cup of skunky coffee. I am trying this out today as I wanted a full throttle Latakia smoke for a change of pace. I'll be honest, its re ally not for me. The wine helped me get through the bowl. Pirate Cake has 22% THC. Update 6/14: I had upped the rating on this to 3 stars a while ago as I began to appreciate it more when I smoked in as a leisurely, late night smoke, and not as a daylong choice. If their is a smoother English out there, I have yet to find it. Burns even and smooth giving a flavorful and creamy smoke all the way through. As always YMMV. The good: This is fun stuff with its astonishing black brick of tobacco, and the initial taste upon light up is a wonderful, rich & intense, smokiness. Not terribly complex, almost one dimensional, but quite good at what it does. I've decided I would rather put my money towards PK. Loose or tinned pipe tobacco orders- minimum . If there is such a thing as heaven, for latakia lovers the streets of heaven must be paved with pirate kake. We all had the same conclusion that this pipe tobacco reminds one of a fine cigar. An enjoyable time except for the musk of the galley! Caution: it is such an unforgettable smoke, your pipe will keep reminding you of it no matter what else you smoke in it. Delicious flavors mend together and form a smooth, rich English blended by the tobacco gods themselves. Also a great retirement smoke, after spending a day in the upland woods chasing the king of game birds, the ruffed grouse. This mixture is now on my favourites list. Hermit Tobacco Works Co. - Captain Earle's - Ten Russians, Dan Tobacco - Old Ironsides (American History Mixtures). Such a joy to smoke very nice lat forward mix. At other times, you may also detect an almost perfumy fragrance, possibly a synaesthetic hallucination. Next time I mixed in a little more and then a little more and a little more and then I ran out. First off, I love latakia-from blends with just a hint to full blown blends like this wonderful smoke from C&D. You either love Latakia or you seldom partake in it. If Nightcap is Wagnerian, this is a brass band. Choose . Its very smooth yet has a bit of punch to it, without the tongue bite or spiciness. I left the lid off for 2 hours and smokes fine now. Performance: A very cool burning blend. Just beware of the extremely strong room note: while not particularly nasty (unless you hate latakia), its ghost will haunt your house for many days, haunting your house!!! The smoke leans a little further to the sweet than the smokiness, and I can definitely pick up on the Perique and Orientals more than I had anticipated. While the cavendish cut burley does not contribute to the taste in any way, it gives this blend a smooth, cool and even burn. I love Latakia. Nic dose is fairly low on this one, which surprised the heck out of me because the flavor is so over the top. This went straight to the top of my rotation. It does better with a little drying time than fresh out the can. While I love it now, I did not enjoy my first bowl. Upon opening I was greeted with the smell of a thousand campfires. Recommend for all Enthusiasts and most all newcomers looking to expand their horizons. Smoke a bowl in the morning and you will taste it all day. It has been sitting in my closet for almost exactly 6 years. Cake breaks up very eas ily. Smoking PK is to the latakia lover something like what I would suspect eating a very dark unsweetened chocolate would be to a lover of that confection. If you are not a fan of a lot of Latakia, take a pass. Watch out,if smoked too fast you will get a big punch. sold out everywhere And like other heavy latakia blends, this one tends to make me thirsty. I could very well see pirates smoking this out of their clay pipes as they flew the Jolly Roger. I smoke this one outdoors only as it is most offensive to pretty much everyone. This is my favorite tobacco. Purchased From: El Fumador in Sewickley, Pennsylvania. Give it a try, Age When Smoked: 5/01/18 dated so 2-3 months, Purchased From: Boda Pipes (Greenville SC). Pirate Kake, on the other hand, it pure Cyprian smokiness without the coolness. The Cavendish doesn't moderate this blend at all, and the Turkish is AWOL. Until the bottom of the bowl, it's an explosion of taste! Can be enjoyed all day Of all the C&D blends I have sampled, this one indubitably stands head-and-shoulders (in the crows nest, matey) above all the rest. PK provides a phenomenal five-star strength, a four-star room note, with a five-star taste. Dont get me wrong, its certainly a lat bomb, and smokiness abounds, but its a soft, smooth, mild creamy smoke with a cedar like incense quality. This is one you should try. An after dinner smoke for me. This powerful, Latakia laden stuff breaks up easily. The best way to describe the taste is by saying that if someone stuffed a salty piece of old leather in a pipe and set fire to it, you'd be smoking something akin to Pirate Kake. It was better when I broke up the beautifully blended cake and dried it overnight. You have been warned. The kick from Lady N is not that strong. Now this blend is a real treat though because the burley in it. It is obviously dark from the 75% Latakia, but the lighter Burley, and the Turkish can be seen well mixed in. Comes in a crumble cake form, like a dried out brownie. It seems to have a topping but it contributes to the excellent flavor. A smooth, robust blend with LOTS (75%!) fix this is a great place to go. I had it with my morning coffee and when I lick my lips it tastes like there's a sweet creamer in the coffee, which there isn't as I take my coffee like I take my tobacco Black and delicious. It's my humble opinion that C&D has the absolute highest quality widely available Latakia on the market . Full in taste but medium in strength. Pirate Kake is also the most antisocial tobacco blend Ive ever smelled. I'm not sure what the fresh stuff is like, but I can totally recommend that you try some of the aged version if you can. I suppose there are those who just can't get enough latakia who will like it, just as there are those who put an entire bottle of ketchup on their food. Three and a half of five stars ----------------- Xmas 05 update. Brand: Cornell & Diehl Series: Sea Scoundrels Blended By: Cornell & Diehl Model: Pirate Kake Tobacco Type: Burley, Latakia & Oriental As others have mentioned, Pirate Kake would probably blend very well with FVF, or other sweet, full bodied, predominately English or Virginia blends. Remember to use a pipe reserved for Latakia blends, too. Cornell & Diehl - Pipes and Cigars This is a smooth, robust tobacco, with awesome smokey , and nutty, and woody tastes. Puff too fast and you'll think the plank is a runwayGreat Stuff. There's something about the experience that's like drinking neat tea. This blend is a Latakia lovers dream in the scene that IT IS A LAT BOMB and i like it. While writing a review for Bow Legged Bear, I was reminded of how much it is akin to this. I must say that I was surprised at the smoothness of this blend considering its very high latakia content. I love this tin note being so leathery woody and sour. So not only is this a must try for me but many thanks are owed to this blend and C&D. LATAKIA! Packing and Lighting: It can be time consuming to crumble, but you must, or this will not light well. How ever you choose to consume it, PK is a GREAT blend. .faint musk of slaves, hmmm appetizing, I'd like to smoke me some o that. Sip, don't puff hard! This is a definite tobacco. Tin note is sour and latakia, tin date is 102617. It is not the smoothest and certainly not the roughest but it is full of flavor and delicious in my opinion. It is pretty straightforward with its flavors , but in an enjoyable way, and as I said before it is a very cool and smooth smoke. It is not biting my tongue at all, and I am puffing the Dickens out of the bacci. Take away some of that slightly salty or charcoal Pirate Kake taste! Alright, so after a lot of virginia and VaPer and VaBur in this summer I really missed some good latakia so I decided to open this tin of Cornell & Diehls Pirate Kake. Have had only two bowls of it so far but it is enough to know that this stuff grows on you if you give it a chance. For me similar to Seattle P ipe Club Plum Pudding Special Reserve without the tanginess. Smooth taste. Further down the bowl I detected a pine taste which was not bad. A few friends and I recently tried this blend. It's easy to rub out and smokes coolly. I have carefully read the reviews to get an idea, and I thank everyone for the excellent guidance and advice. The nic-hit is medium. It takes a few lights to get going (possibly my own fault) but, once its underway, it goes fine all on its own with minimal fuss and the flavor is latkia spicy creaminess that is very strong. Do the laws of physics cease to exist?? Si sente un eccellente Latakia, un vecchio camino acceso in una grotta, per spiegare la torba e laffumicato. En toda la fumada el protagonista indiscutible es la latakia. A rich warm real tobacco flavour bath. The savory flavor isn't too strong as to where you can't use this as an all day blend. But if you love the rich, black leaf you'll be jolly at the sight, smell and taste o' this kake! Maybe once a week. Tecnicamente un prodotto eccellente, fuma in modo impeccabile, ma alla fine non rimane nel cuore, solo nella mente. I tend to like latakia in moderate doses. This is my first crumble cake, and I found it to be fun and easy to prepare. One dimensional taste. I fall in between. Tastes smoky with mineral overtones. I also detected an unusual Oriental scent when snorked, hold on.., it's a freshly split oak log with shellac coating scent ( Turkish?, Burley?),. I will comment further when I smoke it again. It seems, pretty much everything has been said already about this blend! if that makes sense. Makes a great change of pace for someone looking for something to enjoy while doing something else. Note: not for young smokers - this tobacco requires however some experience! Some time later I thought to break it up and mix some in with some other tobacco as I packed my pipe. I think it should be renamed Pirate's Death Wish. Im sipping on a bowl right now and I can honestly say this is the best pipe tobacco Ive ever had. Cheers or, yarrrh! I have not gone back to it for several months, but it is certainly a must try for the latakia lover. This would probably be great for coloring a new meerschaum. It stank. Even at the full price it seems reasonable, so I will probably be buying more when I run out. Beautiful Latikia Kake. Taste is very smooth, strong and stinky. The smokey latakia is up front (though I wouldn't consider it a lat bomb), and floral riding shot gun and mildly sweet in the back. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Premium Pipe Tobacco. Tin of 50 Grams. Certo per fumatori che come me adorano il Latakia lappagamento pieno, la qualit della materia prima indubbia, ma manca sulla variazione tipica di altre EM della ditta (ad esempio Star of the East), piatto e mono-tono, non assume carattere e larmonia. So smooth I would describe it as creamy. Ten Russians is still the latakia heavy blend I reach for but this is a nice step down. This is not a complex smoke. The aftertaste is yummy smokey incensy latakia. Flavor, room note, strengththis has it allwhat a great smokeExceptional Blend. Great for one of those times that you don't want to think about the smoke while doing other things. I get a kick out of the one-star reviews. I smoke all kinds of English/Balkan stuff. This is as close, however, to cigar smoke as the wife will tolerate, as the room note can be cutting and a little acrid. That being said, this stuff is good enough to drive to the next state to enjoy. I got a tin dated July 1, 2008 on eBay for $16, and I am more than happy in spending that money. Slightly sweet, smokey, a bit of complexity from the orientals, very little bite. I can taste it from time to time, not in a nutty burley taste but more of a vegetative way. The plug cut provides a very slow, peaceful, perfect, cool smoke. A very straight and narrow taste profile with hardly any change. This is the Tactical Nuclear Penguin of pipe tobacco - a joke that probably belongs in a Mountain Dew commercial and not in polite company. I did find drying it out a bit gave the best results and minimized the relights. Glad I gave it a shot and a second try. Really three-dimensional. I am holding this one at 3 stars, because it is good but suffers from a lack of complexity. This is Latakia heaven, and it is sublime. Posted by Peter Fenerlis on 26th Apr 2022, GREAT TIN SMELL EVEN BETTER SMOKING AND ALSO SMOOTH. Viene con cierta humedad, as que despus de desmenuzar hay que dejarlo un buen rato para que se oxigene y adquiera el punto ptimo. The block came from smoking pipes vacuum packed and looking more illicit than anything I've ever gotten in the mail. The satisfaction this baccy gives me is immense. Any drying, IMHO, would lessen the wonderful smokiness, which is the star attribute here. As far as C&D's products go, Greg Pease's Quiet Nights recipe has more of that creosote/Latakia flavor up-front. I think it smells great myself. This is a very smooth and great smoking tobacco. It is incredibly complex considering the fact that this stuff is the equivalent of putting a freight train in your pipe. Enter 32 in quantity box for 2 pounds. Digging through the packaging you are rewarded with a well presented krumble kake. Pipe Used: Invicta PSF POY 2014 Blasted Bulldog. The crumble is easy to break, easy to pack, easy to keep it lit, smokes really cool, full taste from the very beggining till the end. If you're a latakia fiend, you have to try this. Burns very cool & doesn't require many, if any, relights. No I did not say it was identical or state that it was the equal. I use the term ?blend? The age has definitely blended the strong latakia together into the others. I would never have purchased this by just reading the 75 % Latakia, but trying this in the sampler was a very nice surprise! Since I've bought it, it did mellow out a little and is now quite a pleasant smoke, but I feel there are a lot of better thought out english/balkan blends to spend my time with. I bought the English sampler of C&D, a came across this blend. Choose Options. Los orientales, sin poder notarlos en si, se puede decir que aportan ese toque de equilibrio y aromas, que permite saborear con gusto una mezcla que por su cantidad de latakia debera de ser de difcil fumada. It was rare for me to pick out anything but the lat. The kake is very crumbly, easy to break into chunks or rub out. I seem to remember the fresher stuff to have a bite to it that is now gone, or maybe my technique has just changed in the last 6 years. If you like sweet stuff with your latakia this just might fit the bill. The character turning more dark and spicy in the second half so a sweet drink (coffee, tea) goes great with it. E99 is not as sweet and doesn't bring much Oriental and is very one dimensional. Now, that sounds overwhelming at first, but Cornell and Diehl have managed to pull off a masterpiece. I am very glad I did. A treasure you need to have in your cellar! I initially wondered if I bit off more than I could chew because i did find this very smokey and spicy. tastes like salty burnt brownies, generous latakia, very robust and flavorful, a tad too spicy though and noticeable tongue bite, breaks up very easy still I like it stays lit rite out of the tin little strong for me Purchased From: a gift from Maybe once a week. While perhaps one dimensional I love this rich Lat bomb in one of my English billiards. It was very smoky yet smooth (smelled a bit like a camp fire). Very pleasant smoke Great flavor. Tobacco is all about unique taste experiences, and the worst part of eating leather is swallowing it, which is remarkably mitigated in smoke form. Rich and Smokey with a creamy finish. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The Mughal ruler who constructed the Taj Mahal was a. Shah Jahan b. Akbar c. Zahir al-Din Muhammad d. Osman Bey e. Aurangzeb, The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal empires were all a. Christian b. anamistic c. Zoroastrian d. Buddhist e. Islamic, The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal empires all originally came from a. descendants of the . Im glad I gave in and ordered this blend.

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