You therefore benefit from double protection, both from your personal . When it is used ofa divine . 60 Mizrael - For the cure of mental illness and deliverance Thus, and this is extraordinary, we meet in our dreams and in everyday situations exactly the characteristics of the invoked Angel. God created angels. Gabriel might well be the most well-known angel name. Names of angels of God and their duties according to the Bible Moses had a special formula. He also inspires courage in a person. 8. Governs Christianity. 21,091 Views. He governs all that relates to the divine. Meditation on this name can activate direct dial to God. BEST PLACE ON THE NET FOR A MODERN APPROACH TO METAPHYSICS AND PHILSOPHICS! Florence Scovel Shin an artist and a metaphysics teacher in New York in the early part of the 20th century. 47 Asaliah Angel of love and fertility as well. The point is to believe in the angels of God, although the angels of God are unseen creatures created from light or light and cannot be seen by the naked eye, but angels are also one of God's creatures that we must know. civilization. Discover your path in KARMATICA,, Do you enjoy Myths and Legends? I will use the most common. This is the Hebrew version of these Bible passages from Exodus (translation provided by the Westminster Leningrad Codex): 4:19 - , 4:20 - , 4:21 - . Anyone that knows the story of the birth of Christ remembers that an angel plays a part in the famous story. This is a year to dig deep into your deepest levels however, don't drop into "over-think" as it will only leave you cynical. Loves poetry, literature, List of Fallen Angels - List of Angels - Angelicpedia The suns light looks a little different on this wall than it does on that wall, and a lot different on this other one, but its still one light. - Jall al-Dn Rm, The opposite of courage is not cowardice, it is conformity. 18 Caliel - To obtain prompt aid. Elemiah To confound the wicked and for deliverance from those who seek to oppress us (sic).Protects those who call upon him. Gentleness of character. 4:19 - The angel of God who was going before the Israelite army moved and went behind them; and the pillar of cloud moved from in front of them and took its place behind them. illuminati. Opinions expressed by authors in written content are not advocated for good or ill. That lies in the path of personal discernment. Jera also talks about being receptive and open to the flow of life. The 72 Names of God | Live Kabbalah THE END OF METAPHYSICS - WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? For the exaltation of oneself for the benediction and glory of God. Each Angel is also associated with a number that places Him in the Celestial Hierarchy. Angels in the Bible: What Do We Actually Know About Them? from bondage. Loves music, poetry, literature Click on CREATE ACCOUNT in the upper right sidebar of the Homepage. Distinguished savant. Good health, successful in his undertakings. Whether the ending is a relationship, a thought process, a job, or attitude, with Jera the ending is one that will set you upon the right path for your new future. The book separates its content into traditions such as Hermetic Magic, Magic in India, The Holy Kabalah, The Alexandrian School, Women in Magic etc. This Rune applies to any activity or endeavor to which you have been committed. The 72 Names are 72 three-letter sequences composed of Hebrew letters that have the extraordinary power to overcome the laws of both mother and human nature. 39 Rehael It is said that those who find the chart and learn the meanings behind the names of God can in fact gain a particular almighty power from the very name itself. Learns easily. science, occult philosophy, theology, theliberal arts. Viva le art! The archangel choir leader brings you a second angelic protection, in addition to the angel of your date of birth. Virtuous, longevity. PDF THE ANGELS - 66 Manakel -For the appeasement of the anger of God and Loves business, industriousness, liberal Vasariah - Against those who attack us in court. WHERE COMMON TERMS AND PHRASES ORIGINATED, WHY MAGIC HAS BEEN SO IMPORTANT IN THE FIGHT FOR JUSTICE. 2. Half of the 144 angels wanted to serve him and the other half didnt. Helps protect your employment and to preserve your livelihood from layoffs and other misfortunes. These Angels are what is often refer Twelve is the number of months in a year, so that is the first association that should be looked at for timing. virtue and power. Great for reuniting couples. Also good for one who wants to start a business. Can increase your fortune and fame. Angel Names & Angel Meanings | Powers & Abilities of Angels 4:21 - Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea. Most rituals are used to Anchor the mind but they do nothing to the spirits. Discover the next stage of human evolution. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1), so that His Spirit can dwell within us. generation of beings. To be invoked while fasting. Each side of a battery is neither good nor evil, they are simply polar opposites to create the charge. Good for those guilty of hidden crimes and fearing discovery. 42 Mikael Governs philosophers, Governs occult sciences. To create the first name you combine the first letter of Verse 14:19 the last letter of Verse 14:20 and the first letter of verse 14:21. To acquire knowledge and cure disease. Will also humble all those who wish to harm you. to be seen in dreams. Also helps one becomes more articulate. written by Logos, WAS ANCIENT INDIA THE SOURCE OF ANCIENT EGYPTIAN CIVILIZATION? Each one o them can help you in different situations. Governs the high sciences. not to take them literally. Archangel Raguel has the unique position of . Has much judgment. Governs Visit MYTHOS. 27 Jerathel Devotion is the fire in which all infirmities are consumed. 15.0 THE MALACHIM SCRIPT SCRIPT OF THE ANGELS Gives revelations in dreams. And so the cloud was there with the darkness, and it lit up the night; one did not come near the other all night. (Alef Lamed Dalet): Protection from the evil eye. God's 72 angel names, guardian/guide angels of GOD over those who attack unjustly. Protects against accidents, heals the sick. To obtain the grace of God. As they were crossing the Red Sea at first, the water did not part. Please ensure that your email address is correct as our system will email you the book download link once the PayPal process is complete. For the first name, I will highlight the letters in yellow, second name in red and third name is green. Will Help you against adversity. Protection from wild animals. To obtain the mercy of God and consolation. You take in the name you dial, you connect, your truest prayers will be answered at the speed of "Light". In her books, she shows that we can enjoy a winning streak of health, prosperity, and happiness. There is no membership fee and donations are never required or requested. Need to research? . Against infirmities and thunder, protects against fire, the ruin of buildings, falls and illnesses. Governs health To be invoked while facing South. According to Scripture, they're part of the universe God created. Industrious, successful, 30 Ornael - Against sorrow, despair and for the acquisition Chemists, doctors, surgeons. If we pay attention to our dreams and to the situations we experience, we can recognize their content in the lists of human qualities and distortions associated with the Angels. 38 Haamiah Spirits of God" (Apoc. and courteous manners, passionate for sex. Florence Shinn is one of last centurys most popular Success teachers. I will talk about the 72 angels of God today who said that they will serve His child and guide him until the end of time. execution of a promise made (sic). Loves truth, the exact sciences, sincere in word and deed. Note: It is important to interpret qualities and distortions first and foremost in terms of awareness, i.e. If you have not received your "success" maybe Jera is challenging you to look inside yourself. Makes Against the impious, slanderers. A very good angel. Governs morality and religion. .In the Zohar (155 BC), the Hebrew Book of Splendour, it 14:19ff). Their spiritual influence cleanses destructive impulses from our natures. 6.0 CELESTIAL SPHERE ANGELS If one is new to the study of the occult, the significance behind the Hebrew language may not be immediately known. Endowed with great wisdom, enthusiastic I will let you choose whether you want to open the door or not; I can not push anyone through the door, you must want to unlock the door and walk through it. Are you looking for an Angel according to a quality or a distortion? Sitael Jera signifies happy and total completions. June 15, 2022 . To regain the favor of those one has offended. Delivers the "A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.". Will help you discovers those who are against you. Also good for healing the eyes. Loves business, industriousness, liberal and philanthropic ideas. 72 Angels/Names of YHWH, Correspondence to Astrology, 1- 0 - 5 Aries - VEHUIAH - Will and New Beginnings2- 5 - 10 Aries - JELIEL - Love and Wisdom3- 10 - 15 Aries - SITAEL - Construction of the Universe/Worlds4- 15 to 20 Aries - ELEMIAH - Divine Power5- 20 to 25 Aries - MAHASIAH - Rectification6- 25 to 30 Aries - LELAHEL - Light of Understanding7- 0 to 5 Taurus - ACHAIAH - Patience8- 5 to 10 Taurus - CAHETEL - Divine Blessings9- 10 to 15 Taurus - HAZIEL - Divine Mercy and Forgiveness10- 15 to 20 Taurus - ALADIAH - Divine Grace11- 20 to 25 Taurus - LAUVIAH - Victory12- 25 to 30 Taurus - HAHAIAH - Refuge, Shelter13- 0 to 5 Gemini - YEZALEL - Fidelity, Loyalty and Allegiance14- 5 to 10 Gemini - MEBAHEL - Truth, Liberty and Justice15- 10 to 15 Gemini - HARIEL - Purification16- 15 to 20 Gemini - HAKAMIAH - Loyalty17- 20 to 25 Gemini - LAVIAH - Revelation18- 25 to 30 Gemini - CALIEL - Justice19- 0 to 5 Cancer - LEUVIAH - Expansive Intelligence/Fruition20- 5 to 10 Cancer - PAHALIAH - Redemption21- 10 to 15 Cancer - NELCHAEL - Ardent Desire to Learn22- 15 to 20 Cancer - YEIAYEL - Fame, Renown23- 20 to 25 Cancer - MELAHEL - Healing Capacity24- 25 to 30 Cancer - HAHEUIAH - Protection25- 0 to 5 Leo - NITH-HAIAH - Spiritual Wisdom and Magic26- 5 to 10 Leo - HAAIAH - Political Science and Ambition27- 10 to 15 Leo - YERATEL - Propagation of Light28- 15 to 20 Leo - SEHEIAH - Longevity29- 20 to 25 Leo - REIYEL - Liberation30- 25 to 30 Leo - OMAEL - Fertility, Multiplicity31- 0 to 5 Virgo - LECABEL - Intellectual Talent32- 5 to 10 Virgo - VASARIAH - Clemency and Equilibrium33- 10 to 15 Virgo - YEHUIAH - Subordination to Higher Order34- 15 to 20 Virgo - LEHAHIAH - Obedience35- 20 to 25 Virgo - CHEVAKIAH - Reconciliation36- 25 to 30 Virgo - MENADEL - Inner/Outer Work37- 0 to 5 Libra - ANIEL - Breaking the Circle38- 5 to 10 Libra - HAAMIAH - Ritual and Ceremony39- 10 to 15 Libra - REHAEL - Filial Submission40- 15 to 20 Libra - YEIAZEL - Divine Consolation and Comfort41- 20 to 25 Libra - HAHAHEL - Mission42- 25 to 30 Libra - MIKHAEL - Political Authority and Order43- 0 to 5 Scorpio - VEULIAH - Prosperity44- 5 to 10 Scorpio - YELAHIAH - Karmic Warrior45- 10 to 15 Scorpio - SEHALIAH - Motivation and Wilfulness46- 15 to 20 Scorpio - ARIEL - Perceiver and Revealer47- 20 to 25 Scorpio - ASALIAH - Contemplation48- 25 to 30 Scorpio - MIHAEL - Fertility, Fruitfulness49- 0 to 5 Sagittarius - VEHUEL - Elevation, Grandeur50- 5 to 10 Sagittarius - DANIEL - Eloquence51- 10 to 15 Sagittarius - HAHASIAH - Universal Medicine52- 15 to 20 Sagittarius - IMAMIAH - Expiation of Errors53- 20 to 25 Sagittarius - NANAEL - Spiritual Communication54- 25 to 30 Sagittarius - NITHAEL - Rejuvenation and Eternal Youth55- 0 to 5 Capricorn - MEBAHIAH - Intellectual Lucidity56- 5 to 10 Capricorn - POYEL - Fortune and Support57- 10 to 15 Capricorn - NEMAMIAH - Discernment58- 15 to 20 Capricorn - YEIALEL - Mental Force59- 20 to 25 Capricorn - HARAHEL - Intellectual Richness60- 25 to 30 Capricorn - MITZRAEL - Internal Reparation61- 0 to 5 Aquarius - UMABEL - Affinity and Friendship62- 5 to 10 Aquarius - IAH-HEL - Desire to Know63- 10 to 15 Aquarius - ANAUEL - Perception of Unity64- 15 to 20 Aquarius - MEHIEL - Vivification65- 20 to 25 Aquarius - DAMABIAH - Fountain of Wisdom66- 25 to 30 Aquarius - MANAKEL - Knowledge of Good and Evil67- 0 to 5 Pisces - EYAEL - Transformation to the Sublime68- 5 to 10 Pisces - HABUHIAH - Healing69- 10 to 15 Pisces - ROCHEL - Restitution70- 15 to 20 Pisces - JABAMIAH - Alchemy/Transformation71- 20 to 25 Pisces - HAIYAEL - Divine Warrior/Weaponry72- 25 to 30 Pisces - MUMIAH - Endings and Rebirth, 72 Angels/Names of YHWH, Corresponding to Tarot, (Note: This correspondence was authored by Eliphas Levi, c. 1800's), 1- Ace Wands2- 2 Wands3- 3 Wands4- 4 Wands5- 5 Wands6- 6 Wands7- 7 Wands8- 8 Wands9- 9 Wands10- Ace Cups11- 2 Cups12- 3 Cups13- 4 Cups14- 5 Cups15- 6 Cups16- 7 Cups17- 8 Cups18- 9 Cups19- Ace Swords20- 2 Swords21- 3 Swords22- 4 Swords23- 5 Swords24- 6 Swords25- 7 Swords26- 8 Swords27- 9 Swords28- Ace Pentacles29- 2 of Pentacles30- 3 of Pentacles31- 4 of Pentacles32- 5 of Pentacles33- 6 of Pentacles34- 7 of Pentacles35- 8 of Pentacles36- 9 of Pentacles37- Ace Wands38- 2 Wands39- 3 Wands40- 4 Wands41- 5 Wands42- 6 Wands43- 7 Wands44- 8 Wands45- 9 Wands46- Ace Cups47- 2 Cups48- 3 Cups49- 4 Cups50- 5 Cups51- 6 Cups52- 7 Cups53- 8 Cups54- 9 Cups55- Ace Swords56- 2 Swords57- 3 Swords58- 4 Swords59- 5 Swords60- 6 Swords61- 7 Swords62- 8 Swords63- 9 Swords64- Ace Pentacles65- 2 of Pentacles66- 3 of Pentacles67- 4 of Pentacles68- 5 of Pentacles69- 6 of Pentacles70- 7 of Pentacles71- 8 of Pentacles72- 9 of Pentacles, Review: Planetary Symbols & Correspondence, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND VIEWING THE FULL SIZE IMAGE.

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72 names of god angels and their duties