Follow it up the slope to the northeast where you will find an injured Ekundayo on the ground. There is a container with some gems and a hidden cache with the Cypress Queen's Goblet (1/5) among other things. Therefore, you have to get into melee range so that he attacks, walk away (and eat the attack of opportunity) and so on until he stands on the sunlit spot. To the bottom left of your capital is the Lake Candlemere there is also a small island with a tower in the middle of it. Continue up the path and you will come across a ghoul standing outside a run-down cottage. Do not lay flowers next to the body either. You may want to quicksave if you let the dog go. This is why a separate savegame is advised. Hopefully, you can charge them down before he causes you too much trouble. Once across, head west and follow the trail as it loops to find the Kobold Trail. Jhod tells you that the curse afflicting the place will reach its peak strength in a month. Head south to rescue him. Continue down. This is the first of new set of relic fragments. Make your way to Narlkeep. Turn around and head northeast up the path. Bartholomew himself will get really upset if you force him to give up his experiments, which will prevent you from recruiting him as an Advisor. Which is OK but hardly worth all that. You will also start to find Dizzyhead plants. Anyway, you are presented with a good / evil choice as to whether to hunt down the idiots who just tried to murder you. To advance the quest, read the walkthrough of The Nature of the Beast main quest. Regardless of the outcome, hostilities will ensue. Go inside and remove the trap (DC22) from the floor panel and search it for the Devourer of Metal composite longbow which will make Ekundayo even more of a murder machine. Speak to Oleg and browse to the bottom of his stock and buy the Onslaught Cuirass which is the second armour piece for Dragn. Buff up. You can cheese the Owlbears. The book is a quest item for Bokken while the Skymetal is the first in another relic set. Continue heading south where you will find a barrel in the corner of the room containing a Torag's Pendant. Return to Tuskdale and give Hassuf the letter. Have Ekun take out the Boomsayer while your melee attackers go after the trolls. STR: 10, DEX: 14, CON: 12, INT: 19, WIS: 8, CHA: 12. There are enemies in the courtyard below which Ekundayo can take care of. Instead, proceed further up the corridor and kill another Branded Troll and three Trollhounds. In the end, you can order Bartholomew to release the captive troll or leave him as is. A short distance past this is another War Wisp encounter. There's an exit to the lower level in this room and you can get to the east of this level from there. Sense Vitals is useful on anyone who can cast it. Afterwards, select "We tried to pull the cart out". Initially it takes the form of an illustrated book episode. They drop Masterwork longswords. Cast a Stinking Cloud at the portal in preparation for the next things to emerge: the Lost Sister and a Smilodon-like Treant. This is the self-appointed "Voice of the Dragon". The enemies don't drop loot worth a damn but there is a locked (DC30) chest to the south of them with a Light Shield +2. Head back down and return to the fork in the road. The Old Beldame will come out of the house and you can now go into the garden. Chat with Vesket, then go outside and walk into the building on the right. bite vs Anton: 1d20 + 15 (1) + 15 = 16 claw vs Anton: 1d20 + 15 (16) + 15 = 31 Speak to him again and he will buy the coins, tokens and dog tags that you've picked up. At the next crossroads (close to Tuskgutter's Lair), head southwest. The open gate to the interior is just to the right, but ignore it for the moment. Go north for a battle against a Nereid, a Nixie Prankster and four Giant Poisonous Frogs. 174. Ask about "other dangers on the road" and a location named Hodag Lair will be added to your map. He won't be around forever so take the opportunity to buy the Boots of Elvenkind he's selling. Do not worry about it for the time being. and speak to Bokken. Success earns you XP while failure earns you pain. You will have an alignment option when responding to him. Vesket will tell you to go and speak to Stishchak in the Spirit Hut. Foes No MoreTartuk is one of five enemies that you can turn into an ally. Have your party stand on the sunlit area, unlink Dog and have him go through the door to cause Karga and Agadd to appear. If you fail, either rampage through the village or reload the save you made earlier. He also drops some decent loot. Select one of the events to go to the throne room. Dimwit is an enemy in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Continue north and you will bump into two Kobold Sentinels. Continue west and you will see Mud Bowl to the south. When they're dead, search the dead body to find two potions of Invisibility (ha! Make a decision. If you head up the nearby slope, you can climb up the wall if you make the necessary Athletics check (DC18). Head upstairs and speak to both Kanerah and Kalikke to find out more about them. However, if you interact with the blue tile, you will open a way to the south. A couple of days before the curse develops, head back to your capital. Unfortunately, they're not hostile so you can't get the drop on them. This may be sufficient to reveal a trap (Perception DC36) across the passageway. Go down to the lower level again and look for the Sun and the Moon statues in the central chamber they will have the right symbols. Valve Corporation. Examine the ground nearby to find a Ring of Protection +1. Immediately to your right is a stash containing a Melted Shard of a Ring (3/13). Speak to Valerie about it to learn that Valerie's former order is demanding that she return to Shelyn's service, initiating the quest Shelyn's Chosen. Needless to say, you don't want to take on hordes of powerful enemies while fatigued. If you do so and Octavia begins to verbally bait him, you must intervene or fight him. There's little point in doing further exploration for the time being. If you are unable to recruit him, you can murder him. Say that you're surprised to see a trader here and you will be able to try to Intimidate him (DC25). Eliminate the Trollhounds as a priority because their bites can cause disease. However, there's a lots to do before you go there. These are properly nasty. It locks you out of something else shortly. She will suggest that you ask the boy's mother instead. If you are a melee-capable character, arm yourself with the Cold Iron Dagger since the Redcaps have 60HP and DR 10/cold iron. Either way, you will be able to secure the Iron Mine kingdom resource. This is part of another relic set and another one you won't be completing for a good, long while. The dead Sentinels carry Masterwork weapons. Below this is a hidden and locked (DC20) container in the floor with minor loot. Have someone equip the Demolisher and put Freedom of Movement on your frontline. He's not very tough and drops a Masterwork handaxe. You will probably aggro the large group outside the house at the same time. He has an AC which is basically requires 20 to hit and DR 10/- which is symptomatic of the game's basically unfair encounter design. To the south are a group of five Dire Boars. Ask about Trobold and you can question him about Tartuk and Hargulka. Otherwise, answer how you please. If you passed a diplomacy check when speaking to Ezvanki during your ennoblement ceremony, 'Ezvanki's Offer' is a no-brainer. You have a choice. You want Resist Fire (Communal) on your party. At the top, go left and defeat a pair of Gargoyles. We've fixed Ageing and the Flying Time Undertow effect for the commander and their companions, Icy Prison spell got its name back, important keys no longer disappear, and much more. Your envoy will give you a summary of the current state of your barony. You will have a number of options to deal with him. Regardless, the quest will be completed, and you will be ordered to return to the barons castle. Ask who they are and, if you don't have any yet, you can ask Tiressia for five feather tokens for Melianse. After you've cleared the areas, backtrack to the fork and take the path leading southwest. Just to the left of your starting point is a hidden stash with minor loot. Talk to them, they will ask you to kill the Scythe-Tree, who destroyed the village. Spread your non-melee combatants out so that fewer people take damage. You have a number of ways to respond. If you search the various containers you will find minor loot and a new recipe, Fish-on-a-Stick. The voice that answers is not that of the child. Bokken will somehow figure that he needs to test the potion on himself and will undergo a surprising transformation. Kesten Garess will meet you to give you a whistle-stop tour. Find Dragn and give him the Onslaught pieces. If you do get the leader to drink the potion, you'll lose his loot which is worth around 1800G all told. The latter is an annoying enemy who uses Greater Invisibility (so that most of your attacks miss) and Mirror Image (so that more of your attacks miss) before hitting you with mind-affecting magic. You will want to have Slow memorised. Go all the way back round and head back downstairs. Make the immediate area safe and then speak to Waine. Can only be obtained if visited Bartholomew Delgado during second stage of Troll Invasion. There is a Ferocious Slurk to take care of. There are four Worgs and a Ferocious Worg here. Return to your capital because you want to make Jubilost your Treasurer, since you've probably had an empty advisor slot up to this point. Backtrack to the Murque River and make your way east along the southern shoreline. Due to this need, most trolls stake out large territories as their own, and fights between rivals are quite common. There is a Branded Troll accompanied by seven Trollhounds just below your current position. Question him and then follow him around the place. Further in the cave is another group of Centipedes, this time with a second Tremendous Centipede. 38. Buff up and head north. Grab Jaethal's Old Dagger and make sure that Jaethal is in your party. You will earn 375XP for saving his life. Head back upstairs and activate another switch to open the door in front of you. Head north, keeping an eye out for traps - there are two of them (DC19). Defeat the leader and decide what do you want to do kill him or spare him. The Nereid projects a Fascination aura that stops anyone attracted to females dead in their tracks. He's not really worth killing, however - he gives 0 XP and meagre loot. After you kill it, you can unlock a chest (DC28) containing a Noble Warhammer which is a +3 weapon. You want to see the "[Lore (Religion) check passed]" option in your response. They're not hostile, so position your characters strategically and speak to Ivar who will promptly change into a wolf himself. As you approach the area exit, there will be more Tatzylwyrms to steamroller and a hidden stash next to the road with minor loot. Cast Resist Lightning (Communal) before you go near it, however. See here for the complete list of tasks and their rewards. Enjoy a traditional RPG experience inspired by games like Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 and 2 and Arcanum. Back on the world map, bring up the Kingdom Management screen (square button). By now, she should be capable of taking on the Ferocious Hodag since it's not that tough. He will spam Searing Light which does quite a lot of damage. If you retrieve the armour pieces through intimidation, you can throw Kergan in jail or let him go. While you're immune to electricity, go across to the other side where there's a Mobility (DC20) check to get across a ditch. Check the body of one of the bandits for a Turquoise Brooch. Ask what they were arguing about and they will tell you about the danger posed by the Scythe-Tree. You will be attacked by the scarecrow and the inhabitant of the house.

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pathfinder: kingmaker bartholomew release troll