in the first years of the organinazation they didnt do anything without consensus because they believed that if they were a group of believers the Lord would make them of the same agreement on specific issues and if they didnt reach agreement there was a reason that needed to be looked at. LT wrote: *carefully targeting pastors who want to build an empire of their own with an easy publicity stunt (although described Christian-like so it actually sounds noble, in both marketing and in the buying pastors self-talk), @ LT: In your mega travels Lydia, is this homogenization of bad practices the norm? Ironically, in giving this speech, Lindell was doing just that shooting the wounded. Anyone who knowingly overlooks all this has no judgement. Can anyone explain this James River Church thing to me? But guess what else happened? Whats worse, total lack of good character. plausible they shoved that in jesus mouth, with that taste on his lips. (the death of Jesus on the cross as written in the bible is not enough, mark adds something more exciting and sickening like they shoved an a##-wipe sponge in Jesus mouth.) The bible sayz dat soon the darkness is coming when no one will be listening. There will be a day of reckoning. It is possible for someone who is engaged in homosexual behavior to stop.". He dropped the moral bar for both pulpit and pew that has far reaching consequences on the way we do church. It refers to protecting the King of Israel from physical harm, not preventing people from telling the truth. Again. I did disagree, however, with this one sentence. Im sure someone wittier than I can do something with his Training ourselves to sense right from wrong. In case this was not a rhetorical question, Mark also provided the all important yet elusive authentic community. The pews were uncomfortable. Help keep The Christian Post free for everyone by making a one-time donation today. I respectfully dissent, Evangelical NIH director Francis Collins says 'most churches' should be remote until public is vaccinated. . So I can see why some churches would want him on board. The US pastor, who has courted controversy for what has been dubbed his "more-macho-than-thou" brand of Christianity, resigned from his Seattle megachurch in October after being found " guilty of pride" as well as abusive, controlling and manipulative behaviour. Barnabus is described as a good man and full of the Holy Spirit. James River Kids is the children's ministry of James River Church. Thats why every post they make against corrupt churches matters. It was never presented to me as something evil just something totally unnecessary and potentially dangerous. He later boasts that he did not immediately go get instruction from the apostles in Jerusalem, but he does not say exactly why. I think it is perfectly ok to say some people are toxic and avoid them for safety and mental health reasons. And he actually dismissed several of them as how Sissies or men who wear product in their hair act. I need to talk to the president, he may be unaware what some of his professors are teaching. Maybe then, someone would seek him out to lead and it would be safe again. As far as people moving into ministry later in life, one would hope they had left that life behind and were new creations in Christ. Based on my experience, this public story should be seen as somewhat inevitable in how they operate. He was a mass murdering thug. this discussion you make today determines your destiny, God wants you to forgive. Youre not one of us. I began to see him as a marketing expert, who was producing what the young Reformed, technology driven market would respond to, and then marketing it in excellent ways. But it would be encouraging if they did. (See screen shot from the church website. i am going to get a can of alpha-wolf-away and spray out my apartment now. What I do really pray for is that the followers start questioning and thinking about what they support and find freedom in their own seeking of Christ instead of following a guru and his interpretations. Any of all of that may be true. I wouldnt want to walk in his shoes and succumb to the large amount of pride he exhibits, what an empty way to live. I just took a year of online classes at one of them. Very simple. Stephens, in my opinion, has gone to great lengths to keep his position on the ordinance incomprehensible. As Gram wrote above these are relationships (if you can call it that) built on trust. @ Nancy: I would think that rehabilitation for him would be finding a job where he was not the boss and not the teacher. Rob Smiths orphanage was totally defunded and left broke by Marks Hill, the Lord has taken up for those children, thankfully. I fully understand the depression and near paralysis that comes after leaving a cult. It was like my eyes were open. He wants to release you from that burden and bondage, they havent asked for forgiveness? If the congregation, the pew sitter as you say, cannot do it what does that leave?, A few items: A preacher is not to be- an important thing you wrote about gateway i think. People shift roles all the time (Mark has obviously been a persecutor a lot!). @ sam: It didnt occur to me because I havent seen that modeled in a very long time. Its just too lucrative of a franchise, you dont want to lose that. Photos show large crowds at Missouri's James River Church | The Kansas People who are not religious, like me, are generally skeptical of religious institutions and their goals. It is definitely not where all leadership and vision is deferred to one man, and it is definitely not authoritarian. CAn you see him in some sort of corporate environment working for a woman? All the celebrity has to do is play the victim/repented card and teach cheap grace. Like I said, I dont want to get into an argument here. He screamed and swore. shuning is not always done professionally as in TVC but so often done whisperingly in churches but the effect is the same to the person shunned. I have read many accounts that his nickname throughout life was el chancho (pig). Some of the current worship songs that I hear dont do too much for me. sam wrote: he (stephen) probably had a ministry, forgiving means you transfer judgment to Jesus, thats what he does, (stephen transfers it to jesus to judge paul), words fail me, but a wrote a bunch which should be up soon lol, i tweeted: An online petition calling for Mr Driscoll to be removed from Hillsong's conferences had attracted more than 3000 signatures prior toMr Houston's statement. your comments are great. Im not kidding. And probably they wont. Sure, It is very reasonable for kind folK to see something, anything, that looks like actual remorse before they think its ok for them (missive pastors) to go back to influencing the lives of the folks that they wish to shepherd. then mark goes on to teach us that we must forgive even if the person never admits wrong or says I am sorry: I have also heard the thoroughly abusive interpretation of Psalm 105:15 touch not my anointed ones, do my prophets no harm. My old church Gateway has atmosphere teams in services to emotionally manipulate members and visitors. @ sam: Hasnt it been around long enough that either people (especially younger guys) are sick of it, or they have finally realized its harmful or obnoxious. Hosted at every James River Church campus. and humility i think is something that is a mark of a true christian that cant be faked, it always looks fake when people try to do that. Its more the non-complementarian position to argue that women should be allowed to preach/lead based on gifting and that sounds like the argument Driscoll is raising in the quotes by him I placed in this post. Hillsong church head Brian Houston accused alleged child abuse victim of tempting father, inquiry told, Or that they were called to be what they are. Their statements to Karen Hinkley and everyone else may be complete cynical BS to pull the wool over everyones eyes, or at least those of their pewsitters. I dont think many realize that in order to have real repentance they would have to give all that up. One needed them because they were somehow spiritually qualified (?) they had a scandal about their homes for helping young women also, financial corruption-ish and not letting the women get outside counseling. They will promise to give you an authentic community to do life with. Forgive him? In Damascus there was a disciple named Ananias. I wish just one person would have spoken up sooner. excerpts from rob smiths post : Training ourselves to sense right from wrong based on the Word of God and empowered by the Holy Spirit will result in a clear conscience.. 12 In a vision he has seen a man named Ananias come and place his hands on him to restore his sight. The worship leaders are all carefully coached and choreographed on how to appear more worshipful and fake their collective ecstatic elation over being one with their maker. May the Lord bless our search for da truth, and grant us mucho wisdom. You are doing exactly what you accuse the bloggers of. ATB Mark begins to describe what happened with Stephen in Acts 6:8-15. You make an interesting comparison. i tweeted: I had been a pastor and fell horribly due to pride, arrogance, self centeredness, fear of man, desire for fame, etc. Just typing this has made me a bit queasy. as to revenue streams, Jesus paid His taxes with money a fish popped up with. As the CEO of MHC was MD completely unaware of what was going on with the Global Fund? How Much Does James River Church Pay in 2023? (26 Salaries) rather than come in glory he came in humility. I began to see him as a marketing expert, who was producing what the young Reformed, technology driven market would respond to, and then marketing it in excellent ways. The last time Robert Morris met and greeted anyone as part of his service he still had his braces/retainer on. Im fairly certain MD would enjoy being categorized with a so called revolutionary. "In other words, you can believe what you want within the confines of the four walls of the church as long as you don't live it outside of the church.". . Some are stronger and more capable of speaking out and as we feel able to I believe that we must. Location. Seriously? I started to ask myself, If Christ is present in someones life, and therefore the Spirit, will not God, in his infinite power, begin to produce those things in that person? And I began to wonder if Mark Driscoll even possessed the Spirit of God. Wow! He has lots of pics holding impoverished babies while his own 5 kids barely saw him. This stuff was high on the why we are how we are list back in the day. Finding out who and what Robert Morris really is inherently taints many others on the religious and political right, thereby making me question all my prior values and decisions. @ sam: It genuinely didnt occur to me that he was just a good, decent man who might care about Gods children regardless of their zip code. Ive recently read Wayne Jacobsen Finding Church, Frank Viola Finding Organic Church, Terry Stanley The way Church Was Meant To Be and found what they think the church should be an interesting concept but so far Im not convinced. But I am also free to point out his behavior looks sociopathic if one has spent enough time looking into sociopathic behaviors. But MD has been a jerk as far as Ive read, not a criminal or anything. "And how many knownot everything you read on the internet is true". They are described as brilliant. Hadnt considered that a pastor would brainwash to that length. Yep. He needs a revenue stream and using Jesus is all he knows. I see him as a conference speaker on a different circuit. I guess Calvinism for these guys means never having to take personal responsibility Thats certainly how Driscoll has handled things. I can appreciate that sentiment Gram3 and I applaud it. . Six months for Driscoll does not represent later in life, give him another ten or twenty years. After surrendering more than 10% of your gross income for years you are tens of thousands of dollars into them at that point and that can really bolster all the cognitive dissonance you feel and strangely work to prevent your leaving. My heart aches for all those whom Mark Driscoll hurt from the Petrys and Meyers to the young and impressionable. He faces re-election April 7. He appealed that he had no say in the matter. The Bible tells us lotz of neet stuff before it happen/happens. The opposition is to Jesus. when the pastor first says, his humility he almost breaks out laughing (cause maybe he knows how stupid it is to say that). He spends the remainder of the sermon talking about Saul who became Paul and forgiveness. There were a number of other worship songs that roll on after this one, if these are your taste. So Mars Hillweve done this in the pastyou probably dont know thissome years ago you all purchased a large piece of land in India that now has on orphanage with 100 kids on it and you purchased the land. I knew I was being set up when I watched MDs embedded church video posted here at TWW. We know that Driscoll should never have been a pastor: lack of formal qualifications, lack of maturity in the faith (too young, and never been a member of a church before he started his own), lack of maturity in general; I hope you dont write off church altogether. Dont you want to be a part of that? #driscollreturns paul most influential christian wrote most books this explains marks love of also writing books. The program includes signing over any welfare benefits to the Ministry, with the program alleged to contain little actual psychological assistance, and mostly prayer and expelling demons. Lindell doesnt have a real active blog, his third from last entry is titled: Great insight. Like the guy who was in charge of SGM, he got away scot-free and is doing well for himself despite the outcry against him. appeciate your posts and the others on this blog, i remember that, thanks Van, for the reminder. If the denominational system is rejected on doctrinal grounds, that only leaves the congregation. these were murders not trials. They just want to give us a little more time and "context" to receive the brilliance. But maybe power is just something that is too tempting for him to handle and in order for him to live out his life following Christ, it may be something he must never let pass his lipsmuch like alcoholics cannot drink again. Sometimes people get the idea that everybody needs some church-recognized ministry. At this point it seems to me that this would be the last thing that MD needed if he wants to get himself turned around. Ok, I looked up Hillsong because I know in the past theres been a bit of controversy about them. He screamed and swore. I never saw it tried in a church setting, but something like that was tried where I worked. Well, Jesus, Stephen, Paul, and Mark Driscoll. the money that was supposed to be going to missionaries in another country had been intertwined with the general fund. There is no painting a happy face on Driscoll. i think you are addressing the biggest point actually. Theres a persistent rumor that hes going to bring his show here to Phoenix. Video comes off to me as MD justifying his return to the pulpit. If anything, Chandler has to present himself as the UnMark to a degree that few connect dots. It was because of a backfire in strategy by then executive pastors Jamie Munson and Scott Thomas, who handled my discipline case. They did not want us to leave. The question is not, Can he be forgiven? but rather Should he be trusted in a position of power over peoples lives? I would guess that many of the people who have been directly harmed by him have forgiven him. But we don't know yet for sure. Im really glad that you are reaching out to GW and other exiles. Pokin has been at the paper three years and over the course of his career has covered just about everything from courts and cops to features and fitness. This is either a complete falsehood or shows their utter lack of interest in the facts, because, as HUG so aptly quotes GK Chesterton, and let me paraphrase her, celebrity pastor unto celebrity pastor is brother. In your mega travels, Lydia, whats the biggest honorarium from tithe dollars you have been privy to? I only write the truth about Gateway in order to warn others, never to discourage anyone. His statement is factually incorrect. He is not going to go run to a car dealership the minute he gets out of jail. I think what became public is enough to realize they are not safe, not mature but toxic and have been all along. Did that get anywhere close to answering your question? They wear what they believe are trendy shirts typically untucked to cover the middle aged spread with skinny jeans. i have met people that have told me that they went to gateway (and other churches that are similar) but no longer do without ever saying why. James River Church - Leadership not always what they portray Many teach that when Paul said he was chief of all sinners he was claiming to be as evil as he always was. With BHouston, JLindell and MD there is no hope. We are passionate about . In many ways, Barnabus is like Pauls pastor for a time. Hillsongsfounder, Brian Houston, released a statement saying he did not want the 30-minute interview with Driscoll to distract from the larger five-day conference. This is what the giving unit is looking for, not God. He sought out those that God sent Him to minister to in remote places away from crowds. Bob, I loved your comment. I do hope he finds wholeness. Let's see. I dont think he would agree he is doing well at all. GW used to require people to take a class and understand the commitment but they couldnt keep their salvation numbers up without the spontaneous element that include giving away free clothes and smart little swag bags for those willing to dunk for the cameras. If others havent heard this song yet, give it a try and see what you think. . Its a measure of arrogance, tweeted retired attorney and flight instructor Jeanne Mann on Sunday with a photo from the gathering. Its a professional, corporate institutional model based on an unbiblical clergy/ laity distinction. The problem is that the average pew-sitter has no idea what things a leader should be judged by, and they merely judge based on either looks, speaking ability, or how fun the service is. It is affiliated with Assemblies of God USA. This is off topic but your question has been the basis of discussion with many associates for the last 6 months, many recently leaving an authoritarian church. The movie was sooooooo good. With this much covidiocy in the country, we are proving ourselves to be the dumbest nation on earth. @ sam: I am always eager and willing to learn, so no argument here. Ironically, in giving this speech, Lindell was doing just that shooting the wounded. The City of Ozark has an established process in place to investigate, enforce, and educate violators of the ordinance, the department said before stating that it does not condone the flouting of health mandates. They want their congregations and the world at large to believe that there are no amount of misdeeds that a pastor can perform, no matter how egregious, that means they shouldnt be instantly forgiven and returned to the pulpit ASAP. We saw a good deal of quick forgiveness/cheap grace from defenders of TVC. At least at one point, women made up about 50% to 50% of most churches. Did you miss a tithe payment? My point with Che is to draw a parallel. Is that leader with a criminal record hitting on your young teen? None of them see anything wrong with this. When Robert brags about lunching with Greg Abbott, golfing with George W Bush or being Rick Santorums spiritual advisor, it makes me feel ill. Every week seems to get more strange and more openly cult like. I wonder how much of this concern over gay rights is to deflect people from considering their own deficiencies. ++++++++++++++++. Driscoll has used this vague parallels to himself many times, framing the sermon in the context of his own life with the lives of other noble characters, most notably Jesus. I am a current attender who was raised by people who love this church but I definitely have my confusions on a few things. No I wouldnt allow someone who was an embezzler or criminal back in charge, of course not. Driscoll has been more than a jerk, he has shown the inability to hold power without abusing it. How about when people stone you for your faith? It is anguish because i love them, and see the pain of all three of them. His auto suggestive words were a dead give away! Members are guests? Thank you again. They worked hard to get where they are and make the assocations that would help them. from dictionary: GW youth group also adopted the whole Tribes deal directly from Hillsong, complete with competing tribes wearing war paint and carrying weapons. Sincerely want to know what the alternative is. He was the vulgar shock jock of American Christianity. I would hope we should higher standards than that. We dont hear about them so much, unfortunately, because they are not so concerned with informing the world about their humility. Mark also provided the all important yet elusive authentic community everything that happened at the cross was prophesied about long before Jesus was crucified, one propesy: Psalm 69:20-21 All you have to do is say some magic words and we end up being the mean ones if dare say we otherwise. I also have recently spoken to another ministry leader involved in orphan care in Africa. (KY3) - OZARK, Mo. notable pastors have been pouring into his life. District. Associating with Driscoll might make them feel younger and edgy. @ Nancy: i think bills reply echos mine mostly, if your question is what church should look like if we are all clergy. It is like anyone else that works hard to build something. Connection ends, shunning begins and the cycle begins all over again with the next batch of newbies. Youre not trying hard enough! Bah, hit reply to soon. Pouring what, exactly? They are showered with gifts and once you relinquish your highly prized contact data more gifts will follow to your home address. So this is kinda what we do So in Africa we partnered and we have an orphanage there that now has I think it is 32 kids and 140 people in Mars Hill give monthly to help support them. I really appreciate your insights Lydia. In my opinion Gateway is a cult not a church so they lose their Winters Bone protection status. I completely understand why you are so skeptical. Only the hero. we will see jesus face to face I dont want you to take your slander etc with you. Love, There was a box for Guest Services. I dont think he is qualified to lead any church or ministry of any size until he exhibits the fruit of the Spirit for a long, long time. So, where are the reasonable people? yeah, that pastors comment is kinda too scary for me to think about lol. Sorry, I dont know why I wrote that, Ive always thought of you as a him. (the homes), just a few helpful links re: hillsong lol, Im not invested in liking or disliking Che so I truly welcome your comments. forgiveness means its paid in full. I present to you James River church in Springfield Missouri this past weekend. Weve got enough local crazy around here, we dont need Mark Driscoll and his He-Man Woman-Hating Circus. where is Mark Driscolls apology to over a thousand children in two orphanages? If so associating with Driscoll they can get the thug part down. Driscoll does not meet the biblical qualifications to be a preacher. i have met people that have told me that they went to gateway (and other churches that are similar) but no longer do without ever saying why. I call that tragic because there are still a lot of honest pastors and churches out there. I could not exactly put my finger on what was wrong. For mr. driscoll to change the whole meaning of this into the sponge was probably really used as toilet paper because he did some study in some far away country is to bring doubt to Gods prophecies and the fulfilment of them. . Also it is not where you sit in rows and hear a weekly lecture. Any allegations are probably not as bad as the truth. (remembering marks sermon about mark being king) jesus is seated and he stands up for stephen. Did you miss a tithe payment? As the one did previously now the other is going thru the hoops of treatment and being checked on by outside agencies because being around the child is worth it. Well, we can handle the truth. The reason for this is that he wept, his remorse was written on his face for months and he still is remorseful, he didnt once make any excuse for his behavior, he accepted responsiblility and reached out to the family of the victim. It really bothers me that he seems to profane things still. Also it is not where you sit in rows and hear a weekly lecture. Trump: If you put me back in the White House, 'America will be a free nation once again', The Gospel Coalition takes down 'Sex Won't Save You' article; Rick Warren calls for apology, Wife of pastor killed by reckless driver breaks down in testimony, CPAC: Vivek Ramaswamy warns of 3 secular religions, proposes 'national revival' not separation, From a progressive Christian antagonist to an orthodox Christian advocate, In Haiti, big money for orphanages can endanger children, 7 signs of failed Christian leadership in business, My agonizing question after Nigeria's presidential election, Ukraine war exposes weaknesses in Russia and the West, LA County clears John MacArthurs megachurch in COVID-19 outbreak probe, Calling it persecution by public policy, hundreds of Oregon Christians protest COVID-19 restrictions, 'Churches should suspend services during pandemic.' Even setting aside his vulgarity, what of his abusiveness, his corruption? But over time became desensitized and swept up in group-think so as to eventually accept it as acceptable in the 21st century. 15 And all that sat in the council, looking steadfastly on him, saw his face as it had been the face of an angel. Because 12 years ago Walter Salles made an awesome movie about him called The Motorcycle Diaries starring the gentle heartthrob Gael Garcia Bernal as Che. Lindell has expressed his views on the topic before. As a result, the IRS has guidelines on their political activity. I believe these churches are using Driscoll as fallen pastor insurance. Southern Missouri . Christian County has unfortunately seen an overwhelming rise in COVID-19 cases over the past several weeks and a subsequent increase in the number of hospitalized residents. For more information about James River Church and to get connected, click the link below! THANK YOU! -Katelyn Sopy Yet its everywhere in the US and Australia. When he walked up to speak with me I politely told him neednt spend time with me because I lived about 4 hours away RT and, therefore, wouldnt be attending his church again. So glad for the folks that started the petition to dis-invite Driscoll, which I signed as well as for those in Australia who protested his abusive, un-Christian behavior toward others, including women. (we want to prop mark up so he can do it himself), Mark says: But forgiveness doesnt mean he should ever be in the same position in a church again. vinegar is disinfectant for wiping yourself. I recently had coffee with a staunch Mark Driscoll supporter who has chided any criticism of Mark Driscoll and strongly challenged me for every apparent infraction of the last year, yet at the same time vigorously excused or defended every one of Driscolls mistakes. The supporter said some awful things about me and Agathos, particularly its misuse of funds. He should not be making a buck off Jesus in any way, shape, or form, IMO. I am not surprised he is mobilizing his church, which packs a powerful political punch through the sheer number of members and, I believe, their commitment to vote. Because cheap grace for Christians who are not decent people is all the rage now. If not, why not? (stephen the shepherd? In the future, people will tell churches and christians to distance themselves from the dishonesty of the dishonest churches. Last week GW was desperately trying to give away as many copies as possible of some book COO Tom Lane wrote called Letters From a Dad to a Graduate. Title He said it makes sense that the word "sin" would appear multiple times in a Biblical discussion of homosexuality. It is identical to another certain entertainment industry where faking it means everything and in my opinion the industry representing the older profession is less offensive. So, basically he functioned as Howard Stern for Christians. Why would either (or any) group that knew him in his previous state ever trust him without lots of evidence of change. In his sermon, Lindell cites several verses to make his No. Reveal the conspiracy please. Driscoll has used this vague parallels to himself many times, framing the sermon in the context of his own life with the lives of other noble characters, most notably Jesus.

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