I applied for Agent Orange disability, but the VA denied my claim. VA Mantra, Deny, Deny, Deny Until The Veteran Dies. Developed diabetes. . Would be taken on my claim. If your husband died from any of the diseases under agent orange and it is listed as the cause of death on his death certificate, the VA rep can access and reopen his filed claim and you should be eligible for a DIC special pension. Ischemic Heart Disease (including Coronary Artery Disease, stable and unstable angina, myocardial infarction, and sudden cardiac death) Army. The bill was last referred to the Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs in June. There is plenty of evidence but no admission from our government. But somebody reviewed my application almost immediately (a good thing and to be commended) and determined that the request could proceed. The va gives you meds but dont wont to give benefits.Our svo where I live dont even wont to talk to you.I tried to get him to make copies of . The only reason not to add it is the cost. However, VA's adjudication manual (M21-1) does recognize Vietnam-era veterans whose service involved duty on or near the perimeters of military bases in Thailand anytime between February 28, 1961 and May 7, 1975 may have been exposed to Agent Orange and may qualify for VA benefits. Exactly? When I read that the Blue Water Navy was getting this it upset me so if you were off the coast of Vietnam you can get it. Nevermind that he was likely suffering from the metastatic cancer for the previous few years.undiagnosed. My husband died from gastric cancer and according to the appeals board so did many other Viet Nam Vets. Shameful how they treat these vets!! Thank you. He helped me with Agent Orange and Camp Lejuene exposure. Anything new in regards to children of Vietnam Veterans? I hope this article doesnt give people false hope. Is anyone else aware of this. He was in Korea 6 mos after the presumptive tome of exposure to agent Orange. Several bills in Congress purport to take aim at the problem. Yes. Horrible, I was on the DMZ June 1969 for four months. The VA pats itself on the back for adding three presumptives but conveniently ignores the one with a solid link. Im not sure if VA has put me into the exposed group. Removing that burden helps veterans avoid having to file that additional paperwork. I agree with every word you wrote. They do a real good job getting through all the red tape. Lung transplant, Nov 1st, 2014. Tom, you need to file if you were in the exact place where agent orange was employed the perimeter of an air base. I know Im not alone. VA says Prove it. VA will conduct broad outreach efforts to reach impacted Veterans and it encourages them to participate in the rulemaking process. Thats what we do; we get creative, Mineer said. He (McHenry) was a walking encyclopedia of information, Skinner said. It is sad that the govt does this. And as I didnt know then and only got a clue in 1987 well I was screened for agent orange I have been expected to prove that peripheral neuropathy was from my time in that country. Then was told, it was not caused by agent orange by the V A Doctor at Seattle. Respiratory diseases?? Hi, sorry to hear about everyone having issues getting benefits for thier loved ones. March 3 (UPI) -- At a White House meeting on Friday, President Joe Biden thanked German Chancellor Olaf Scholz for Germany's "profound" help in countering Russian aggression in Ukraine. Were you in Vietnam? Some Veterans pay all at once while others pay over a lifetime. 3. After a couple years of testing and hymm hawing, they found a cancerous pocket inside my thyroid. I thought one of the most iconic scenes in the movie Platoon had in the background mamma sans stirring something in cut in half 55 gallon drums and burning it. He had similar circumstances with diagnosis of Stage IV lung cancer in Nov. 2014 and passed May 2015. I was in Vietnam during the year 1970. He was in Vietnam in 69 as well. My husband is 100% disabled due to Agent Orange exposure from Vietnam tour. While they (VA) do provide the medical and scientific data to support whether the condition can be service connected or the presumptive(s) in this case, its CONGRESS that are the ultimate culprits who implement and dictate whats in the CFR and Public Law. I now have Parkinsons, off course VA denied my claim . March 3 (UPI) -- President Joe Biden on Friday recognized retired Army Col. Paris D. Davis with the Medal of Honor for his gallantry during a firefight in the Vietnam War in which he saved his fellow soldiers despite being injured. March 3 (UPI) -- The legal team representing former President Donald Trump has formally requested a six-month delay in the fraud civil case filed against him by New York Attorney General Letitia James. He ONLY got 100% disability compensation from time of diagnosis. Why are we waiting 5 months to this to be awarded? My brother in law, a brother since I was little, proud marine, two tours Vietnam, didnt see his first born until she was six months old, died recently of a heart attack brought on by extreme pain and after suffering for years with a brain deteriorating disease caused by AGENT ORANGE. The VA even treats me for it but how do I get a claim approved? My husband did 2 tours in Vietnam and we were in the process of trying to see if he qualified for disability at but he died before we got to far along. The residue that was on them ? Good luck. They helped us a lot. Jul 11, 2016 THAILAND, AGENT ORANGE; Jul 5, 2016 RANGE-OF-MOTION TESTING REQUIREMENTS; June 2016 Jun 10, 2016 . I have presumed exposure to agent orange. Im currently suffering neurological problems, at first diagnosed as Parkinsons and later as an undiagnosed Parkinson-like syndrome. Also this was 72 till76. Agent Orange is recognized for Parkinsons. I served 13 months north of Uijeongbu, Korea, during the time that they sprayed AO. VAs review supports initiation of rulemaking to address the role that particulate matter pollution plays in generating chronic respiratory conditions, which may include asthma, rhinitis and sinusitis for Veterans who served in the Southwest Asia theater of operations during the Persian Gulf War and/or after September 19, 2001, or in Afghanistan and Uzbekistan during the Persian Gulf War. Get to va office and start squeaking. The one we had before was worthless! All camp sites were heavily sprayed ,where our tents for our barracks and mess hall were placed. im sure he falls in this category relating to his death. Then renal cancer which was not presumptive at the time. Multiple Myeloma He filed a claim but died before the VA completed his claim. If you have questions or information about locations where tactical herbicides were used, tested, or stored, please contact the DoD Armed Forces Pest Management Board by e-mail, fax, or mail: E-mail: osd.pentagon.ousd-atl.mbx.afpmb-tactical-herbicides@mail.milor osd.pentagon.ousd-atl.mbx.afpmb@mail.mil, Address: Armed Forces Pest Management Board U.S. Army Garrison Forest Glen 2460 Linden Lane, Building 172 Silver Spring, MD 20910, Health Care Unfortunately, not all VA reps are equal. Its the birth defects given to the children of the veterans. If you are a Veteran in crisis I wish they would provide some care or help for my brother and I. Weve fought very hard through chemo and our cancer. Make your claim ASAP if you havent already. He deserves something for his suffering and death related to his exposure while in Korea! Los Alamitos and ElToro. While bombs and loud guns firing every were. However, hes also had renal cell carcinoma, benefits reduced, and has now been diagnosed with cold agglutinin/MGUS. Youre absolutely correct. How do I apply again if they are actually maybe taking this seriously? The base I was assigned to refueled C-130s with Agent Orange and it was used to control our foliage. This toxic exposure was preventable. You have to prove it.. The VA has pushed aside those of us that used trichloroethylene as a cleaning solvent in the 60s. I was a platoon leader in Vietnam with the 1st Cavalry Division in 1969 and Ive been able to locate and contact more than 50 men from my unit. Veterans who served in Thailand have long contended they face a higher bar in winning Veterans Administration (VA) disability benefits claims, having to clearly demonstrate they were exposed to. July 2019, President Donald J. Trump issued a directive that those of us who served in the Tonkin Gulf are now considered Blue Water Navy. My belief is that ANYONE with a specific injury like yours, or ANYONE who served at least 6 months in a COMBAT zone should receive 100% compensation and completely eliminate the VA intake center employee jobs to fund those payments. GOONIE BIRDS got better treatment! My husband had several of those illnesses, but VA kept loosing only the real important documentation and then even went as far as wanting daily records. Im glad that those exposed to Agent Orange are FINALLY getting some progress with the VA and federal government. have hearing loss. Last I knew Vietnam was in Southeast NOT Southwest Its easy. Pittsburgh VA developed an intervention to prevent emergence delirium, a temporary condition when a patient awakens from a procedure. The VA will take about three to six months reviewing He passed in April of 2019 due to complications from his surgery. I try to kick it by running and staying healthy but to no avail. Unlike veterans who served in Vietnam and certain areas of Korea, veterans who served in Thailand are not entitled by law to a presumption of exposure to tactical herbicides, the spokeswoman said. I also inquired about a dental cleaning which I have been getting off campus. You may not have standing to file for benefits. We were stationed at McLellan in 69. He was also exposed to Agent Orange. Thailand Military Bases and Agent Orange Exposure VA presumes (assumes) exposure to Agent Orange for Veterans who served on any U.S. or Royal Thai military base in Thailand from January 9, 1962, through June 30, 1976. How old is Robert now, where do you think he lives at. 800-829-4833, Veterans Crisis Line: I have applied twice, failed the breathing test and still been denied benefits, that were promised to me at discharge then taken away by a grateful government. I am compensated for it, though. Contact a VSO officer. A solution by Congress may be the best approach, some attorneys and veterans advocates say. US kept all the Nerve gas and Orange on the Island until 1995. To access the menus on this page please perform the following steps. My husband served three tours in Vietnam and died a horrible death seven years ago of four of the diseases named. They really take care of us. This letter rejecting Skinners claim cited an Aug. 2015 memo from the Air Force Historical Research Agency (AFHRA), a memo that veteran Robert McHenry, a friend to Skinner and others, fought for years. The V.A. File photo by Kevin Dietsch/UPI |, To cut costs, Amazon delays completion of second headquarters, closes retail stores. Appointments. Do I gualify for any Agent Orange compensation ??? Come guys -get serious you know it was all over that island! After that, the Agent Orange benefits coordinator became difficult to reach. It was like a checklist of everywhere I went through Iraq and Afghanistan. What about glioblastoma brain? What about the Vietnam era vets that were state side but worked on the helicopters that were shipped back for repair and back again time after time and were covered on the floorboards with the agent orange residue. I am a Vietnam vet who is diabetic and I have ischemic heart disease, both of which are presumptive for Vietnam. Do I have any recourse in this matter. Hey, they can keep it and put it you know where. Im his daughter I was born in 1964 and I have Parkinsons and dystonia and other nurogical problems, and a brain DBS implant, all because of Dystonia, these diseases do not run in either side of my familys. New Conditions Added to Agent Orange Presumptive List January 15, 2021 Updated: January 30, 2023 Three new conditions were recently added to the list of presumptive conditions for which the Department of Veterans Affairs grants service connection to Vietnam War veterans affected by exposure to the chemical herbicide Agent Orange. Unfortunately we didnt learn anything with the AO exposure. I am asking for help and advisement. They knew in advance the water was contaminated and allowed us to drink it, bathe in it, swim, buffaloes it and even transport it on ships headed out to Mediterranean. They caved and gave me assistance for my heart/circulatory issues, along with a hearing loss (grenade damaged) and tinnitus. It seems that most veterans who submit paperwork will get denied the first time regardless of their condition or supporting evidence. What about the drinking water at Camp Lejeune..v and prostate cancerv, what about soldiers exposed to shlt pits in Afghanistan. I find.your comment of interest as I just had spinal surgery three weeks ago (Lumbar Laminotomy L2-L5). I served in Vietnam 66-67 a grunt with the 1st Infantry Division I have intestrial lung disease/pulmonary fibrosis these are not considered related to agent orange exposure which is toxic so Im not eligible for disability and it should be you have to get lung cancer to get benefits. I am a VSO and I always get comments that the VA is That is partly correct. Given the ventilation systems used, any contamination that became airborne was pumped into the ships. . A spokeswoman for the Air Force said neither the author of the AFHRA memo nor anyone else was available for an interview. I was exposed to agent orange while serving in Korea on the DMZ. I would love to see the number of cases where the applicant has died before their case has been resolved. I think a diagnosis of prostate cancer from agent orange means an automatic 100% disability rating. Every day I was subjected to JP-4, Agent Orange surrounding our perimeter, MOGAS, Diesel and God knows what else. Already at 90% due to Agent Orange related exposure. I am not a diabetic which seems to be one of the main items that is considered for VA benefits. Army and was later diagnosed with Diabetes, hearing loss, Parkinsons and other health conditions and according to one doctor at the VA he was exposed to Agent Orange. Thailand veterans harmed by Agent Orange hope Congress will hear them Caption Local News By Thomas Gnau Nov 1, 2021 Legislation addresses presumption that Thailand vets weren't exposed to. You are eligible. We have suffered as well. Contact DAV they will help you get started and shepherd your claim through. I periodically return to refile so that my family will have something to pester them with after I pass. Young. He was assigned to the 14th Engr Combat Battalion attached to the 1st Cav airmobile division. Claims being denied and many of us are suffering and are dieing! You were boots on ground during the required times. Ive got my fingers crossed. After a complete resection of my esophagus & upper stomach & removal of the Vegas Nerves in my stomach with follow up radiation therapy, I lost over 70 lbs., which I have never been able to regain. Google agent orange diseases and symptoms breakdown. But they dont seem to have to jump through hoops to get help. Trump legal team requests six-month delay in New York civil lawsuit. Many of our Nations Veterans have waited a long time for these benefits, said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Denis McDonough. Agent Orange in Thailand - Hill & Ponton, P.A. I still smell this shit today and my sinusitis claim was not service connected. was wondering what you have to do die to get something done. So good luck to all who are still fighting the fight. Still no answer. My own was agent orange exposure which the VA acknowledges, yet say has nothing to do with my tremors, and they tell ME to prove it does. I am happy for the Vietnam War veterans who are going to receive presumptive rating for their diseases. When I found out about this benefit 2012 I had remarried and was told I could get nothing. Politicians carry responsibility also. The administration has known for years agent orange was killing VN vets. I was told agent orange was used in Guam to clear foliage at the end of the aircraft parking area and runway to make room for fuel bladder systems. VA is establishing a holistic approach to determining toxic exposure presumption going forward. How meany of us will have to die a slow painful death before we can get recognized for needed benefits ? Hit enter to expand a main menu option (Health, Benefits, etc). The VA has gradually expanded coverage for Agent Orange-related illnesses in the decades since. I remember very well. No one ever told me and zi was too busy trying to survive and raise two kids with a bad case of PTSD and other conditions that affected them! The VA is worse than the Post Office. VA says Prove it. If a service person was in Vietnam, or exposed to chemicals the VA shouldnt play God. He also suggested contacting political representatives to get them to work with you. I was at a base camp in South Vietnam when after taking a short shower, ( limited water ) a chopper flew overhead and spraying Agent Orange in the tree lines when I got another shower, Agent Orange! Signed no respect. They did test but couldnt come up with anything. I have had stage four prostate cancer which I have survived. Does anybody know about it ? Maybe Ill still be alive! Mekong Delta. Im not convinced the toxic exposure will ever be gone. Learn more about benefits related to Agent Orange exposure. Four years later, it gets approved and I file my claim on 1 March.. It was our only source. How about those of us that served in Okinawa and were exposed to AO on the boats that were sent from Vietnam for repairs? It's not clear how many veterans would be affected by the change. When was this and what was this? . Paula Im with you, daughter died 18 months neuoblastoma, brother 44 brain cancer, sister breast cancer and ovarian cancer, i have had lung cancer, leiomysarcoma, soft cell sarcoma, pre colon cancer, I recieved the MUTATED TP53 gene, i dont care what any say the agent orange is a direct reflection of so much death and pain in my family. I guess the VA is waiting for me to check out completely. Enlisted USMC, 2nd BN, 26th Marines, 9th MAB (Battalion Landing Team), I-Corp, 1968-69, Combat Field Radio (PRC-25) Radio Operator. 2. I was around that Agent Orange. My husband also served 67-68 with the Army, from DaNang, all the way up to the DMZ at Camp Evans as an Engineer attached to the 1st Cav. My Father Thomas H. Wilson Sr. (Deceased) died on February 14, 1986, after a gruesome battle with Bone, Lung, and, Stomach cancer. Our son was conceived on that base. If one of them matches the first name you have I can keep going. Sadly the VA denies ALL such claims. I also am a cancer survivor. Thailand veterans harmed by Agent Orange hope Congress will hear them He proudly gave 23 years to our country. Hello Jerry Make an appointment. This was the only work I ever did under such conditions and now I pay a very high price, no future. them are Veterans themselves. Christopher Cross. A grateful nationmy ass. Good luck. Good luck and God bless you. This mysterious delay is not helping. Luckily I havent had any problems other than PTSD. After 2 and years of much pain and suffering he died December 21 2020. Both are tumors in the thyroid caused by AO. I was a combat Marine Vietnam 68-69. I feel there should be some consideration into this matter due to the suffering of many veterans. 1. Are they eligible for Agent Orange benefits? Too bad this wont help my father or my family. VA and the Department of Defense (DoD) have partnered together to investigate where and when Agent Orange and other tactical herbicides were present, and to update thelist of locations online as new information becomes available. I have tinnitus and PTSD and it have being not approve my claim., for those. Those of us who served on aircraft carriers operating out of yankee station are denied compensation for agent orange related conditions because we were outside the 12 mile limit. If you have a copy of his DD214 and / or know the unit he was in you have a starting point. I have developed arithmia, high blood pressure, diabetes and asthma. So it certainly seems like Agent Orange was in his system all those years before Parkinsons. I believe the airmen who were stationed in Anderson AFB in Guam were also exposed to Agent Orange. A two-year investigation (2018- 2019) by DoD found no use, storage or transport of Agent Orange or other tactical herbicides in Guam, Okinawa, Panama, or a number of other countries where there had been speculation of use. It took several days to call me back. He passed last year and I am sure his condition was caused by his exposure to Agent Orange or Blue Water exposure. The review board keeps telling me this every time I refile after a new presumptive condition gets named, all five of them as of this writing. Will she possibly be eligible for benefits of the new changes? I have heard that it was used in Korea DMZ area until 1972.I know agent orange was used in Vietnam until 1975, so this makes me think the military would continue use in Korea also. But for future others, recognition of the connection between esophageal cancer and Agent Orange in Viet Nam is. what i find as unfair is my brother was in viet nam also during the same time he is getting paid for agent orange but im still being denied. Just my own opinion, I have all but given up even trying. Everyone that was on the bases would have been in the spray zone for the herbicides, Flodder said. Plus my 37 year old son has a large tumor in his spine! I have been dealing with them since 2004 with no result. Veterans organizations have been fighting for this for years and it took an act of Congress to make it happen because the VA denied or ignored all scientific evidence. Why bother filing again? Welcome to the Ultimate Agent Orange Guide for VA Disability Benefits. USMC, 67-71. Id be better off living overseas in a country with universal healthcare, which we did for four years but were penalized 10% for each year that we lived abroadnearly $800/month forever from Social Secure/Medicareor even just using my Medicare than being forced to rely on approval from the VA for Community Care: far superior to anything the VA has to offer. He stated that they used Agent Orange several times while they were in Korea. Agent Orange Exposure And VA Disability Compensation - Veterans Affairs Form or find a support group to work together in filing claims. Sorry, but I dont have the time or ability to bear the burden of responsibility when it comes to proving this issue. 45 years to get in the VA! The timeframe addition is discrimination within our own ranks and we dont do that. Charles, I too in my later years came down with Parkinson. Hang in there Brother. Harmon said his sense is that once attorneys are involved, claims from veterans who served in Thailand can be settled in as quickly as six months. Meanwhile, according to its website, the VA is currently reviewing its policy on Agent Orange exposure in Thailand, leaving Dan hopeful the door is now open for other veterans. Catch 22! Came home on a Bipap and directions to use an oxygen concentrator and had to have tanks exchanged every month, I believe. VA doctors told my husband to apply for disability for Agent Orange which was supposed to be automatic if you served in certain areas, including Thailand, where it was sprayed around base perimeters, where everyone walked. I lost my husband on February 12 th. Interior Department announces new initiative to restore bison population. Former U.S. serviceman sentenced to 45 years for planning attack on fellow soldiers. You can file online or thru the mail (https://www.va.gov/disability/how-to-file-claim/). Im an Anniston vet. The herbicides were in the very air, he believes. Parkinsons is a presumptive disease which means you only have to prove you have it. Call toll-free at 1 (800) 700-4174 We're Ready to Listen 1975 -77. I have heard nothing since. My dad was poisoned by AO during the war doing decon of planes from Vietnam. So what about those who served from 83 86 that got bladder cancer. That something was diesel fuel and sht. My neurosurgeon has been researching the neuropathy being caused by Agent Orange and he attests that it has only made matters worse with my neuropathy. My regret is that he was not told what could happen and suggest test to be done Secondly we need to know more about the genetic changes. Needle in a haystack. Together, we must take action to save lives. If yours hasnt at least tried to help you file a claim, tell you county board or whoever hired her or him, you want a better representative. Had been notified that i will receive 30% disability for being contaminated with AO and the Rainbow Herbicide agents. Please reapply! I have several of the diseases mentioned due to exposure, The V.A. Hi Ted, I run a project called Operation Triumphus and have helped point some veterans in the right direction regarding this issue. AGENT ORANGE EXPOSURE . Id be contacting your advocate asap and get your claim going! VA is initiating rulemaking to consider adding respiratory conditions, which may include asthma, sinusitis and rhinitis, to the list of chronic disabilities based on an association with military service in Southwest Asia, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan during the covered periods of conflict. For the last 24 years, I have been trying to tell the VA that my Hypothyroidism [Graves Disease] is a result of my two years in daNam: Vung Tau, Lai Khe, TDYs to parts unknown, and lastly Saigon. Good luck! She could very well be eligible for benefits. Contact your local VSO and they will help you file a claim to reopen your case using the recent addition of these conditions to the presumptive list as New and Relevant evidence. Never heard. right people at veterans affairs for you. Squeaky wheel gets the grease Attention A T users. Sen. Sherrod Brown supports theThailand Veterans Toxic Exposure Act, a version of which was included in the Senate Veterans Affairs Committees toxic exposure bill reported out of committee in May. Before that I was in 2\12th in the infantry and walked through areas where AO was used. Parkinsons Disease, Diabetes and Ischemic Coronary Heart Disease are presumptive conditions of Agent Orange exposure. He was a body builder & very health conscious! Fumes over came and some had to be taken out in to fresh air. Good luck and God bless you all. Tsgt Myers. I know a Roberto Bustamante in Tampa Fl. WELL I HAVE HEAT PROBLEM TYPE 2 DIABETES ENLARGED PROSTATE AND SUFFER FROM PAINAT DIFFERENT TIMES AS WELL AS HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE. What do I do now? I hope this isnt a Hurry up and wait. A VSO will get you What about those of us Vietnam era vets that served on stateside bases such as Ft Gordon ga? I also drank a lot of water and ate healthy foods. McDonough (Agent Orange exposure in Thailand) This case involved a US Army veteran (1967 to 1971) who was seeking service connection for hypertension, congestive heart failure, Type II diabetes, stroke, and atrial fibrillation due to agent orange exposure in Thailand during the Vietnam war. Now along with other problems related to losing the prostate, I will be worrying about my bladder. My husband served in Viet Nam and has several disabilities related to agent orange. Dropping in the iodine tablets. Marshall retold the story of his years during the Vietnam War where . So highly unlikely wed both have it. I was stationed in Korat Thailand 72-73 and lived outside the west gate which is in the red zone ( cleared by AO ). When I put in a claim for the Agent Orange ( had a daughter that nearly died from a heart condition and a son 3 years later died of heart complications) were totally denied! USMC 67-71. Longshot, but were you there in 68 as well. Didnt speak to anyone for a solid year unless I had to and finally got out USMC? Catherine, you and other children of vets have to keep filing with related conditions in order for the VA to show a heredity correlation to the disease to base the approval. You wrote an exact copy of what happened to me!! I am now having all kinds of health/medical problems. In 2009 I had colon cancer surgery. We applied for benefits for ptsd also. When I returned to the states in April 72 I went to the VA in Pittsburgh, pa hoping to get some counseling for stress. Ten have them Submit another claim for you. Lets be real, this was 60 years ago, Trone said. This check was blood tests and 20 minutes with the Doctor who was more interested in possible PSTD than anything. Every claim submission needs to provide three things: a current medical diagnosis; evidence of an event/injury/medical condition in the Vets service medical records; and a nexus from a doctor linking the former to the latter. These vets didnt decide to go to war with Vietnam they didnt decide anything except to answer the call of duty to their country. It would most likely be cheaper and distinctly faster to approve every damned request for benefits. https://www.nacvso.org/find_service_officers/category-865ca542-2c72-4d1a-adac-56061f573562.aspx.

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thailand agent orange 2021