Military officials announced this week that, after months of warnings, they have . In one of many ongoing federal lawsuits challenging COVID-19 vaccine mandates across the country, Judge Reed O'Connor of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas issued a group . Similar suits have been brought throughout the country by service members across the military branches. This disparity of treatment between medical and religious exemptions was constitutionally prohibited,Judge Reed OConnor said. More than 60 service members have joined lawsuits against the U.S. government, alleging that the militarys process for awarding religious vaccine exemptions is a sham. Based on his Roman Catholic Christian faith and absolute opposition to abortion, he cannot accept a vaccine that has been manufactured, or whose efficacy has been tested and proved, using aborted fetal cells, the Florida lawsuit alleges, on behalf of a Coast Guard pilot. And that is textbook discrimination, right? Our lawsuit is certainly centered on religious exemption, but our lawsuit is broader than that to block the mandate in general of a non-FDA approved product, Staver said. As part of the exemption process, service members are required to meet with a chaplain to work through their concerns. You can't sue Pfizer or Moderna if you have severe Covid vaccine side Well, the good news is the law is set up so that the government actually can win those cases, when all they have to do is demonstrate that they have a compelling interest. Navy quietly rolled back punishments for SEALs seeking religious Only the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is manufactured using fetal cell lines. Court Delivers Win to Military Members Denied Religious Exemptions From Pentagon Vaccine Mandate, SCOTUS 101: Student Loans and Major Questions, Unpacking the Oral Arguments Against Bidens Student Loan Cancellation, Appeals Court Steals Show on ERA Amid Senate Panels Bid to Resurrect Dead Amendment, the Supreme Court is set to hear oral arguments. While the Jan. 3 victory applies only to the named naval personnel in the lawsuit and not to the entire vaccine mandate issued by the Department of Defense, for religious freedom advocates and faithful Americans, the victory is a breath of fresh air and a much-needed reminder that individuals who have selflessly committed themselves to the defense of the Constitution and its enshrined liberties are sometimes the very people whose rights need defending the most. So thats usually unwise, and so practitioners who are in front of the Supreme Court frequently like us, we usually know not to do that. Mike Barry:It would be everyone who is requested and been denied a religious accommodation from the vaccine mandates, specifically the COVID vaccine mandate. The Florida filing also spends much more time on the biographies of the complainants. Otherwise, the courts are going to be flooded with thousands of lawsuits, he said. Fox News U.S. The government has since filed a notice that it plans to appeal the decision. So that, right now that number is several thousand. None of the plaintiffs clarify whether they engage in any other behavior that might be seen as a desecration of that temple, whether its alcohol, drugs, unprotected sex or in the case of the Old Testament tattoos and piercings. All rights reserved. The content of this website reflects the current thinking of the United States Department of Health and Human Services on the topics addressed and does not create or confer any rights for or on any person and does not operate to bind the Department or the public. The decision sets the stage for a future trial or, possibly, the case winding its way up to the Supreme Court. The problem here is that the government is simply unwilling to offer any compromises. More than 800 unvaccinated service members have been ousted from the Air Force so far. The Navy already denied these exemptions, but O'Connor. But it may not take a lawsuit for the issue to change the environment when it comes to mandatory vaccination. US Military To Face COVID-19 Vaccine Lawsuit February 18, 2023 COVID19 vaccine mandate to end for military - I think one of the militarys concerns is whats the limiting principle here? Air Force discharges 27 for refusing to get COVID vaccine : NPR - This disparity of treatment between medical and religious exemptions was constitutionally prohibited,OConnor said: As a brief preview, the vaccine mandate fails strict scrutiny. Ross said such questions were speculative and not at issue in the case before the court. Just because the plaintiffs identify as a member of one religion or another doesnt mean they need to follow every tradition, according to Griffin, the former Coast Guard lawyer, nor would they need to justify why they are religiously opposed to the COVID-19 vaccine in particular. The complaint also brings up the issue of Food and Drug Administration licensure. In response to stating that the COVID-19 "vaccines have some rare side effects, including heart inflammation that has affected at least 22 service members, according to a study from the JAMA Network," an attorney working with U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisconsin, and whistle blowers in the U.S. military are pushing back against . Essentially, while the Marines applied for exemptions on religious grounds, they were already entitled to a much more straightforward administrative exemption for troops soon to leave service or not currently with their units, which is likely the reason they were approved. Whats clear is that the COVID-19 has broken open a bit of a wormhole in the military. Assuming, maybe Im assuming too much. The Religious Freedom Restoration Act sets a low bar for proving ones religious beliefs, in that if someone states them, they are assumed to be sincere. Hey you have the Friday night shift, right? The service branches must notify the Pentagon that they've made the changes no later than March 17. And in one instance, I saw one of the head people for recruiting in the military said, Were having a really hard time identifying, basically people who are eligible to serve in the military. It is a danger of, you know, the government saying, Well, hey, heres what your faith tradition teaches, you should follow that, " Griffin said. The law says that sincerely held religious beliefs are to be taken at face value. Mike Barry:No, really, I mean, this is happening across the entire Department of Defense. A federal judge in Cincinnati has expanded a temporary exemption to a Department of Defense COVID-19 vaccine mandate to cover thousands of service members in the U.S. Air Force and Space Force,. But Im willing to do that. Starbucks, for example, doesnt have a vaccine requirement. U.S. Military Service Members with Natural Immunity File Lawsuit over The service members who filed the lawsuit represent more than 350 collective years of military service, and more than 100 combat deployments. VICP provides compensation for injuries and deaths caused by I mean, this is quickly becoming a national security issue for our nation. FILE - Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin speaks during a briefing at the Pentagon in Washington, Nov. 16, 2022. The Catholic Churchs policy on derived fetal cells has been clear for decades: the sin of abortion is so far removed in pharmaceutical development that a Catholic is not violating any principles by getting vaccinated. US troops refusing the COVID-19 vaccine: What happens to them? To date, no members of the Army or Space Force have received a religious exemption, though nine airmen and three Marines have been approved. The Navy comes in second with a total of 469 separations, which includes 50 this past week. When they inquired about seeking religious accommodation for the vaccine, the Navy informed many of them that they could face court-martial or involuntary separation if they refused to take the vaccine. 2:14:14 Pentagon exploring back pay for troops kicked out of military over vaccine mandate. "I am proud of the efforts the Department of the Army has taken to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic," Wormuth said. Just three days later, he issued a far more sweeping order granting 4,095 service members a religious exemption from the COVID vaccine. Members face the same injury: violation of their constitutional freedom by defendants clear policy of discrimination against religious accommodation requests, wrote McFarland, of the U.S. District Court of the Southern District of Ohio. Each of those shots also involves cell tissue derived from fetuses, as does one version of the rabies vaccine. Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth said in the press release that the service is still, however, encouraging vaccinations. (U.S. Navy) Two service members filed a class action lawsuit against Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to halt a mandate that all troops receive the coronavirus vaccine and create an exemption. They argue that their. I dont think that the precedent is going to be that big of one, Griffin, the former Coast Guard lawyer, said. NEW ORLEANS Federal appeals court judges closely questioned a Biden administration attorney Monday on the consequences military personnel might face for refusing COVID-19 vaccinations, even though Bidens vaccine mandate for military personnel has been rescinded. I think we win under the First Amendment, because you have individualized exemptions with medical exemptions, but not religious exemptions.. The Florida case began with a Navy and Marine Corps officer in 2021, but has soon ballooned to 36 plaintiffs from all military branches as well as some civilian Defense Department employees. Other federal court challenges to various COVID-19 vaccine mandates are ongoing. In January of last year, a federal judge in Texas barred the Navy from taking any action against the Navy plaintiffs for being unvaccinated. Government lawyers argue the policy is in line with well-established principles of judicial noninterference with core military decision making, in their briefs. Air Force spokesperson Ann Stefanek declined to comment on ongoing litigation and how it may affect how the service handles religious accommodation requests. Total exemptions granted in the Air Force included about 1,500 temporary medical exemptions and 2,300 administrative waivers, which includes the nine religious approvals. That means that this is quickly becoming a national security concern. Adam Rawnsley. Jared Serbu: Mike, thanks for being here. They argue that their. Pfizer Inc wants to intervene in a Texas federal lawsuit seeking information from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration used in licensing the company's COVID-19 vaccine, a litigation move that . And yet they say, you know what, we now believe that its okay, for our employees to not be vaccinated, its okay for our customers to not be vaccinated. The three coronavirus vaccines currently available in the United Statesthe Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and, as of Saturday, the Johnson & Johnson versionsare approved on "emergency use. What the government will have to prove, in both cases, is that while its granted thousands of medical and administrative exemptions though many of those are temporary that the high bar for approval of religious exemptions is necessary for keeping the force healthy and deployable. COVID vaccine mandate lawsuit: Air Force officers argue shots are Theyre not following their own regulations. Law firms Latham & Watkins LLP Follow Siri & Glimstad LLP (Reuters) - The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, facing a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit seeking a vast trove of data. In his order, OConnor granted an injunction against the Biden administration and the Department of Defense, preventing them from enforcing the vaccine mandate against any of the named service members who had applied for a religious exemption. Then in April, the WHO warned that supplier Bharat Biotech had stopped production because of deficiencies in good manufacturing practices.. The new policy guidance to the services makes no mention of reinstating service members who were separated from the military for refusing the shot. The mandate treats comparable secular activity (e.g., medical exemptions) more favorably than religious activity. The Navy SEALS filed their lawsuit in November of 2021, describing what they saw as a cumbersome 50-step process to obtain religious exemptions for the COVID-19 vaccine. The latest class action targets the Air Forces religious accommodation process, arguing that process is set up in such a way that getting a religious exemption to the vaccine is almost impossible. Service members file lawsuit over Pentagon's coronavirus vaccine Of course, that came because of a federal judges ruling. Department of Justice seeks dismissal of military vaccine lawsuit Thomas Bruns, a Cincinnati-based attorney with Bruns, Connell, Vollmar & Armstrong representing the service members, told on Monday that the service members in that case are promised full relief from any harms caused by the mandate. The US military has approved religious exemptions to its Covid-19 vaccine mandate for 15 service members out of approximately 16,000 requests, according to the latest data from the services. House passes defense bill ending COVID-19 vaccine mandate for service He spoke with a reporter last Wednesday but did . The quickest vaccine ever developed was for mumps. The lawsuit also fails to mention an established precedent regarding vaccines in religious traditions. Complainants push back on the militarys position that remaining unvaccinated endangers the force and undermines national security, since the vast majority of troops have received all of a one- or two-shot regimen. Alleged spikes in medical conditions among the military after COVID-19 The Florida case also expands the arguments past the religious exemption process, citing a handful of other arguments made by COVID-19 vaccine detractors. And in some cases, according to some reports, its even more durable than the vaccine and you dont have to get boosters and things like that. OConnormade note of thisin his order, calling the process for seeking a religious exemption nothing more than theater, stating that the Navy merely rubber-stamps each denial, and stressing that the record overwhelmingly demonstrates that the Navys religious-accommodation process is an exercise in futility.. The soldier and Marine also want their case escalated into a class action lawsuit to take in other military personnel plus Department of Defense contractors. Mike Barry:No, I think what happens is they become much smaller cases, right? House passes defense bill scrapping military's Covid vaccine mandate Im very confident that this case going to the Supreme Court, Mat Staver whose Liberty Counsel represents plaintiffs in the Florida case told Military Times on Tuesday. The Justice Department intends to appeal the Texas ruling, while a temporary injunction in the Florida case expires Friday. However, vaccine opponents note that commanders can still make decisions on how and whether to deploy unvaccinated troops, under a memo signed last month by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin. Military Grants Few Coronavirus Vaccine Exemptions as Deadlines Loom The Army reported about 1,300 religious requests, none of which have been approved, as well as six medical exemptions. Through much prayer and reflection, Plaintiffs have sought wisdom, understanding, and guidance on the proper decisions to make concerning these COVID-19 vaccines, and Plaintiffs have been convicted by the Holy Spirit that accepting any of the three currently available vaccines is against the teachings of Scripture and would be a sin, according to a Florida lawsuit first filed in late 2021, then amended on Feb. 7 with additional plaintiffs. Similar to the Navy, the Marine Corps is no longer stopping unvaccinated Marines from deployments. How large is the class? -- Thomas Novelly can be reached at All of the military services are currently reworking their policies to adjust separation and promotion records for service members who refused to get the COVID-19 vaccine, after the Pentagon ended the inoculation mandate last month. Federal judge temporarily halts Air Force's COVID-19 vaccine mandate On August 30, both Robert and Mulvihill asked U.S. District Court Judge Raymond Moore for a temporary restraining order regarding the vaccinations for military members who have already been. Pentagon: Judge's halt of vaccine mandate for - Stars and Stripes Im happy to take that one from you. The Supreme Court ruled in March 2022 that the sea service was allowed to reassign sailors who had refused the shot and filed exemption requests to nonoperational commands. OConnor ruled that the blanket denial of their religious waiver requests amounted to a violation of the service members rights under the First Amendment andthe Religious Freedom Restoration Act. They argue that their 1st Amendment rights are being infringed upon, because their sincerely held religious beliefs prevent them from receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. The Pentagon directed all the services to "formally rescind any policies, directives, and guidance implementing those vaccination mandates as soon as possible, if they have not already done so," according to a Friday press release. Army brigade surgeon claims in lawsuit vaccines are made with The Navy has, however, granted medical exemption requests submitted by other personnel. Military Services Will Amend COVID Vaccine Refuser Records So They Aren It is not yet clear how the various services will handle pending lawsuits that sprang up in the years following the Pentagon's COVID-19 vaccine mandate. The government responded to the lawsuit by pointing out that immunization requirements are common in the military beginning with the Continental Army under George Washington and that vaccines and are essential to preventing the transmission of diseases in close quarters. Mike Barry:Well, First Liberty Institute represents nine Air Force members who are challenging the Air Forces enforcement of its vaccine mandate. Although certain COVID-19 vaccines are associated with a slightly increased risk of blood clotting or heart inflammation, COVID-19 itself is associated with a higher rate of these and other conditions. In fact, as of Dec. 17, the religious accommodation requests of at least 29 of the 35 naval plaintiffs had been flatly denied. The prospect of dishonorable discharges has been a concern for some against vaccine mandates, but that type of discharge can only be handed down through a court-martial conviction. It took four years and was licensed in 1967. Researchers cultivate these cells for generations, using their derivatives to create or test all manner of pharmaceutical products. The Navy service members in this case seek to vindicate the very freedoms they have sacrificed so much to protect,OConnor wrote, adding: The COVID-19 pandemic provides the government no license to abrogate those freedoms. Their objections to the vaccine fall into one of four categories, according to their complaint, including opposition to abortion and the use of fetal cell lines in pharmaceutical development, belief that body modification violates their religious principles, direct, divine instruction not to receive the vaccine, or declining to inject trace amounts of animal cells into ones body.. Still, the organization said Covaxin is still a safe and effective product. All of the military services have released vaccine refusal policies, none of them involving judicial or non-judicial charges for simply staying unvaccinated. The lawsuit emerges as the latest development in an ongoing fight between state leaders and the federal government as Gov. Could the Supreme Court strike down the military's vaccination mandate? (The Daily Signal is the news outlet of The Heritage Foundation.). The U.S . Those records are supposed to be cleared by March 31, according to the guidance. And is there somewhere else we can assign them where maybe theyre at less risk of of COVID transmission or they start looking at the data, right, the actual CDC data and the COVID day they start look kicking it around and saying, You know what? More than 60,000 Army soldiers losing pay, benefits over vaccine The lawsuit is one of two that have grabbed headlines in recent months, as the military has imposed mandatory vaccination deadlines that have since lapsed for all of the services and their components, save the Army National Guard and Army Reserve. In other words, its usually ill-advised to take an opinion on one subject or one issue, and then try to extrapolate and say and that and say, Well, that should apply across the board to all issues. The judge's decision impacts 200 to 300 servicemembers stationed at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, who filed the lawsuit against top military leaders back in February. Like the other service branches, the Navy required all active-duty service members to be fully vaccinated before Nov. 28 or risk a full range of disciplinary action. By The Associated Press WASHINGTON A bill to rescind the Covid-19 vaccine mandate for members of the U.S. military and provide nearly $858 billion for national defense passed the House on. Thousands of U.S. military defy COVID-19 vaccine order - Los Angeles Times A dozen U.S. Air Force officers have filed a lawsuit . Meghann Myers is the Pentagon bureau chief at Military Times. Theres been a lot of great saints that have gone to prison, so Im willing to do that.. Jared Serbu: Last thing, theres a lot of these vaccine cases, even just military vaccine cases floating around in various district courts and circuits the moment. More than 1.14 million out of the 1.4 million active military members have been fully vaccinated as of Wednesday, according to DoD data. The Marine Corps separated 165 Marines over the past week due to their refusal to get vaccinated against COVID-19. "We are grateful for the support of the Legislature and the Governor in the State's efforts to block the . President Joe Biden signed the. "It hasn't done it yet. msn back to msn home news Skip To Navigation Circuit Court of Appeals panel that federal court injunctions against the mandate are still needed, in part because decisions on deployments and assignments can still be made based on vaccination status. Subscribe to Federal Drives daily audio interviews onApple PodcastsorPodcastOne. The fetal cells were not used to produce either vaccine, National Geographic reported last fall. AFLDS has also pushed ivermectin and. There are some notable caveats. Overall, scientific evidence indicates that the benefits of vaccines largely . Vaccine Mandates in the Military: Litigation Over - Bill of Health In December, the Air Force announced it had discharged 27 people for refusing to get the COVID . And I havent heard of a single Starbucks shutting down. 16 Service Members Sue to Halt DoD's Vaccine Order | Military Leaders Called To Testify About Impact Of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate U.S. Military Service Members with Natural Immunity File Lawsuit over COVID Vaccine Mandate. Sarah Parshall Perry is a senior legal fellow for the Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at The Heritage Foundation. Indeed, Defendants employed such measures during the prior year before COVID-19 vaccines were made widely available.. The lawsuits dont mention other vaccines these troops received either in their childhoods or during service the chicken pox, rubella and hepatitis A vaccines are all required that used descendent fetal cells in development. More than 60 service members have joined lawsuits against the U.S. government, alleging that the military's process for awarding religious vaccine exemptions is a sham. So for example, in a different context, somebody who says that theyre a Sabbath observer, and they cannot work on the Sabbath, but that theyre willing to trade ships with somebody, most of the cases Ive seen, theyre actually willing to take, what most people consider be a less favorable shift. The plaintiffs argue that violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the Theres yet another lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the militarys COVID-19 vaccine mandate. There was no indication when the judges would rule. The plaintiffs argue that violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the First Amendment. National Vaccine Lawsuit Injury Attorney - Carlson Law Firm The Pentagon has not provided any public updates or said when the formal policy will be issued. Troops who refused COVID vaccine still may face discipline Federal judge expands exemption to military's COVID-19 vaccine mandate Same thing on airplanes, right? Punishing SEALs for simply asking for a religious accommodation is purely vindictive and punitive. Nor do they mention the host of common medications that also use these stem cells, including Tylenol, Advil/Motrin, aspirin, Tums, Pepto Bismol, Benadryl, Sudafed and Claritin. They include the small risk of myocarditis, which has anecdotally occurred in 1,626 U.S. residents out of more than 200 million fully vaccinated, with the highest risk in men under 24. The Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), it doesnt, the sincerity issue is what everybody seems to be concerned with, right?

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