This latest decision which splits the church about gay and lesbian marriage, comes hot on the heels of a promised 100 million payment by Welby, and his cohorts, to try and make amends for church profit from slavery and colonisation. Oh, the Ace of Swords is a crown spinning on top of a sword, it having taken it off one head, ready for another. There is no way you can miss the Royal Family pictures, souvenirs, magazines and news if you stay in London not even for a day. Interested to hear what other think. It would be nice if The Sunday Times with all its brilliant investigative reporting finds out how many of these lowly-paid, mass armies of online warriors work on high-rise trolls farms! Uranus is about shock. Lord help us if she tries to recover this by releasing her own autobiography ever sees the light of day. I too do not believe Charles to be Harrys father. The only other certainty for nominations in all three of those categories is Harry Styles, who can't be completely counted out as an ultimate winner, should the voting members decide they don't even want to have to decide between all that big diva energy again. His grandmother QE2 had an intruder arrested after he got into her bedroom. I hope you understand. Brand new you! Thanks. Our late Queens will is interesting as there may well be caveats and conditions attached regarding Harry. Having just read Spare I am amazed at the product placement of good old Soho House on Dean Street, even offering its street number and the total absence of any detail at all about so much else that actually matters. Ukraine has the Sun at 9 Sagittarius. Maxwell-Epstein is all this. Keep reading to learn more about Harry Styles's zodiac sign and birth chart using astrology: Moon . It just does what it does. If this sprawling firm is to avoid disasters like Andrew and Harry (and particularly Meghan) then perhaps its time it was run along more businesslike lines. Now that is interesting, given that this goes back exactly to the last South Node in Libra cycle. Its interesting you drew the Knight of Cups for both William and Harry. Also mentioned India pro Russia due to links/ finances etc. Gas lighting, the method of choice of the Stasi in East Germany, Russia, and latterly Donald Trump. Push back. I dont think any of this could sustain without that. Have you considered that? Best, Cecelia. I think the woman is British. It looks as though a few people commenting on this story (easily the most commented-upon in 2023) are with you. The H M situation with TRF feels like a confession of an economic hitman by John Perkins. Netflix and Hs book and interviews not having produced overwhelmingly positive responses from Hollywood/media/public opinion poll results through the floor we now seem to be getting endless hints/comments supposedly on MMs behalf distancing herself from it all. The Seventh House describes her first husband, as much as Harry, so the balance of power with both changes. We dont know who the group is, Julie. Thank you for your reply. The word that comes to mind is anachronistic. Perhaps thats how they found her. To astrologers, the transits that weekend are a red flag. And so it is to YouTube we turn for video of Meghan, pregnant, dressing like Diana, sporting a stomach with a mind of its own. It was big. Is this March 23rd? You may of course have seen it. Meghan and Harry were visiting the Tomorrows Women Wirral Charity and Hamilton Square. If so they are using it as part of a disruption strategy. Also that the man who becomes regent wont be expecting it.) You see a massive disinformation campaign online tearing society apart. We are told the names of Charless bathroom products and the address of Soho House, but not the name of the emerald tiara shown to Meghan by the Queen. No matter what, many millions seem to be watching and in some ways they lead by example. This book is so toxic and his behaviour is just so entitled and narcissistic. There are few people whom they can truly trust thus bond and unity within the family is critical (else a lonely existence). Even now trolls are paid to stir up the war between William and Harry; white and black; monarchists and anti-monarchists. I agree with you, that Charles wont reign as king. The idea of him being Chancellor of the Exchequer and the way he and others manipulated Liz Truss to her downfall. I agree she was pregnant. What the apps produce is pretty good convincing. How any relationship could begin to heal with the amount of mud being flung (and a complete denial of guilt on their part) is beyond me. Thank you for keeping us on our toes Jessica. I dont think she would have given in to someone she didnt love. Lets watch the final week of March, onwards. I have a son with MH issues brought on by cannabis use and he can talk for ages without actually saying much that makes sense. This is something William will have to deal with in 2023, 2024, 2025 and yet by early 2026 his obstacle course with foreign countries and foreign cultures is over. I saw the news about the Archbishop of Canterburys proposed summit with the Sussexes and Charles too. Republicans in Britain gain. With some hindsight which life inevitably brings it may point to a very likely direction with different means and expressions but to the same effect as what we follow now. Hi Jessica 2812' add Harry Styles to 'my astro' Harry Styles photo: Eva Rinaldi, license cc-by-sa-2.. I dont work at 2.15am. Harry has Chiron, the planet of healing, in Gemini but his astrological make-up is predominantly Earth, Fire and Water. So for as much as he is gaslighting the people of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth (whom he has a decent amount of power over) and we are doubting the evidence of our own eyes (the Meghan-Oprah Winfrey exchange about Archies skin colour) now that Harry has changed his position you have to wonder if he is not also like the victim in the Patrick Campbell play. That is so interesting about Linda Goodman. No one in the Royal family will trust them again.So what now! I am enjoying it though, so thank you for adding to this discussion, which is the most popular on this website, by a country mile. Also, Pluto is nearing conjunction to my Mercury and an opposition to my moon and Uranus will be coming into conjunction with my SN. They wed on one of the most chaotic weeks of that year. Who was king of England, the Pope or Henry? Prince Harry's Birth Chart: Royal Astrologer's Interpretation That both men had a relationship with Diana and both died fairly young gives one a lot to think about. There is a huge question emerging about what marriage is. You mention the view that the Archbishop of Canterbury did in fact marry them three days early so their statement was true and his apparent denial wasnt. The desired outcome is a manufactured artificial conflict between Team Meghan and Team Kate. This is the most-read feature on my website at the moment so Im giving it a bit more time. Some of it is excruciating. This ran in the Daily Mail, quite possibly one of Harrys least favourite newspapers on the planet, on 19th October 2020. Breaks and splits, upheaval and tremors. This was just before the Duke died (God rest his soul too). It was Russian. My question is will the Andrew/Harry saga spoil the long standing relations between the two countries (UK and the USA)? Jaw on the floor and plot twist. Ive seen a couple of really clear visions on this. Why the subliminal messaging? Perhaps Adam couldnt handle the truth. Some things never change, do they? Thank you for the update. I have no doubt that the royal drama is one act of it. Princess Margaret (another Sun Leo like Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon) also had heartbreak. (who has connections to Russia) Could Meghan have used donated eggs also possible? This comment puts things in perspective. I think we are all waiting with baited breath for March. Any insights on how this ties in with your March 23 predictions? Why is it in there at all and if it was insisted upon, who insisted, and again why? Security issues are clear even to casual readers let alone lawyers, editors or even H himself. And I do believe that there is great love between the two of them, but it can never be a great love story in most of the publics eyes with the way it played out. When this happened in the era of Henry VIII women rose to power through a twist of birth order, following a period of patriarchy, as Henry disposed of wives who would not give him a male heir. You gain in flexibility and adaptability what you lose in self-assertion or in pragmatism. I think that the Archbishop of Canterbury should just retire. Disruption has been the result of Andrew and Harry, again and again. This is such a terrific comment on Meghan and Harry (the reality TV show). This must be in a book or journal, or on a website, so I will go and find out. Discover short videos related to harry styles astrology prediction on TikTok. I am 1/3rd way through Spare and I think its interesting reading Harrys comment about Murdoch and the Taliban. I really hope that respected writer and investigator Anthony Summers does something on this deliberate Britain and American destabilization. Was it Russia befriending China as USAs enemy? In 2010, Styles auditioned as a solo artist for the British television series The X Factor. Each shape they produce has a different meaning. Instead we have him riffing about King Charles teddy bears. I do wonder about Meghans friend, the shadowy figure Markus Anderson, apparently Chief Membership Officer of Soho House. Ive said this before, but its for all the world like a production, not an organic or natural sequence of events. It wasnt a Russian frock coat, it just resembled that of Tsar Nicholas II; Harry has Russian blood. Given it runs on media popularity but also needs a sharp mind to run the corporation (which it virtually is) youd think a dream of the hugely likeable and popular Cambridges with back-up from select seniors would guarantee long-term security. We saw it with Dianas father; we saw it with Meghans father. Please correct me if I am wrong, but it makes sense that a major change / scandal or whatever is coming related to the church would affect the relations between Irland and Northern Ireland. It seems the Salisbury Novichok poisoning in 2018 was the turning point, after this incident the authorities woke up to the threat and took it much more seriously. The plot thickens. Best to you, Cecelia, Ah, thanks Cecelia. Since Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. Last night Tom Bower, author of Revenge, was interviewed and he used that word. Thanks for your reply. This line of thought leads me to the person who claims to be the son of Charles, Simon Charles Dorante-Day, living in Australia. Too funny. ITV and Sixty Minutes botched it. Narcissism has co-morbidities with HPD. They keep on repeating the sentences Tara the Tarot Buff Buffington seemed to imply that she was afraid for Harrys personal safety with Meghan, again apologies if I have misinterpreted that, but that is what I took from her reading. This is classic medieval witch hunting. King Charles has mars conjunct jupiter but its a very wide conjunction so he predicted he would ascend to the throne much later than his mother did. The bridesmaid dresses not fitting is another good example of this kind of disruption. Why were documents sealed? (For all we know the spirit world was moving it). Great post! I worry about this family. According to Tom Bowers book, Revenge, Soho House was where they first met on that blind date on 1st July 2016. Harry mentioned they would have given them up when they were negotiating their 1/2 time Royals shtick but this is one more Scorpio manipulation and revenge game Harry is playing on his father. What does astrology say? Im more inclined to recall the astounding royal career of Henry VIIIs maternal grandfather, Edward IV. Australia, for example, may hasten her second attempt at a republic. I am less convinced of that. Or did they have another, pagan, bond with the Universe? Anyone can book a room. May it be full of love, prosperity and good health. (Well both, actually). You are right it is Henry the 8th and the Wallis/Edward scandal rolled into one. But what if two paparazzi were watching, for example? Wow. There was another minor kerfuffle with a non-white artist on the coronation playlist recently. Not good for (H&)MMs personal narrative of the past/reality. Opinion polls reflect voter intentions at future elections. Jessica Adams does not reply to every comment and her replies are on a best-efforts basis which means your comment or question may never receive a reply. You also mentioned that things will change during and after March and had members any predictions. Shes performing. Hi Jessica, There are too many unresolved issues. He has a mental health issue, which makes him vulnerable. Anger? Two things strike me. Triggered by the transit of the South Node in Sagittarius from May 6th 2020 until January 18th 2022, Harry created Spare. Or at least she did. A lot of people can see that she is not Diana and never will be. Harry and William's rift sparked by Meghan argument, claims royal author Sarah is known for her accuracy, having predicted Prince Harry's exit from the Royal family, the Sussexes' move. Janie Bee. Really fascinating stuff! And American Russia. My sister (also a Cancer) was 17. This will be converted by your card provider to your local currency at their prevailing exchange rate. Yes, this is the midway point of a deliberate, developing crisis which peaks in March. I have always been curious about Meghan telling Oprah Winfrey she and Harry had a secret marriage, three days before the rest of us saw the pair in church. Harry and Meghan 2022 Predictions, 2022 Royal Predictions Its interesting what you say about mental health problems, as you know first-hand what the impact can be. That is why psychic readers feel for him but also (usefully) sense the answers. Hiding a secret ceremony. Hi Jessica, Do we have a family tree for the Markle family? No need to apologise, thank you for contributing to the discussion. Royal Astrologer Predicts 'Complications' In Prince Harry, Meghan If I was Ian or Peter Fleming and this was the Fifties, Id be writing this whole scenario up. I have long felt that if the title of Monarch was awarded on merit, Princess Anne would be the best candidate for the role of all of the Queens children. I said this a few years ago, but the parallels with the chart of Princess Margaret are striking. In trying to understand why Ive kept paying attention to people I find dull, I thought maybe it was experience with narcissists in my family and how the reality they present is so often at odds with whats really going on. According to Omid Scobie MM and H are now both stunned at their recent cruel eviction from Frogmore cottage. You can bet Andrew, Meghan and Harry will be news again by the end of March, though. We are now on the top of a mountain. Why the subliminal messaging? I will go back to Spare when I have time and count the number of times Soho House, Dean Street is promoted. Today he posted a summary video entitled With No Return Address subtitled Did the Queen kick Meghan out of the UK? Jesus has put a warning on the video of Outrageous Gossip Alert. Usually television, but sometimes people can live their lives, as if they were scripts. I for one have been gobsmacked by the sheer number of recorded instances of bad behaviour by H & M, which are very difficult to interpret any other way, particularly in video form, not easy to alter I would think. Harrys astrology chart shows the most volatile, extreme period of his life 2018-2026 and foreigners and foreign countries and cultures are at the heart of it. On a purely personal level, I think it would be lovely for Charles and Camilla to have had a child, but I realise there are huge ramifications if that is proved to be so. That is for military reasons. She was killed because she was going to marry Dodi and because he was of a different religion, it didnt please the RF at all. If we step back from what has actually happened (never mind the endless cascade of words, clips and photographs) we have seen the brother of the heir to the throne (the necessary spare in times of war) remove himself from that position. You have said there are changes coming to the Church of England this has just been published on the BBC -Justin Welby rejected as leader by conservative Anglicans over same-sex blessings with Archbishops representing 10 of the 42 provinces in the Anglican Communion have signed a statement saying they no longer consider Mr Welby leader of the global communion. A few years ago, an arrangement was made to accommodate refugee priests from the Anglican Church that couldnt accept the role of women. Brilliant article, as always! Based on the assumption that the wedding happened during the usual hours when weddings happen, this gives us a Moon somewhere around roughly 10 degrees Gemini. This is a woman who very likely married her first husband after seven years together, because she wanted to walk away with something rather than nothing. Thank you Amelie. Happy New Year to you and thank you for keeping this blog going. What you read on this website on 16th December 2017. Just amazing blogs and such responses to them. Big questions, no answers yet. However, the eagle is also a symbol of the United States. Thank you. I am really grateful for Harrys astrology chart which tells us, partly, what is going on. Harry Styles are advised to be very calm and balanced in Harry Styles's approach towards different situations in life. There is a great possibility that after the demise of Queen Elizabeth II or her retirement Prince Harry's father Prince Charles will become the King of this monarchy and he will then pursue his son Harry to come back to the royal family. After the 1925 Santa Barbara earthquake, the main house was demolished. Claire is a sincere medium , now thats HER reading. MP Bob Seeley reckons his private members Bill to strip H&M of Sussex titles will be ready mid February time. Maybe this bound up with the portents you have seen for that month. Some people questioned this but found their objections did not get any traction. Astrology is of more help, as we can pinpoint dates for a cover-up. Pluto will immediately square Harrys own Pluto at 0 Scorpio. However, DST was not applied consistently before the 70s. I mean, he was born in 1984, just 3 years into Dianas and Charles marriage, so do ppl mean that Diana was having affairs soon after her marriage? And why would he want to do this to his family? In Vedic tradition, as in Christianity, the eagle is representative of a messenger from heaven-other schools of thought see the eagle as a symbol of divine majesty. Read on to find out why the real story in 2021 is about Meghan's investments, promoted by Oprah Winfrey. Thank you for your warp speed reply, given all that you do. Shes on this side, shes an intelligence agent and this was definitely London. When the big one comes, it all blows open. It pulls in karma from 18-19 years prior, and a further 18-19 years before that. Ive had a few Anglican readers here and on Twitter who do not accept that two people who committed adultery and divorced, should represent the Church of England. I remember Penguin editors sending my manuscripts back and forth with the most meticulous legal and pure editorial checking. He works for This is all beginning to look like the best play Shakespeare never wrote. industrial strength). Yes. While compiling this chapter, I asked Nick Campion (Author of Born to Reign) his views on whether he thought Britain would become a republic. Thank you. . Janie Bee. Jessica, James Grey Stuart was the youngest son of the 17th Earl of Moray. I understand the Bible authorised by the Church of England is the King James version of 1611 (I stand to be corrected in this if not so). Its a clever solution that would enable LGBTQ people to co-exist with the traditionalists, as you say. This version was directed by John Boorman, and starred Helen Mirren, Liam Neeson, Cherie Lunghi & Nicholas Clay, amongst other luminaries of the acting world. After every night, there is dawn, so after every morning, there is night. SURROGACY hint in Lilibet birth announcements/Harry & Meghan disrespect Queen/violate privacy It is surprising what one gleans from the comments underneath as well. Gardening and nature are also Virgo and suit his chart. In ..1989, I had what Jung might have termed two big dreams. All blocked by QEII. Which is odd. The dream ends in chaos and I hear my own voice saying, Isnt anyone going to do anything?, During our December 89 conversation, the topic of reincarnation had come up. From their comments, it seemed that they were helped to understand (although not necessarily to heal from) their own narcissistic abuse, particularly as children, as was experienced by Johnny Depp from his mother. Alarm bells ringing all over the place with this one, but most specifically about the Taliban claim which makes the family targets. More uncertainty. You have the South Node in Libra, the wedding and marriage sign, and the transiting South Node moves into Libra from July 2023, so your past life returns to you. Also believe The Queen was aware as well.. Ill talk more about that in a moment. She is very much present. I will go and check the charts Roell has been using and have a look at the technique too, if he has been using progressions. This is where Lilibets DNA comes into play, and possibly her parents DNA as well. The army, navy and air force, the intelligence services and the rest are entwined with royal fortunes. It will not be outlawed but it will be controlled. It would have been quicker to make them from scratch! So why would he expect it now. What's Harry Styles' sign? #shorts #zodiac #astrology - YouTube Harry says that a women with powers told him he is living the life that his mother would have wanted for him. I am gaining my qualifications to become a celebrant (marriages, funerals, baby namings) is this a good way forward for me? A handsome blonde giant at 64, fierce warrior and a Yorkist King of England twice over (1461-1470 & 1471-1483), taking over from the Lancastrian King Henry VI on both occasions. Ive been there many times and fabulous though it is, I find it odd that Harry considers it so central. Harry makes no mention of this series of photographs in. Hi Jessica, Apologies if Im misremembering who said itdo you think there will be any further revelations via Harrys book about what happened if it was more than just an terrible accident? You might call it chaos or disruption. Your IC is at 29 Leo in the Fifth House of line of succession and romantic love. Pluto is hovering around 29 Capricorn, back and forth, in 2023. Thanks so much for this blog so fascinating and just cant wait to see the astrology of March unfolding. I had no reason to recall her image. They added the Church of England was disqualified as their historic Mother Church.. Chinese zodiac expert's predictions for Meghan Markle, Prince Harry has lost its way. Big drops of rain started falling and it got cold very quickly. Welby has supported her. I see that there is malice, intentionality, histrionic personality disorder, revenge etc. All it ever needed were actors and crew. And we know how well that went. Also the clothes Meghan was wearing for their first date at SOHO house was a black sweater and jeans according to Harry but according to Meghan in an interview close to the wedding it was a blue dress because she had a piece sewn into her wedding dress as her something blue. The uncrowned Charles III has always had strong views. I dont always have time to research, so it is really helpful to have readers update me on the curious tale of Harry and Meghan. It is about the bedroom and courtship. If you are in the mood to look for astrological clues about the cover-up Lady C is mentioning, these are the Leo eclipse dates; Leo ruling monarchy in astrology. Oh hang on. A Tarot reader finds Henry VIII in the story of the other Henry/Harry. Negative energy? Psychic predicts that Prince Harry's marriage to The Guardian, 12th March 2020. Obvious omissions, perhaps, as well as inclusions. It is the same astrological cycle. Because, from what I have read in the past, Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon was an independent minded young woman. Quite right to do so. Way beyond Russian meddling, thats the important thing. Thank you. Please let us know when you have updated your original website predictions as there is a lot of interest in validated psychics, as the information coming from Harry and Meghan is so unreliable.

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harry styles astrology predictions