FBI, DEA, and CIA agents are also required to undergo security clearance checks. Keep in mind that the requirements for receiving confidential security clearance are similar to secret or top-secret clearance. All foreign reports must be in English or translated into English. PDF Frequently Asked Questions - Careers Many Foreign Service posts are located in remote areas with extremely limited medical support. Youll be asked to submit fingerprints to the Departments Bureau of Diplomatic Security as the first step in the security clearance process. (CT:MED-41; 03-07-2019) The military treats mental health very seriously so making the military, in general, is an achievement, much less gaining security clearance. Such clearances may only be issued to candidates whom the Office of Medical Services deems able to serve at the most isolated and restricted overseas posts. As soon as you are selected for the Fellowship, the Department of State will request that you complete and submit an application within about two weeks. Tips for Your In-Service Medical Clearance Update. This will be determined by either a current diagnosis or . Where a particular physical or mental health condition, extraordinary stress, or similar circumstances a represented as the justification for a 6/8 waiver, MED or an outside medical professional must confirm the basis for the A-4.4A-04 revised 01/2018 request. Security clearance qualifiers get established by the Department of Defense to make sure the service member is capable and trusting of not disclosing sensitive information. The separation (or retirement) physical examination is for employees and eligible family members (EFMs) leaving the Foreign Service. Any recent drug involvement is frowned upon heavily. Once employee obtains verification of ICASS medical program participation, submit the signed: 3308.5: Institutional Contractor ICASS Verification Form, The healthcare provider should review all yes answers on page 2 of the. 12 Security Clearance Disqualifiers - Operation Military Kids CIA Requirements - CIA - Central Intelligence Agency 20 Medical Conditions That (might) Disqualify You From The Military If you're thinking of a career as a government agent, beware of the 5 automatic disqualifiers for security clearances. Patients can arrange appointments on personal travel, during R&R, home leave or other government funded travel when services are not available at the post of assignment. Your CDO or agency HR will send your list to MED Clearances. MEDICAL EXAMINATION AND CLEARANCE - United States Department of State You served another country in the military. Contractors and DOD Civilians should contact their sponsors human resources regarding payment. The Department of State has identified certain posts as Employee Self-Certification and Ability to Perform in Emergencies (ESCAPE) posts. MEDICAL HISTORY AND EXAMINATION FOR INDIVIDUALS AGE 12 AND OLDER PRIVACY ACT NOTICE AUTHORITIES: The information is sought pursuant to the Foreign Service Act of 1980, as amended (Title 22 U.S.C.4084). Unhealthy Work Environment. Schools are often closed during American summer months, so the process needs to start well before the end of the school year for children with educational issues. Each diagnosis must have a statement clarifying prognosis, stability, follow-up plan, and if that follow-up must be done by a specialist. Provide a personal, legible e-mail address good for the next 90 days. A TDY medical clearance is valid for 2 years from the date it was issued. Post Specific (Class 2) Medical Clearance Process for ESCAPE Posts. Under Status of Employee check or write in the appropriate designation (Employee, contractor, EFM, TDY, etc). An MCU can be submitted to your health unit (preferred) or directly submitted to. Your CDO or agency HR will send your list to MED Clearances. CONUS Option: The employee and EFMs are encouraged to have the separation medical exam completed by their private medical provider in the US. All I know is that FS has a pretty thorough medical clearance process. Expect to work with a variety of personalities from many cultures. An SSBI investigation checks records held by employers, courts, and rental offices. Employees, Contractors and EFM shave the right to appeal any medical clearance classification decision. This is accessible to Department of State Employees only. Sending forms and reports to the wrong email address results in confusion. This brief, two-page document does not require a physical exam. Our process is an individualized assessment based upon your medical records, including immunizations, current medical conditions, and ongoing treatment. The local emergency room, for example, might be completely inadequate, without ventilators, defibrillators, x-ray capabilities, etc. After a Medical Clearance is issued, any required follow-up care for any medical condition is the patients responsibility. A medical clearance is valid until your scheduled home leave or end-of-tour whichever is sooner. The Inservice Medical Clearance Process. The attainment of U.S. foreign policy objectives depends substantially on the confidence of the public (both American and foreign) in the individuals selected to serve in the Foreign Service. Top-secret clearance takes four to eight months to complete (sometimes closer to a year depending on the applicant). Medical clearance determination by Medical Services is based on its thorough review of each fellows medical history and a physical examination, including an individual assessment of his/her specific medical needs and the medical capabilities of Foreign Service posts to meet those needs. Misuse of Information Technology Systems, DEVGRU: 7 things you didnt know about SEAL Team 6, Security Clearance Background Investigation Questionnaire, 20 Health Conditions That May Disqualify You From Military, Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI), military treats mental health very seriously, Military Hearing Requirements and Disqualifications, List Of 9 Army Patches And Their Meanings, Army Sharpshooter Badge: 6 Things To Know, confidential security clearance disqualifers, top secret security clearance disqualifiers, 12 Military Drones Employed By The US Military, How to Switch From Reserves to Active Duty, Army Service Ribbon (ASR): 5 Things To Know, Army Commendation Medal (ARCOM): 8 Things To Know, Emotional, Mental, and Personality Disorders. Lastly, even those with top-secret clearance sometimes need to apply for more clearance to access classified information. Submit your completed forms and other medical reports to Medical Records: Send via email to MEDMR@state.gov (preferred) Or fax to 202-647-0292 (less preferred) Include the Medical Records coversheet. If you are TDY indicate if you are CONUS or overseas based, all possible ESCAPE posts you may travel to, and the estimated duration of your TDY stay. Specifically, what specialist appointments, radiology, laboratory, therapy visits, medications, educational interventions, and other treatment regiments you will need, when and how often. PDF Expiration Date: 10-31-2023 Estimated Burden: 1 Hour Medical History Alcohol is a substance that some people are able to handle and control better than others. Any applicants with immediate family members or a person to whom the individual has close ties of affection or obligation AND is a resident or present in a foreign country might serve as a national security threat. Indicating the ESCAPE post(s) of assignment is REQUIRED. The Department of State, therefore, requires the highest standards of conduct by employees of the Foreign Service, including an especially high degree of integrity, reliability, and prudence. In addition, individuals changing sponsoring agencies, deploying to an ESCAPE post, separating from the Federal Government, or becoming a REA/WAE employee are treated as new employees and will need to complete a full pre-employment or pre-assignment exam. All items listed in the physical exam section on page 3 must be completed by the medical provider (examiner). An official website of the United States Government, Office of the Special Envoy for Critical and Emerging Technology, Office of the U.S. Your CDO or Agency HR will notify you of posts you have been medically cleared for your next assignment. Top-secret status is described as having access to information that unauthorized disclosure could cause exceptionally grave damage to national security. For example, if an individual needs to routinely see a neurologist or an English-speaking speech therapist or attend a school capable of supporting a dyslexic child there are posts he or she can be assigned to, but many other posts that do not have neurology, speech therapy and appropriate schools. Many Health Units do not have a provider, resources, or time to complete a medical clearance. Failure to have all family members medical clearance in order may delay your travel orders. Ensure the patients name and date of birth is at the top of each page of the exam form. The Committee reserves the right to seek MEDs opinion when it deems such opinion is necessary for proper adjudication of the request (see Section below), consistent with applicable privacy laws and policies. In addition to the hand written lab section, MED requires copies of the lab and radiology reports and the EKG tracing, if indicated. The Foreign Affairs Information Technology (FAIT) Fellowship is not only a unique opportunity for highly qualified, diverse college students to receive academic funding, internships and mentorship from the U.S. Department of State - it is also a path to your career in the Foreign Service. ESCAPE posts comprise a subset of High-Threat, High Risk (HTHR) posts. Complete a DS-1843: Medical History and Examination for Foreign Service or Individuals Age 12 and Older form. All blanks need to be filled in. Do not travel to your next overseas assignment without a valid medical. Finally, a periodic reinvestigation (PR) is required every five years for top-secret security clearance. 2 years after an issuance of a medical clearance to all individuals who perform TDY travel of 30 or more consecutive days to an ESCAPE post. The name of the examinee (employee, contractor, LES or EFM) and DOB must also appear at the top of each page 2, 3, and 4. Medical Clearance Notices will be sent to your e-mail address you place on your form. Once youve completed the background investigation and medical examination, a State Department Suitability Review Panel will examine your file (minus any privileged medical information) to determine your suitability for employment with the Foreign Service. Learn more about obtaining confidential, secret, or top-secret clearance as well as security clearance disqualifiers. Provide explanations in section IIA on page 2 or on a separate sheet of paper. white dog with black eye patch names; southside legend strain certified All optional tests are optional, unless clinically indicated, and not required for an ESCAPE post clearance. .header-alert .icon.icon-close-thin.header-alert__close.js-header-alert-close{display:none;}. The Department of Defense uses the Defense Security Service (DSS) to conduct background checks for security clearance. Medical Clearances reviews the submitted documentation and retains a copy in your permanent medical file. Post Health Unit Option: If you would like the examination at post, please contact your Foreign Service Medical Provider (RMO or MP) for guidance. Two aspects of the military determine your security level: A) your military job (MOS) and B) your assignment. If the examination/evaluation is not completed within 90 days, the individual will be issued a Class 8 clearance and will not be eligible for the Medical Program abroad. There are often no blood banks or limited medical supplies and medications available locally. Do NOT submit bids to Medical Clearances. The time needed for security clearance determination processing varies depending on a number of factors. The purpose of a medical clearance is to identify specific health needs and medical conditions that may require specialty management, follow-up or monitoring. If you receive an official invitation letter from the Peace Corps, you must be medically cleared for service before becoming a Peace Corps Volunteer. The Committee reserves the right to seek MEDs opinion when it deems such opinion is necessary for proper adjudication of the request, consistent with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and implementing regulations at 45 C.F.R. Early in the bidding season FSOs, LNAs and Fellows or their EFMs with a Post Specific (Class 2) clearance should submit their bid list or post choices to their State Department Career Development Officer (CDO) or agency human resources. Foreign Service when one has family members with medical or learning disability problems that preclude them from receiving a Class One medical clearance is accepting the possibility of unaccompanied assignments. The same is true regarding a pattern of high risk, aggressive, irresponsible, or emotionally unstable behavior. The following in-service employees, contractors and EFMs are required to update their medical clearance: Persons assigned to the United States and not traveling overseas do not require a medical clearance. While an individual may have Worldwide Availability under DOS guidelines, that same individual may not be approved for an ESCAPE post under DOD deployment requirements. All direct hire employees, Locally Employed Staff, contractors, and Eligible Family Members who will be posted to a designated ESCAPE posts for 30 or more consecutive days are required to obtain a more comprehensive medical clearance than other posts. The Eight-Year Rule is set forth in the Foreign Service Act at 504, 22U.S.C.3984, which states, A member of the Service may not be assigned to duty within the United States for any period of continuous service exceeding eight years unless the Secretary approves an extension of such period for that member because of special circumstances.. Part of your eligibility for the FAIT Fellowship program is your ability to enter the Foreign Service upon completion of the program. A deliberate omission, concealment, or falsification of relevant and material facts from a questionnaire is among the security clearance disqualifiers. If a qualified mental health professional has made a diagnosis and that diagnosis may interfere with judgment, reliability, or stability the clearance status is at risk. Confidential security clearance refers to unauthorized disclosure that could cause damage to national security. A MED Clearances Nurse Consultant assigned to you will follow this process: Review the list of posts submitted by the CDO or agency HR. An employee, contractor or Eligible Family Member (EFM) may start up-dating their medical clearance process up to one year prior to departing for their next overseas assignment or training. You need to provide 10 years worth of history and information for top-secret levels compared to 5 years for confidential and secret status on the Security Clearance Background Investigation Questionnaire. Failure to have all family members medical clearance in order may delay your travel orders.

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foreign service medical clearance disqualifiers