Failure by DEFY to insist upon strict adherence to any provision of this Agreement on one or more occasions shall not be considered a waiver or deprive DEFY of the right to insist upon strict adherence to that provision or any other provision of this Agreement. 16. Membership, Programs and benefits are specific to the SKY ZONE location from which you purchased your SKY ZONE membership. You further understand that, if you do not cancel this Agreement within such seventy-two (72) hour period, you will be charged for the remainder of your initial three-month term. Membership does not guarantee admission, especially during high attendance or other closure periods. Al participar en el Programa, usted renuncia a todos y cada uno de los derechos de presentar cualquier reclamacin o accin relacionada con su participacin en el Programa en cualquier jurisdiccin ms all de un ao despus de la fecha en que haya ocurrido por primera vez el acto, evento, condicin u omisin sobre la cual se basa la reclamacin o la accin. Changes can be made only by updating your information at the Location or by phone. 4. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Liability waivers are valid one (1) year from signing, therefore to remain an active Member you must update your liability waiver every year. You understand that, if you do not want your membership to renew, you must cancel it at least twenty-five (25) days before the next automatic renewal date. Adems, las membresas no se pueden utilizar con fines comerciales. Usted entiende que, si no desea que se renueve su membresa, debe cancelarla por lo menos tres (3) das hbiles antes de la prxima fecha de renovacin automtica. SKY ZONE reserves the right to request additional forms of identification verification. EXCEPT FOR ANY DISPUTES, CLAIMS, SUITS, ACTIONS, CAUSES OF ACTION, DEMANDS OR PROCEEDINGS (COLLECTIVELY, DISPUTES) IN WHICH EITHER PARTY SEEKS TO BRING AN INDIVIDUAL ACTION IN SMALL CLAIMS COURT, YOU AND ROCKIN JUMP AGREE (A) TO WAIVE YOUR AND ROCKIN JUMPS RESPECTIVE RIGHTS TO HAVE ANY AND ALL DISPUTES ARISING FROM OR RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT AND THE PROGRAM, RESOLVED IN A COURT, AND (B) TO WAIVE YOUR AND ROCKIN JUMPS RESPECTIVE RIGHTS TO A JURY TRIAL. El hecho de que DEFY no insista en el cumplimiento estricto de cualquier disposicin de este Contrato en una o ms ocasiones no se considerar una renuncia ni privar a DEFY del derecho a insistir en el cumplimiento estricto de esa disposicin o cualquier otra disposicin de este Contrato. Memberships may not be used for commercial purposes and are void if altered or misused. If we make changes, we will attempt to provide reasonable notice of such changes, such as by sending an email notification or posting an announcement on our website or the website of the Location that issued your Program membership. 8. By enrolling in the Program, you acknowledge that you have read SKY ZONEs Privacy Policy as well as the Privacy Policy. sky zone cancellation policy religious interview questions and answers sharleen spiteri ashley heath . PLAZO DE PRESCRIPCIN. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of the ROCKIN JUMP Location from which you purchased membership in the Program is located, without regard to the conflicts of laws rules of any jurisdiction. 6. e. usted entiende que SKY ZONE no le cobrar una tarifa por autorizar pagos recurrentes, pero que su institucin financiera puede cobrarle una tarifa por aceptar y procesar transacciones de dbito electrnico; CIERTOS LMITES Y RESTRICCIONES: 120 minutos El tiempo de salto incluido en su membresa del Programa no se puede combinar con ninguna otra oferta, paquete, descuento o promocin, y cada periodo de salto de 120 minutos es para 120 minutos consecutivos de salto. Cancellation, suspension or revocation of Location privileges under the Program due to your violation of SKY ZONE policies or rules, may, at SKY ZONEs sole discretion, result in you being barred from visiting any and all other SKY ZONE locations without any refund of prepaid fees. CHANGES. EXCEPT FOR DISPUTES IN WHICH EITHER PARTY SEEKS TO BRING AN INDIVIDUAL ACTION IN SMALL CLAIMS COURT, YOU AND ROCKIN JUMP AGREE THAT ANY DISPUTE MUST BE COMMENCED OR FILED BY YOU OR ROCKIN JUMP WITHIN ONE (1) YEAR OF THE DATE THE DISPUTE AROSE, OTHERWISE THE UNDERLYING CLAIM IS PERMANENTLY BARRED (WHICH MEANS THAT YOU AND ROCKIN JUMP WILL NO LONGER HAVE THE RIGHT TO ASSERT SUCH CLAIM REGARDING THE DISPUTE). Las membresas no se pueden utilizar con fines comerciales y son nulas si se modifican o se utilizan indebidamente. ELIGIBILITY AND CONDITIONS: Each Member must have a photograph of him/herself associated with his/her liability waiver on file with SKY ZONE, for identification purposes. 19. You understand that, if you do not want your membership to renew, you must cancel it at least three (3) business days before the next automatic renewal date. If you arrive late, we cannot guarantee availability. As part of the arbitration, both you and SKY ZONE will have the opportunity to reasonable discovery of non-privileged information that is relevant and material to the Dispute, including the ability to request from each other, and third parties, documents, information and testimony that is relevant and material to the Dispute. You and ROCKIN JUMP agree that this Agreement affects interstate commerce and that the enforceability of this Section 20 shall be both substantively and procedurally governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. USTED ACEPTA LOS SERVICIOS TAL CUAL. El Programa, la membresa en el mismo y todos los premios, mercancas, sorteos, concursos, productos o servicios proporcionados a travs del Programa se proporcionan y deben aceptarse tal cual y segn disponibilidad sin garantas de ningn tipo. PRIVACY: Please review SKY ZONEs Privacy Policy, which may be found here: for information about how we collect, use and disclose information about you as part of the Program. You represent, or acknowledge and agree (as the case may be), that: Como miembro, usted acepta los trminos de la poltica de privacidad de ROCKIN JUMP y el uso de su informacin personal tal como se establece en dicha poltica. You understand that you may cancel your membership for any reason either by (a) completing the cancellation form at DEFY.COM/MEMBERSHIPCANCEL and clicking Cancel Membership or (b) sending a cancellation request via mail to c/o Member Services Team, at 86 N. University Ave., # 350, Provo, Utah 84601, with your name, membership number, and a request to cancel your membership. USTED Y SKY ZONE ACEPTAN QUE CUALQUIER DISPUTA QUE SURJA DE O EST RELACIONADA CON ESTE CONTRATO Y EL PROGRAMA ES PERSONAL PARA USTED Y SKY ZONE Y QUE DICHA DISPUTA SE RESOLVER NICAMENTE A TRAVS DE ARBITRAJE INDIVIDUAL Y NO SE PRESENTAR COMO ARBITRAJE COLECTIVO, DEMANDA COLECTIVA NI NINGN OTRO TIPO DE PROCEDIMIENTO REPRESENTATIVO. d. you are an authorized user of the credit card used to purchase this membership, and you will not dispute the scheduled transactions with your bank or credit card company so long as the amounts charged are in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement; Furthermore, you agree to reimburse DEFY for any Program benefits, if you fraudulently obtained them. Note that Section 20 below contains a mandatory arbitration provision that requires the use of arbitration on an individual basis and limits the remedies available to you in the event of certain disputes. They conduct strict cleaning protocols including a thorough clean of all trampoline equipment each night. Las partes tambin pueden litigar una Disputa en la corte de reclamaciones menores ubicada en el condado de su direccin de facturacin si la Disputa cumple con los requisitos para ser sometida a audiencia en la corte de reclamaciones menores. Sujeto a las disposiciones contenidas en este documento, los pagos no son reembolsables y no hay reembolsos ni crditos por periodos utilizados parcialmente. DURATION OF MEMBERSHIP: All memberships are month to month from the Start Date. Cada membresa del Programa es una membresa de mes a mes que puede cancelarse de acuerdo con la Seccin 5 de estos Trminos. 16. I understand that I may cancel my membership for any reason either by (a) completing the cancellation form at DEFY.COM/MEMBERSHIPCANCEL and clicking Cancel Membership or (b) sending a cancellation request via mail to c/o Member Services Team, at 86 N. University Ave., # 350, Provo, Utah 84601, with my name, membership number, and a request to cancel my membership. Jump times may be walk-in only if the particular Location in question allows it. Cualquier renuncia por parte de ROCKIN JUMP al derecho de exigir el cumplimiento de cualquier disposicin de este Contrato no operar ni se interpretar como una renuncia a cualquier otro derecho a exigir el cumplimiento de dicha disposicin o cualquier cumplimiento de cualquier otra disposicin de este Contrato. Adems, las membresas no se pueden utilizar con fines comerciales. d. you are an authorized user of the credit card used to purchase this membership, and you will not dispute the scheduled transactions with your bank or credit card company so long as the amounts charged are in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement; TERMINACIN: ROCKIN JUMP se reserva el derecho de cancelar, suspender o revocar cualquier membresa o denegar la admisin a la Ubicacin a cualquier Miembro en cualquier momento y por cualquier motivo. a. you have the authority to bind all of the members added to your membership to this Agreement; By agreeing to be bound by this Agreement, you either (a) acknowledge and agree that you have read and understand the AAA Rules, or (b) waive your opportunity to read the AAA Rules and any claim that the AAA Rules are unfair or should not apply for any reason. EXCEPT FOR ANY DISPUTES, CLAIMS, SUITS, ACTIONS, CAUSES OF ACTION, DEMANDS OR PROCEEDINGS (COLLECTIVELY, DISPUTES) IN WHICH EITHER PARTY SEEKS TO BRING AN INDIVIDUAL ACTION IN SMALL CLAIMS COURT, YOU AND DEFY AGREE (A) TO WAIVE YOUR AND DEFYS RESPECTIVE RIGHTS TO HAVE ANY AND ALL DISPUTES ARISING FROM OR RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT AND THE PROGRAM, RESOLVED IN A COURT, AND (B) TO WAIVE YOUR AND DEFYS RESPECTIVE RIGHTS TO A JURY TRIAL. 15. Al aceptar estar sujeto a este Contrato, usted (a) reconoce y acepta que ha ledo y comprende las Reglas de la AAA, o (b) renuncia a su oportunidad de leer las Reglas de la AAA y cualquier reclamacin de que las Reglas de la AAA son injustas o no deberan aplicarse por ningn motivo. You understand that, if you do not want your membership to renew, you must cancel it at least three (3) business days before the next automatic renewal date. A EXCEPCIN DE DISPUTAS EN LAS QUE CUALQUIERA DE LAS PARTES BUSQUE INICIAR UNA ACCIN INDIVIDUAL EN LA CORTE DE RECLAMACIONES MENORES, USTED Y DEFY ACEPTAN QUE CUALQUIER DISPUTA DEBE SER INICIADA O PRESENTADA POR USTED O DEFY EN EL PLAZO DE UN (1) AO A PARTIR DE LA FECHA EN QUE SURGI LA DISPUTA, DE LO CONTRARIO, LA RECLAMACIN SUBYACENTE QUEDA PROHIBIDA PERMANENTEMENTE (LO QUE SIGNIFICA QUE USTED Y DEFY YA NO TENDRN DERECHO A PRESENTAR DICHA RECLAMACIN CON RESPECTO A LA DISPUTA). 6. NO WAIVER. 11. PRIVACY: Please review DEFYs Privacy Policy, which may be found here: for information about how we collect, use and disclose information about you as part of the Program. The parties shall attempt to agree on the single arbitrator to be appointed to resolve the dispute. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL ANY OF THE RELEASEES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE PROGRAM OR YOUR PARTICIPATION THEREIN, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY PROGRAM PRIZES, MERCHANDISE, OR SERVICES MADE AVAILABLE AS PART OF THE PROGRAM. Note that Section 20 below contains a mandatory arbitration provision that requires the use of arbitration on an individual basis and limits the remedies available to you in the event of certain disputes. DEFY reserves the right to request additional forms of identification verification. You understand that, if you cancel this Agreement within the first seventy-two (72) hours of the Start Date using the online cancellation method described in below, you will receive a refund of pre-paid but unused fees. In addition, you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Releases from all liabilities, claims, damages, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) that arise out of or are related to your violation of this Agreement. MEMBRESA PARA UBICACIN ESPECFICA. ADDRESS CHANGE: You must promptly report to ROCKIN JUMP in writing a change in your address. Restrictions apply including, but not limited to, capacity constraints and other closures. Failure by SKY ZONE to insist upon strict adherence to any provision of this Agreement on one or more occasions shall not be considered a waiver or deprive SKY ZONE of the right to insist upon strict adherence to that provision or any other provision of this Agreement. INSTEAD, YOU AND ROCKIN JUMP AGREE TO ARBITRATE DISPUTES THROUGH BINDING ARBITRATION (WHICH IS THE REFERRAL OF A DISPUTE TO ONE OR MORE PERSONS CHARGED WITH REVIEWING THE DISPUTE AND MAKING A FINAL AND BINDING DETERMINATION TO RESOLVE IT INSTEAD OF HAVING THE DISPUTE DECIDED BY A JUDGE OR JURY IN COURT). Terms & Conditions | SkyExpress c. you will promptly notify SKY ZONE of any change in your account information; Your membership agreement with SKY ZONE consists of your member enrollment information (including your member information, contact information, payment information, SKY ZONE Membership Program that you have selected (the Program), and authorized users of your membership) and these Terms, which collectively are referred to in these Terms as this Agreement. This Agreement governs your membership in the Program. Un operador ofrece opciones especficas para una membresa mensual. LAS MEMBRESAS SOLO SON VLIDAS EN LA UBICACIN ESPECFICA DE SKY ZONE DONDE USTED COMPR LA MEMBRESA. Your notice must include (a) your name, postal address, telephone number, the email address you use or used for your Program membership and, if different, an email address at which you can be contacted, (b) a description in reasonable detail of the nature or basis of the Dispute, and (c) the specific relief that you are seeking. 17. PRIVACY: Please review SKY ZONEs Privacy Policy, which may be found here: for information about how we collect, use and disclose information about you as part of the Program. ROCKIN JUMP reserves the right in its sole discretion to modify or update this Agreement and/or change, alter, or discontinue the Program, the list of participating Locations, Location services, entertainment or attractions, operating hours, and any reward or special status programs at any time and without notice to members beyond updating this Agreement. Usted comprende que puede cancelar su membresa por cualquier motivo, llenando el formulario de cancelacin en DEFY.COM/MEMBERSHIPCANCEL y haciendo clic en Cancelar Membresa. 15. Please see Location membership options and information at a Location or at for the specific Location. SEVERABILITY. By enrolling in the Program, you acknowledge that you have read ROCKIN JUMPs Privacy Policy as well as the Privacy Policy. Memberships are not valid for private or special events including birthday parties, team parties, corporate events, groups, or other special events or promotions that require a separate admission, such as Glow, Lock-ins and weekend or special toddler times unless otherwise specified. Nuestro aviso para usted se enviar electrnicamente a la direccin de correo electrnico asociada con su membresa del Programa e incluir (x) nuestro nombre, direccin postal, nmero de telfono y una direccin de correo electrnico en la que se nos pueda contactar con respecto a la Disputa, (y) una descripcin con detalles razonables de la naturaleza o los fundamentos de la Disputa, y (z) la reparacin especfica que solicitamos. La vigencia de su membresa de SKY ZONE en el Programa comienza en la fecha de compra de su membresa del Programa (la Fecha de Inicio) y contina por un periodo de treinta (30) das. 6. Average Sky Zone salaries by department include: Admin at $67,846, Sales at $140,477, Operations at $100,323, and Product at $157,511. 21. Las membresas no se pueden utilizar con fines comerciales y son nulas si se modifican o se utilizan indebidamente. At this time, Members must update their photos every two (2) years. BAJO NINGUNA CIRCUNSTANCIA NINGUNA DE LAS PARTES LIBERADAS DE RESPONSABILIDAD SER RESPONSABLE DE NINGN DAO DIRECTO, INDIRECTO, PUNITIVO, INCIDENTAL, ESPECIAL O CONSECUENTE QUE SURJA DE O SE RELACIONE DE ALGUNA MANERA CON EL PROGRAMA O SU PARTICIPACIN EN EL MISMO, LO QUE INCLUYE DE MANERA ENUNCIATIVA PERO NO LIMITATIVA CUALQUIER PREMIO DEL PROGRAMA, MERCANCA O SERVICIOS DISPONIBLES COMO PARTE DEL PROGRAMA. TERMINATION: ROCKIN JUMP reserves the right to cancel, suspend or revoke any membership or deny Location admission to any Members at any time for any reason. You understand that, if you do not want your membership to renew, you must cancel it at least seventy-two (72) hours before the next automatic renewal date. GOVERNING LAW. Las partes intentarn ponerse de acuerdo sobre el rbitro nico que se designar para resolver la disputa. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of the DEFY Location from which you purchased membership in the Program is located, without regard to the conflicts of laws rules of any jurisdiction. START DATE; RENEWAL. Any dispute, claim or cause of action arising out of or concerning the interpretation or effect of this Agreement and/or your participation in the Program, except where prohibited, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action. You agree that your membership will have an initial three-month term and will then automatically renew for successive one-month terms unless and until it is canceled. Thereafter your Program membership will AUTOMATICALLY RENEW AND CONTINUE ON A MONTH-TO-MONTH BASIS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AUTOMATIC RENEWAL TERMS SET FORTH IN SECTION 5 BELOW,UNTIL YOU EXPRESSLY CANCEL IT, OR UNTIL WE TERMINATE IT. Restrictions apply including, but not limited to, capacity constraints and other closures. The term of your DEFY membership in the Program begins on the date of the purchase of your Program membership (the Start Date) and continues for a period of thirty (30) days. A partir de entonces, su membresa del Programa se RENOVAR AUTOMTICAMENTE Y CONTINUAR MES A MES, DE ACUERDO CON LOS TRMINOS DE RENOVACIN AUTOMTICA ESTABLECIDOS EN LA SECCIN 5 A CONTINUACIN, HASTA QUE USTED LA CANCELE EXPRESAMENTE O HASTA QUE NOSOTROS DEMOS POR TERMINADA SU MEMBRESA. En consideracin y como incentivo y condicin para el operador del parque DEFY para el cual usted ha solicitado una membresa (dicho operador, junto con sus filiales y designados, se denominar en el presente documento como DEFY), que le permitir convertirse en miembro de DEFY y participar en programas, eventos y actividades realizados u organizados por o a travs de DEFY, y considerando la contraprestacin acordada, cuya recepcin y suficiencia se reconocen en el presente documento, usted acepta estos Trminos y condiciones estndar de membresa (estos Trminos). Liability waivers are valid one (1) year from signing, therefore to remain an active Member you must update your liability waiver every year. Consulte las opciones de membresa de la ubicacin y la informacin en una ubicacin o en para la ubicacin especfica. Usted y SKY ZONE acuerdan que no habr arbitraje colectivo ni arbitraje en el que una persona intente resolver una Disputa como representante de otra persona o grupo de personas. Sky Zone Trampoline Park+ is the world's first all-walled trampoline playing court!. YOU ACCEPT THE SERVICES AS IS. The Program, membership therein, and all prizes, merchandise, sweepstakes, contests, products or services provided through the Program are provided and must be accepted on an as is and as available basis without warranties of any kind. 17. Si usted no puede pagar el arbitraje, acepta brindarnos la opcin de pagar al rbitro antes de buscar iniciar cualquier otra forma de resolucin de disputas, incluido el litigio. EXCEPT FOR ANY DISPUTES, CLAIMS, SUITS, ACTIONS, CAUSES OF ACTION, DEMANDS OR PROCEEDINGS (COLLECTIVELY, DISPUTES) IN WHICH EITHER PARTY SEEKS TO BRING AN INDIVIDUAL ACTION IN SMALL CLAIMS COURT, YOU AND SKY ZONE AGREE (A) TO WAIVE YOUR AND SKY ZONES RESPECTIVE RIGHTS TO HAVE ANY AND ALL DISPUTES ARISING FROM OR RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT AND THE PROGRAM, RESOLVED IN A COURT, AND (B) TO WAIVE YOUR AND SKY ZONES RESPECTIVE RIGHTS TO A JURY TRIAL. Also, to remain active, you must update your photo in accordance with procedures specified by SKY ZONE from time to time.

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sky zone cancellation policy