The previous state is completely lostthe new state is not added to or combined with the current state, instead it replaces it in its entirety. For more details you might want to see my "Arrays vs Generic Objects" article (part of the help file for my "Universal Inventory System" for Twine/SugarCube, or "UInv" for short). You'll likely use story variables most often throughout your projectthough, temporary variables are perfect candidates for things like loop variables, if you're using the <> macro. Player settings object, set up by the author/developer. Making a new story To make a new story, press the button labelled + Story. Performs any required processing before the save data is loadede.g., upgrading out-of-date save data. See Config API for more information. Note: Returns the given string with all regular expression metacharacters escaped. You can use custom style markup or HTML to create the elements, and then target them with a query selector. Returns whether fullscreen is both supported and enabled. A right angle bracket (>) that begins a line defines the blockquote markup. The Config API serves the same basic purpose. most recent commit 3 months ago. Does not modify the original. Creates a single-use link that deactivates itself and prepends its contents to its link text when clicked. The config API has been renamed Config for better consistency with the other APIs. Track descriptor objects come in two forms and should have some of the noted properties: Deletes the playlist with the given list ID. Does not modify the original. The JSON.reviveWrapper() method for additional information on implementing the .toJSON() method. Registers the passage as <> macro definitions, which are loaded during startup. Sets the starting passage, the very first passage that will be displayed. Wikifies the given content source(s) and appends the result to the target element(s). You can set the autosave to save either on every passage or only on certain passages. You may, however, simply use the Test Play From Here context menu item on the Start passage to achieve the same result. Opens the built-in alert dialog, displaying the given message to the player. Valid values are boolean true, which simply causes the passages' titles to be used, an object, which maps passages' titles to their descriptions, or a function, which should return the passages' description. Returns whether the given slot is filled. Sets the maximum number of states (moments) to which the history is allowed to grow. Harlowe's arrays, datamaps, and datasets are functionally similar to JavaScript Arrays, Maps, and Sets, but with a few key differences. If you want to undo previous moments within the history, rather than return to a passage, see the <> macro. See Setting API for more information. Navigating back to a previous passage, for whatever reason, can be problematic. sugarcube-2: macros: customMacroName: container: true anotherOne: {} If using *.twee-config . The document element. Help with arrays in sugarcube 2 - Twine Forum SugarCube includes polyfills for virtually all JavaScript (ECMAScript) 5 & 6 native object methodsvia the es5-shim and es6-shim polyfill libraries (shims only, no shams)so they may be safely used even if your project will be played in ancient browsers that do not natively support them. Returns the AudioList instance with the given list ID, or null on failure. This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. Returns a pseudo-random decimal number (floating-point) in the range 0 (inclusive) up to, but not including, 1 (exclusive). Sets the story's title. This method will not return "code" passagesi.e., script, stylesheet, and widget passages. Twine 2: User Input in SugarCube Twine 2: Using Images in SugarCube Twine 2: Using Functions as Macros in Snowman Twine 2: Creating a Dungeon Crawler Part 1 Twine 2: Creating a Dungeon Crawler Part 2 Twine 2: Creating a Dating Sim Twine 2: Re-creating Candy Box Twine 2: Inventory Systems Twine 2: Murder Hill House Mystery Part 1 Shorthand for jQuery's .one() method applied to each of the audio elements. Returns the playlist's total playtime in seconds, Infinity if it contains any streams, or NaN if no metadata exists. This method will not detect "code" passagesi.e., script, stylesheet, and widget passages. Strings in TwineScript/JavaScript are Unicode, however, due to historic reasons they are comprised of, and indexed by, individual UTF-16 code units rather than code points. Returns an array of the story metadata store's keys. See Macro API for more information. Returns whether the passage with the given title occurred within the story history. Attaches event handlers to the track. . Note: Renders and displays the passage referenced by the given title, optionally without adding a new moment to the history. Tip: Create a new passage, which will only be used as a media passageone per media source. Deprecated: Warning: Does not modify the original. Or, if you use the start passage as real part of your story and allow the player to reenter it, rather than just as the initial landing/cover page, then you may wish to only disallow saving on the start passage the very first time it's displayedi.e., at story startup. How to use Twine and SugarCube to create interactive adventure games Twee Code "Arrays": SugarCube (v2.18) Summary Arrays are a collection of values. This is a reference for localizing SugarCube's default UI text, in general, and its l10nStrings object specifically. Instead, use Navigation Events or Tasks. If you click the link that sets the variable to 2, and then save the story, the $var variable will still be saved as 1, because a new moment has not yet been created. You will, very likely, never need to use State.current directly within your code. They are defined via the Template API. Prepends one or more unique members to the beginning of the base array and returns its new length. Variables - Twine Cookbook Copy the following URL and paste it into the Add a New Format tab of the Formats menu, from Twine2's sidebar. Periods of ellipsis () signify data that is generated at compile time. Selects the element that contains passage elements. Gets or sets the mute-on-hidden state for the master volume (default: false). To resolve these instances, you will need to quote the name of the variablei.e., instead of passing $pie as normal, you'd pass "$pie". The pill container contains pills for each day of the week. . For example: Deprecated: older versions of Twine2 used a icon for the same purpose. The nobr special tag and Config.passages.nobr setting applies the same processing to an entire passage or all passages, respectively. To simply add a delay to the dismissal of the loading screen to hide initial flashes of unstyled content (FOUC)e.g., style changes and page reflowsyou do not need to use this API. Returns the string with its first Unicode code point converted to upper case. All created passage elements will be children of this element. Tip: Does not modify the original. Property attributes, including getters/setters, and symbol properties. StoryInit is run, as always. Make sure to keep the files together if you move them out of the included directory. You can have it hold numbers, text, and even other arrays! Intended to be mnemonically better for uses where the expression is arbitrary code, rather than variables to seti.e., <> to run code, <> to set variables. Returns a reference to the UIBar object for chaining. Returns whether any moments with the given title exist within the past in-play history (past only). Deprecated: Returns a random value from its given arguments. Returns a new array filled with all Passage objects that pass the test implemented by the given predicate function or an empty array, if no objects pass. Note: See: See the MDN article Media formats for HTML audio and video for more information on formats commonly supported in browserspay special attention to the Browser compatibility section. Determines whether the autosave is created/updated when passages are displayed. Determines whether outgoing passage transitions are enabled. Does not modify the original. If you need them, then you'll need to keep them out of story variables. postrender tasks have been deprecated and should no longer be used. Javascript Array Projects (9,651) Javascript Map Projects (9,459) Javascript Python Projects (8,927) . You will, in all likelihood, use expressions most often within macrose.g., <>, <>, <>, <>. Zorkish Sugarcube 6. Doing so allows interactions with the text to also trigger its <>. This setting has been deprecated and should no longer be used. sugarcube is not defined - In the Add a New Format tab, paste in the file path to format.js and click the green Add button. See the Dialog API docs for more information. As it is highly unlikely that either an array of passage names or default text will be needed in the vast majority of cases, only a few basic examples will be given. The story history contains moments (states) created during play. If the full path to the contents of the archive is something like: Then the file URL to it would be (note the changed slashes): The online SugarCube install, delivered by the jsDelivr CDN, supports only versions of Twine2 2.1. private browsing modes do interfere with this. Returns whether, at least, some of the track's data has been loaded. The setting (default: true) determines whether the audio subsystem automatically pauses tracks that have been faded to 0 volume (silent). Outputs a string representation of the result of the given expression. Due to how the Twine2 automatic passage creation feature currently works, using the link markup form will cause a passage named $return to be created that will need to be deleted. Returns whether the seedable PRNG has been enabled. Note: Returns the array of track IDs with the given group ID, or null on failure. Returns a new array consisting of all of the tags of the given passages. Displays the loading screen until all currently registered audio has either loaded to a playable state or aborted loading due to errors. The autosave is, for the most part, a normal save slot, but with a few special features built in. Functions, including statici.e., non-instancemethods, due to a few issues. Returns a reference to the current AudioTrack instance for chaining. Controls the playback of the playlist, which must be set up via <>the deprecated <> may be used instead, though it is not recommended. Deprecated: Returns the first Unicode code point within the string. Macro handlers are called with no arguments, but with their this set to a macro (execution) context object. If no cases match and an optional <> case exists, which must be the final case, then its contents will be executed. To affect multiple tracks and/or groups at once, see the method. Note: It will not work unless the output of the function is assigned or used in some way. Note: The pull count is automatically included within saves and sessions, so this is not especially useful outside of debugging purposes. Does not modify the original. Due to a flaw in the current release of Twine1/Twee (v1.4.2), if you rename the directory included in the archive (or simply copy its contents to your current SugarCube v2 install), then you must ensure that the file with the extension .py (the story format's custom Twine1 Header class file) within is named the same as the directoryi.e., the name of the directory and .py file must match. Note: When SugarCube is reloaded by the browser, it checks if a playthrough session exists and loads it to prevent any inadvertent loss of progress. Roughly equivalent to the :passagedisplay event. In this case, once we assign $wumpus a room, we can delete that room from our $roomlist. Returns whether the history navigation was successful (should only fail if the index is not within the bounds of the full history). This means, however, that extra care must be taken when writing them to ensure that unwanted whitespace is not created within the final output. If its return value is falsy, the save is disallowed. To prevent conflicts, it is strongly suggested that you specify a custom user namespacee.g., .myEventswhen attaching your own handlers. Determines whether the audio subsystem attempts to preload track metadatameaning information about the track (e.g., duration), not its audio frames. Thus, all volume adjustments are ignored by the device, though muting should work normally. An alternative to navigating to passages to create menus, inventories, and the like would be to use the Dialog API. Warning: The DOM ID of the passage, created from the slugified passage title. For example: Captures story $variables and temporary _variables, creating localized versions of their values within the macro body. Returns the number of times that members within the array pass the test implemented by the given predicate function. Starts playback of the playlist and fades the currently playing track from the specified volume level to 0 (silent) over the specified number of seconds. See Also: Sets the specified key and value within the story metadata store, which causes them to persist over story and browser restarts. Saving the story records the story's state up until the last moment that was created. The config object has been renamed to Config and some of its properties have also changed. Note: Hides the loading screen, if no other locks exist. In SugarCube, discreet arguments passed to a macro are separated by spaces instead of commas. The core audio subsystem and backend for the audio macros. Triggered after the displayi.e., outputof the incoming passage. depending on the age of your browser, you may also see a list of all current variables when interacting with the Add field. Returns a reference to the current AudioTrack instance for chaining. This does not reclaim the space reserved for the UI bar. SugarCube - The value(s) within each case are compared to the result of the expression given to the parent <>. Note: In the above example, if you save the story after reaching the passage called another passage, the $var variable will be saved in the state as 1, as you would expect. Note: See Setting API for more information. When used to set the volume, returns a reference to the current AudioTrack instance for chaining. Happens at the end of passage navigation. Note: SugarCube preserves the state of the story as it's being played in a number of ways to both prevent the loss of progress and allow players to save stories. This setting exists to prevent a misconfigured loop from making the browser unresponsive. Registers the passage as an image passage. Config.saves.autosave setting, Config.saves.autoload setting, and Save API: Autosave. The line continuation markup performs a similar function, though in a slightly different way. To update the value associated with a key, simply set it again. As a consequence, you cannot use them directly within a passage to modify elements within said passage, since the elements they are targeting are still rendering, thus not yet on the page. Stops playback of the selected tracks and forces them to drop any existing data. Note: Creates a single-use link that deactivates itself and appends its contents to its link text when clicked. Returns a reference to the current temporary variables store (equivalent to: State.temporary). A range definition object should have some of the following properties: Note: Renders and displays the active (present) moment's associated passage without adding a new moment to the history. To enable test mode while starting at a specific passage, right-click on a passage and select the Test Play From Here context menu item. Audio, image, video, and VTT passages are supported. See the Setting API docs for more information. Returns the number of existing templates. See Also: For example, the following is the data URI of a Base64-encoded PNG image of a red dot (): Generally, it's expected that you will use a compiler that supports the automatic creation of media passages, however, they may be created manually. classesare instantiable objects whose own prototype is not Objecte.g., Array is a native non-generic object type. Once unloaded, playback cannot occur until the track's data is loaded again. Note: Creates a list of single-use passage links. Used within <> macros. Deprecated: Note: Loop variables are perfect candidates for the use of temporary variablese.g.. To ensure that line-breaks end up where you want them, or not, extra care may be required. An array of discrete arguments parsed from the argument string. Twine2: Not special. Note: Registers the passage as an audio passage. Does not modify the original. See the <> section of the Twine1 reference documentation for more information. Warning: Controls the playback of audio tracks, which must be set up via <>. Returns the number of times that the passage with the given title occurred within the story history. Shorthand for jQuery's .off() method applied to the audio element. See the Engine API docs for more information. Returns whether playback of the track has ended. This macro should be invoked once following any invocations of <> and <>, if any <> definitions used the copy keyword, for which you want the loading screen displayed. Deprecated: followed by the template namee.g., ?yoloand are set up as functions-that-return-strings, strings, or arrays of eitherfrom which a random member is selected whenever the template is processed. Be very careful with these if your audio sources are on the network, as you are forcing players to begin downloading them. > Title says it all. Returns a reference to the current AudioRunner instance for chaining. Caches an audio track for use by the other audio macros. Returns a reference to the Dialog object for chaining. It is further strongly suggested that you provide that same custom user namespace when removing them. Many of the commonly used native non-generic object types are already fully compatible with and supported for use within story variablese.g., Array, Date, Map, and Set. Macro API. Passage names have passage- prepended to their converted forms and are converted both into IDs and classes depending on how the passage is usedan ID for the active passage, classes for included (via <>) passages. Returns the last Unicode code point within the string. Creates a listbox, used to modify the value of the variable with the given name. If your content contains any SugarCube markup, you'll need to use the method instead. Audio lists (playlists) are useful for playing tracks in a sequencei.e., one after another. Using <> to automatically forward players from one passage to another with no input from them will both create junk moments within the story history and make it extremely difficult for players to navigate the history. Load and integrate external JavaScript scripts. Equivalent to including the nobr special tag on every passage. To actually affect multiple tracks and/or groups, see the method. Data stored there won't take up space in the game history, but will be accessible both from Twine and . Note: The debug bar (bottom right corner of the page) allows you to: watch the values of story and temporary variables, toggle the debug views, and jump to any moment/turn within the history. Track event triggered when playback is stopped after .stop() or .stop() is calledeither manually or as part of another process. Used to populate the story's banner area in the UI bar (element ID: story-banner). Note: If your content consists of DOM nodes, you'll need to use the Dialog.append() method instead. Starts playback of the selected tracks and fades them from the specified volume level to 0 (silent) over the specified number of seconds. Twine1/Twee: Required. Once a track has been unloaded, playback cannot occur until it is reloaded. To do so, click on the name of your story in its main "story map" view.

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