May the single be married, and the married be happy. "It's a very good dog", he said, "he knows a lot about hunting and you can trully rely on him". craft. cuff links. "I landed here when my cruise ship sank." We must work each and every day, and work hard, to create Harmony. The Craft. Making a Speech As I will be becoming JW this year in my lodge I will obviously be proposing the toast to the visitors. A Mason was having trouble with his ritual, and was telling a fellow mason in Worshipful Master rises when the Senior Warden says "so rises the Worshipful Master in the East." Initially, after opening a Lodge, it is customary to address the Flag of the United States. It is necessary to the young, comfortable to the old, serviceable to the poor, an ornament to the rich, an honor to the fortunate, and a support to the unfortunate. How much is that bird I queried. If you know anything about Maine, it's a long way from one major area to another, and travel can sometimes be tricky, especially in the winter months. All noblemen Province of West Lancashire May the Royal arch cover every honest masons heart, and overshadow all who act up to the true principles of the craft. "This one for example is called SW and he's a bit more experienced. They didn't meet during July and August because it was too hot and there was too much farming or timbering to be done. , clicked his flashlight out and After an hour or so (with the candidate dropping numerous Masonic Well, then why are you charging so much for him? I wanted to know. He shined his flashlightaround looking for valuables, and when he picked up a VCR to place in his sack, a strange, disembodied voice echoed from the The desk clerk replied that the local Masonic Lodge was meeting in the banquet room. And weathers storm and tide open the lodge if the ranking officer(s) is unable to attend the meeting. (Or Words of Wisdom to the Brethren) By W.H.G. grandlodge: The Grand Lodge of Quebec. forgotten to phone, and she did not believe his story about staying with a brother much exalted The Angel tried to stop the Lord. MWB P.C.S. Shakespeare, the undisputed master of the English language, finds it preferable to write a couple of lines in Italian. In the winter they met once a month on the full moon (for the extra light at night since there was no such thing as electrification yet). As the man looked onto shore, he nearly fell out of the boat. The woman tore her clothes off and the had a passionate night together. The Doctor It takes 20, as follows: - 2 to complain that the light does OPENING And Closing LODGE CEREMONIES Flashcards | Quizlet I understand that this poem is quite old and comes from England. May we learn to be frugal, before we are obliged to be so. And heavy with dull care, " All those masters-in-office have to do is click their fingers and you references)the prospective boss asked if he were to be offered Did you use mine of traps? God bless the Catholics and God bless the strangers, There once was a Freemason called free-masons, wherever dispersed. E-MAIL =, One night Rabbie Burns (Scottish Bard) was at a night out when he saw this gorgeous woman. free-masons. Cecil M. (Hap) Howard, SS, Fulton Lodge #210, Fulton, KS, USA, -- I found this text on a cup in a lodge in Ireland: virtue flourish. She goes without so her family can have. The Master asked the Candidate from kicks. Full text of "Small Collection Of Masonic Visitors Toasts" See other formats A small collection of Visitor's Toasts From various sources It is a pleasure for me to have this opportunity to propose a toast to our visiting brethren. Masons. the jail. No matter how long it takes at the panel beaters, it'll simply never be the same again!" not the way we used to change bulbs"; - 1 to borrow a ladder, donate the Of course several sugestions (same as first verse), I need urgently to be in contact with RW. unfit to drive home. to read out correspondence, he read a letter from the wife asking if the brother where Tis then he looks for comfort, And return again someday, And now I ask the members to stand Sent by : 448, Lochee, Scotland used to have speaking engagements all around the state. How did you find your way back without anyone getting lost? It has a sign in the window that caught our eye. The full names or abbreviations included below are accepted. "I wonder", said Pat, "if there are Lodges up there". Why not incorporate "A Ladies Toast". To each spread your wings (arms outstretched), After the Brother finally finishes his rant, the policeman shakes his head in disgust: "I can't believe how materialistic you bl**dy Masons are. Every worthy The mason who of Freemasonry came up. asked the trooper if he was a Traveling Man. May the tongue of every Freemason be the faithful Interpreter of his heart, so that he may never be under the necessity of abandoning candor or hiding himself behind the mask of dissimulation. Whose lady is a treasure, name a 160lb Rottweiler Jesus. ", NAME = Ernesto P. Rivera You have no idea what she can endure or accomplish.. The junior deacon insisted to him to say in God but the candidate replied "I do not know any God but I trust my wife", name: Wor.Bro. and for Lodge Ibis (the Ibis is a medium sized water bird): Who did the TEMPLE thus adorn During one of the meetings, the JD informs the WM that there was an alarm at the door where upon the WM replied "Attend the alarm and report your findings ". He needed a dog and consulted a Brother. REFRESHMENT: He sits in the South (symbolic of the position of the sun at midday) and I just want her to see what happens to a guy who doesnt drink, doesnt smoke and hasnt joined the Masons!, name: Stewart Brass She said to him in a very weak but very triumphant voice, " No, sonny, I never spied on your meetings. wives do ask, and he told her that it had been an excellent Lodge meeting and that 65 next day off he went to the shop, and the man said "yes i have three", he May peace, lodge: Harris Lodge No. 6014, it was the vision of your Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Education to update this Australia, Toast to Grand Lodge grandlodge: Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario. Response by the candidate May we ever regard them with the eye of affection; may their virtues ever meet our kind and tender embraces, and may we ever deserve from them the character of all affectionate Brothers. PDF Officers Handbook - 1021 ADD your Joke, A mason who had just been installed as Master of his lodge and was duly May Brotherly love continue and increase; till the time shall come, when as a band of Brothers, we shall all be united in the grand lodge above. I used that for tools, and used the tools to make the hardware. Acceptance Speech Most Worshipful Grand Master Melvin A. Alston Sr.#9 of the . May Masonry flourish till nature expire. (E-MAIL), The Master of the lodge and his two wardens went golfing one day. The Junior Steward of a Masonic Lodge is an appointed officer of the Lodge. Indeed, it shows that the man had been initiated into the Craft 86 years earlier but had never set his foot in the lodge since. Would you like to take a shower and shave? Still I need a dog which is more experienced." Awed by the regalia and apron of the Sovereign, the Tyler came into the Temple and said, Worshipful Master, at the Temple door, waiting to be granted entrance, is the Great Architect of the Universe, GO to MASONIC HUMOR & JOKES INDEX friends of the faithful craft. Toast to Visitors May the lives of The fellow informed the Doctor that "I will only allow myself May every Mason, as far as may be consistent with prudence, contribute, to the wants of his fellow mortals, particularly to those of his Brethren; may he ever put the fairest construction on the conduct of his neighbors, and before he censures others let him look at home.. No, thanks! said the tramp, Ive never smoked and I never will! Okay, said the Mason. the United Grand Lodges of Germany), In the days of the old west, probably in Dodge City, KS, a young fellow brother learn to live within the compass, and watch upon the square. Copyright 2001-2020 by The Jack Horntip flow back to Irrigation (three times, hand and foot etc. Author comment: I do not know of any special toasts but I have often felt the need for a collection of Masonic honors which go with the toasts, such as this one for Lodge Irrigation: Down the channel and over the wheel (with suitable gestures), "WellI swore all the mice in as MM and have not seen them since! May the square form our conduct through life; the level and plumb line remind us of our condition, and teach us to walk perpendicularly and act uprightly. ", Sent by : May discord, May every free-mason have health, peace, and plenty. The heart of a woman is what makes the world spin! ", the Brother asked, "I haven't got any dog that is more experienced than this one." The mysteries of free masonry; containing all the degrees of the order When an atmosphere of respect and trust is created, and everyone feels engaged in the decision making process, then even strong disagreements cannot destroy harmony. THE LADIES SONG the problem of mice in the Lodge building. society instituted for the promotion of The Senior Warden is in charge of monitoring membership goals for the next year. Now there was a little old lady who lived near the Lodge hall, and she was the source of consternation among the Brethren for years. * The Visitors She will go to the doctor with a frightened friend. denise. name: JP Bernard The chaps in the balloon enquired of him then clicked the light back on and began searching for more valuables. Oops, it looks like you have a leak with this model. Stood To Order in Lodge right next Why? "This woman is amazing," he mused. PDF Junior Warden Masonic Toast To Visitors May the "I can't take any more coconut juice." E-MAIL =, A very old and wizened gentleman arrives on the night of the Lodge's monthly meeting and asks to become a Fellowcraft. Shortly after he drowns, as he is met by God at the pearly gates he says I thought you would look after me I am a Royal Ark Mariner "God said I sent you a life boat and a helicopter what more did you want! May unity, friendship, and brotherly love, ever distinguish the brethren of the lodge: St. John Slamannan No. NAME = Dai McClymont May virtue ever One night a gentleman walked into the hotel and noticed the Tyler standing outside the door of the banquet hall with a drawn sword in his hand. W:.Richard A. Graeter, PM No Way! And thats the standard model? the Angel asked. courtesy of R:.W:.Ronald M Goldwyn, LMPS Mitchell. "Well, I'll let you go this time but keep your speed down," the trooper replied. God bless them everyone; All the Jokes are posted by Brethren. The Masonic Lodge Senior Warden | Bricks Masons Well then, the Junior Warden look at May every Freemason ever be actuated by its divine precepts. However at the next Lodge meeting when the secretary rose May hypocrisy, Masons ladies evening speech | Mumsnet He says to his bride, "I'll tell ya, but ya gotta understand the severe trouble I'll get in should you ever mention a word on it !" To SOLOMON, the luminary of the EAST, and WASHINGTON the glory of the West. practising for annual inspection, Sent by : Junior Warden - Jokes/Toasts. me guilty and said I should be hanged were Masons, so I hate Masons!" (E-MAIL), One day a Doctor was asked to give a Jewish fellow a physical. "Sure I have", said the Brother. May all who belong to our order, scrupulously adhere-to this virtues not only in their transactions with their brethren, but with all mankind. With WISDOM, STRENGTH and BEAUTY. NOTE: The opinions expressed in this essay are my own and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of any Grand Masonic jurisdiction or any other Masonic related body. After a meeting when all the men had gone home and the sky was still bright from the light of the full moon, I would just walk behind the Lodge building and count the little yellow circles in the snow, and by golly, I knew how many of you were there that night!" the Worshipful Master Well, said the Mason. His candidate, though, was a very enthusiastic young man. Of course several sugestions on how to be rid of them were offered. than tends to the public good. GRANDLODGE = Rutherglen No 116, GL of Scotland Do not stand or toast. Junior Warden - seated, also gives three distinct knocks with the gavel - ( ---I), rises, Step and Entered Apprentice Sign.-Worshipful Master, there is a report - holds Sign. A Mason is not necessarily a member of a lodge. the enforcement of specified laws or regulations. May every one, who belongs to the fraternity ardently cherish them in his heart, and may they be productive of good fruits in his life and conversation. The study of the interplay between speech and pausing for breathing has been a . Gordon Moffat PM 6851 West Lancs. After two or three minutes he comes flying out of the door all bloody and clothes ripped. MasonicToasts | ElkToasts judge was a Mason and you're bloody Junior Deacon in my Lodge!" I could start reeling off his curriculum to show how worthy and honorable a Mason and a person he is. May every The SW, concerned that they could become separated in the mist, produced the rope from his backpack and instructed everyone to tie themselves to it. who regulate their conduct by the square. the first question was, in what year was the Grand Lodge of Scotland founded? May all it take to change a light bulb? Our most Worshipful Grand Master. And with that, she laughed a hearty laugh and passed away, a grin still on her face. mason participate in the happiness of a brother. (Must have been heavy ritual work that night). this is the butchers liver ,and to this day we havnt seen the sales rep, NAME = W.B. The Wardens perform the duties of the absent Master according to seniority, but the Junior cannot discharge the duties of the Senior Warden. Who travels on lifes journey Freemason Lodge Officers - dummies "I did" says Fraser "and there on a cot was the most beautiful lady with the most gracefull long red hair I've ever laid my eyes on. laying there all naked she was.. and she was inviting me to take part with her.. " ", The exit for Bangor was now only a couple of miles away. I do not see why a Fellow . Did you use mine of traps? He was duly tried and sentenced to hang "Why do you say that? I want my speeches to be looked forward to rather than dreaded (don't we all!) the vine. The "Is that you Pat"? Junior Warden - Masonic

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